Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 301: Lin Yuan is rescued, the mysterious king!

Chapter 301 Lin Yuan is rescued, the mysterious king!

A heartbreaking pain suddenly spread from Lin Yuan's chest.

 However, the opponent's offensive did not stop there.

The king of heaven who can control gravity, like a ghost, ducked behind him and punched Lin Yuan on the spine, almost breaking the latter's spine!

Since Lin Yuan started practicing martial arts, this was the first time he suffered such a tragic trauma.

“I can increase the gravity you bear, and naturally I can reduce the gravity I bear. In this gravity vortex, in terms of speed... you cannot compare to me.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the skeleton mask punched out again!

However, this time Lin Yuan directly summoned an abyssal beast porcupine, standing between him and the opponent!

Since Lin Yuan responded too decisively, the punch of the skeleton mask hit the body of the abyssal beast porcupine!


How can a mere eighth-level abyssal beast withstand the full blow of a ninth-level heavenly king?

Under this punch, the Abyss Beast Porcupine didn't even have time to make a whine, and exploded into a ball of blood mist in the air!

"Using the Abyssal Beast as a human shield? I want to see how many Abyssal Beasts you have that can block it for you!"

The skeleton mask showed a fierce look on its face, and he casually threw away the corpse of the abyssal beast in front of him, and once again killed Lin Yuan!

At the same time, the white wolf also roared and rushed towards Lin Yuan from the other direction!

 Suddenly, Lin Yuan was already trapped in a killing situation where two kings were joining forces to kill him!

At this moment, Li Tianchou was held back by the Yaksha Girl. After the three heavenly kings appeared, Bai Gu and Yi Lei launched a counterattack without hesitation, entangling Nan Yunjing and Li Tian. Worry, the two of them are not allowed to come back for help.

 Under the attack of the two heavenly kings, Lin Yuan was like a small boat in the tsunami, which might be capsized at any time!

Furthermore, the offensive of these two people was so fierce and violent that they did not give Lin Yuan the chance and time to hide in the secret realm of the abyss!

 Just delay it for a while... just delay it for a while!

Lin Yuan was covered in blood and gritted his teeth.

With his strength, it is naturally impossible to defeat the two kings of White Wolf and Skeleton Mask.

However, as long as I delay for a while, I can summon the Final Hydra!

In the previous battle, Lin Yuan summoned the Final Hydra to fight against the Bone King.

After that, he was pulled into the shadow realm by the shadow, and finally the Hydra was left on the shore of Weiyang Lake.

 Due to the distance between the two sides, Lin Yuan was unable to summon the Final Hydra immediately and could only delay as much time as possible.

 But as long as Lin Yuan can delay Hydra to join the battlefield, the situation of the battle will change instantly!

 At the very least, Lin Yuan would not die in the hands of these two people so quickly!

 “I want to see how long you can hold on!”

The white wolf laughed ferociously, and struck out with another lightning-like claw, tearing three **** marks on Lin Yuan's shoulder again!

  The latter grunted, immediately chose to retreat, and once again distanced himself from the other party.

Lin Yuan didn't know how long he could hold on. Under the opponent's storm-like offensive, the only thing he could do was to try his best to resist.

Perhaps due to excessive blood loss, Lin Yuan's vision began to gradually become blurred, and even his consciousness began to fall into chaos.

 “Boy, it’s time to end!”

The cold voice of the white wolf penetrated Lin Yuan's ears harshly.

The next moment, countless weird blood-colored lines appeared out of thin air on the white wolf's fur, and its size began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At this moment, the white wolf seems to have transformed into an ancient ferocious beast. The beast's body contains majestic and terrifying power!

 “Desolate Wolf Claws!”

The white wolf raised his head and let out a high-pitched roar!

The next second, his bloodthirsty and ferocious eyes were locked on Lin Yuan, and his wolf claws suddenly shot out!

The red shadow of the wolf claws seemed to have been soaked in blood, exuding an extremely terrifying evil spirit!

 Obviously, Bai Lang was preparing to use this move to kill Lin Yuan!

However, at this moment, a golden glow like the morning sun slowly swayed down, enveloping the red Desolate Sky Wolf Claws. Then, before Bai Lang and Lin Yuan could react to what happened, a golden square seal suddenly floated down from the golden glow. It looked as light as a feather, but it contained great power!

Under the violent suppression of the golden seal, the phantom of the wolf's claws suddenly shattered, and even the white wolf suffered a corresponding backlash, and his face turned slightly pale.


White Wolf calmed down his blood, raised his head, and asked sternly.

At this moment, an indifferent yet majestic voice slowly came out from between the clouds: "This time... you, the Dark Parliament, have crossed the line."

 “What you did went too far.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden seal that previously suppressed the phantom of the wolf claws rose again, turning into thousands of golden holy swords in the air!


 The voice in the clouds sounded indifferently again.

 The next moment, these thousands of golden holy swords pierced towards the white wolf at an indescribable speed!

 “White wolf, be careful!”

 “Gravity field, turn on!”

 Skeleton Mask was the first to react, and immediately chose to activate the power, forming a special gravity field in front of the white wolf, hoping to block the offensive of the Golden Holy Sword!

However, what he didn't expect was that in front of these golden holy swords, his gravity field had no effect at all!

 The latter is like a swimming fish, shuttling through his gravity field without any stagnation!

 “Chi chi chi chi chi—”

With a series of soft sounds, these thousands of golden holy swords instantly sank into the white wolf's body, splashing a series of blood splashes!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan's pupils suddenly tightened.

Although he didn't know who the person who took action was, there was no doubt that this person was very powerful!

 After being penetrated by thousands of holy swords, the aura of the white wolf instantly declined.

However, at this moment, strange black mist surged out of the white wolf's body, began to repair his injuries, and took the last breath for him to save him from death? "

Following a surprised voice, the figure hidden in the clouds finally appeared in front of everyone. It was a heroic man eight feet tall.

He looked at the black mist pouring out from around the white wolf, his brows furrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

“Then let me personally send you on your way.”

The heroic man spoke calmly, then stretched out his hand and pointed his fingers gently in the direction of the white wolf. A brilliant golden light suddenly appeared, like a sharp blade, pointing in the direction of the white wolf. Go through!

 The golden light, with the force of thunder, instantly pierced the white wolf's eyebrows, passed through the back of his head, and ended the latter's life in just a moment!

After the death, the white wolf's broken body fell downwards like a dead leaf.

 Then, he turned his head again and his eyes fell indifferently on the face of the other king: "'s your turn."

 “It’’s you!”

Under the gaze of this man, the ghosts of the skeleton mask emerged. He seemed to recognize the man behind him, and even his voice began to tremble involuntarily.

What Lin Yuan never expected was that after saying these words, this king who could control gravity would directly choose to turn around and run away!

This was the first time that Lin Yuan saw a powerful person in the Heavenly King Realm fleeing in such a hasty manner, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

 (End of this chapter)

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