Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 302: The patron saint of China, Lin Longshou!

Chapter 302 The patron saint of China, Lin Longshou!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frown.

What is the origin of this heroic man in front of you? How could he actually make a Heavenly King warrior flee in panic?

Furthermore, Lin Yuan suddenly discovered that the face of the heroic man in front of him was a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Although the king wearing a skeleton mask immediately chose to escape, the heroic man had no intention of letting him go.

The latter walked forward as if taking a leisurely stroll. However, with every step he took, his figure would move hundreds of meters forward. His steps seemed to contain laws that were far away.

 “It’s time to hit the road.”

In just a few steps, he came behind the opponent like a ghost, and a dazzling golden sword condensed out of thin air in his hand. With a single wave, he cut off the opponent's head.

 From beginning to end, the other party did not put up any resistance.

 It was as if...from the moment this man appeared in front of him, his courage to resist had been completely taken away.

 Two kings of the Dark Council died one after another.

 The whole process takes no more than half a minute.

After solving the immediate trouble, the man strolled up to Lin Yuan, smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You did a good job."

Although Lin Yuan still didn't know the origin of the man in front of him, but after all, it was the other man who saved his life.

So, Lin Yuan bowed slightly and said with great sincerity: "Thank you, senior, for saving my life."

However, the latter just waved his hand and said calmly: "No need to thank me. If I hadn't come a little later, you wouldn't be in such a predicament."

After the other party responded to his thanks, Lin Yuan pursed his lips and finally asked: "For some reason, senior gave me a feeling of déjà vu. Could it be that senior and I have met before?"

The other party was slightly stunned, then he denied with a smile: "I usually live in seclusion, so I probably haven't had the chance to meet my little friend. I think you must have felt wrong."

At this moment, Wang Zhanlin and Nan Yunjing also rushed over from a distance.

Wang Zhanlin obviously heard the content of the conversation between the two, laughed and said: "Lin Yuan, there is no need to doubt yourself, you are not wrong, you have indeed seen him before, but... it should be in Yanjing In the hall of the military department."

 After hearing what Wang Zhanlin said, Lin Yuan was slightly stunned.

The hall of the Yanjing Military Department?

Have you seen anyone in the military hall?

However, Lin Yuan reacted in the next second and suddenly widened his eyes: "Could it be that..."

Wang Zhanlin smiled and nodded: "Don't doubt it, it's just what you think."

Lin Yuan did not see anyone in the hall of the Yanjing Military Department, but...he remembered that in the center of the hall, there was a statue!

At Wang Zhanlin's reminder, Lin Yuan carefully recalled the face of the humanoid statue, and sure enough, it perfectly overlapped with the face of the heroic man in front of him!

This is no wonder why Lin Yuan felt a sense of déjà vu the first time he saw the other person.

The person who is qualified to erect a statue in the center of the Military Hall is undoubtedly a person who has made outstanding contributions to China!

If Lin Yuan remembered correctly, the sculpture in the center of the hall was erected for "Lin Longshou"!

If I could describe Lin Longshou in one sentence, it would be a living legend.

 He has many titles on his body.

The king of the country, the number one man in China, the God of War in China, the patron saint of China, and the strongest in the military department!

The reason why Lin Longshou’s reputation is so prominent is naturally not achieved out of thin air.

Ten years ago, the secret treasure of Kunlun Mountain was born. In order to compete for the secret treasure, all the powers from various countries sent their top experts.

Although China is the most powerful martial arts power in the world today, with all forces eyeing it, the Chinese Military Ministry finally made concessions and allowed strong men from various countries to enter the Kunlun Mountains.

But allowing the foreign king to enter does not mean that the Chinese Military Department will give up the fight for the secret treasure.

On the contrary, the minister of the Ministry of Armed Forces at that time issued death orders to all warriors participating in the war.

 No matter what, we must seize the Kunlun Secret Treasure!

 The vastness of China will not yield an inch, and every inch of land must be fought for!

Since Kunlun Mountain is China’s home field, China’s warriors are naturally targeted by various forces.

 Before the secret treasure was released, the Chinese warriors suffered an extremely serious blow, with particularly heavy casualties.

At that time, just when everyone was disheartened and determined that the Kunlun secret treasure would eventually fall into the hands of foreign countries, Lin Longshou took action. Without the knowledge of the military department, he broke into the top of Kunlun Mountain alone and fought **** battles for the secret treasure!

On that day, the sky over Kunlun Mountain seemed to be dyed blood red, and even the top of the mountain was cut off in half!

 It was also on that day that at least a dozen foreign kings died in the hands of Lin Longshou!

 According to rumors, after Lin Longshou got the secret treasure in his hands, no one dared to come forward to fight with him!

 Because these foreign sages have been feared to be killed by Lin Longshou.

 That’s right, they were killed by Lin Longshou alone, and they were so frightened and terrified!

Lin Longshou held the secret treasure and was covered in blood, like a demon **** returning from hell.

Then, he looked around at everyone and said calmly: "The secret treasure is here with me. If you want it, you can come up and get it, but the prerequisite is...kill me."

“I, Lin Longshou, am just a martial artist. I only know two things, one is fighting and the other is killing.”

"However, although I am a warrior, I am also a warrior of China, so I stand up today and fight for the country."

"Since this secret treasure came from the Kunlun Mountains, it should belong to us in China. I will kill anyone who wants to steal it."

Although Lin Longshou's tone was calm, it contained an unquestionable majesty.

That day, no one dared to come forward to fight with him.

After hearing the news, the Chinese Military Department immediately took people to the top of Kunlun Mountain, took over the secret treasure from Lin Longshou, and used the opportunity to drive away all the foreign kings.

Although this matter has come to an end, Lin Longshou's figure like an invincible war **** has become the shadow of countless foreign kings.

There are many other deeds and achievements of Lin Longshou, and this is just one of the things that Lin Yuan knows about.

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that it was Lin Longshou, the patron saint of China, who took action today and saved his life!

It's no wonder why Bai Lang showed such a horrified expression after learning Lin Longshou's identity.

Even at the ninth-level Heavenly King realm, Lin Longshou can definitely be regarded as the strongest among the Heavenly Kings.

Facing a strong man of this level, it is no wonder that the opponent will completely lose the will to fight.

After clarifying the identity of the other party, Lin Yuan immediately bowed and saluted: "Junior Lin Yuan, I have met senior Lin Longshou."

Whether it is the other party's qualifications, status, or his own strength, he is worthy of Lin Yuan's gift.

However, facing Lin Yuan who was saluting, Lin Longshou showed a bit of embarrassment and quickly said: "I'm just a martial artist, and I'm just a few years older than you. There's no need to call me " Senior, we just need to be equals."

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned, but before he could react, Nan Yunjing on the side smiled and said: "Lin Yuan, don't worry, Long Shou has always had such a temper. Although this boy is extremely powerful, he is not How to be good at communicating with others.”

“To put it simply, it means that the emotional intelligence is too low, not good at interpersonal communication, and a piece of dead wood.”

 Judging from Nan Yunjing's tone, he and Lin Longshou should have known each other for a long time and were extremely familiar with each other.

Lin Longshou nodded slightly and said sincerely: "Senior Nan has taught you a lesson."

Even with Nan Yunjing's cultivation, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "I'm just kidding you. I don't bother to teach you a lesson. I said you are a dead piece of wood. I really didn't say anything at all. wrong."

Lin Longshou nodded again with a sincere face: "Senior Nan is right."


Nanyun Jing was completely speechless this time.

 It’s really hard to communicate with this guy!

 Compared with that, Lin Yuan is cuter!

Wang Zhanlin on the side also joked happily: "Come to think of it, one is Lin Yuan and the other is Lin Longshou. Judging from the surnames, you two are probably from the same family."

This time, Lin Longshou didn't make the scenery too bad. Instead, he smiled lightly and said, "It is indeed quite fate."

 (End of this chapter)

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