Chapter 305z

Wang Zhanlin's tone was sonorous and powerful, and the determination contained in it was self-evident. Even Lin Yuan was slightly moved.

It seems that the Dark Parliament has indeed become a cancer-like existence in their eyes, and they must be eradicated no matter what.

 Then, Wang Zhanlin spoke again: "I came to you not for anything else, but to ask you if you are interested in this matter."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Are you referring to...the crusade against the Dark Parliament?"

"What if that's not the case?" Wang Zhanlin said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, you must be a vengeful boy, right? When the Dark Council wanted to kill you so much, did it really just go away? "

 “It’s passed?”

Lin Yuan chuckled: "I was almost killed by them, how could this be considered a thing of the past? When did you ever see me being tolerant to my enemies? This account should be settled as it should be."

 At this moment, an option appeared in front of Lin Yuan again!

  【Option 1: Reject Wang Zhanlin's invitation, protect yourself wisely, and refuse to participate in this operation. Reward: 50,000 qi and blood points, 50,000 spiritual power, and the Heaven-Eating Sun-Eating Technique. 】

  【Option 2: Accept Wang Zhanlin's invitation and participate in the conquest of the Dark Parliament. Reward: 50,000 points of Qi and blood, 50,000 points of spiritual power, Star Strengthening Technique. 】

  【Option 3: Reject Wang Zhanlin's invitation on the grounds that this operation is too dangerous, and persuade him to withdraw from this operation. Reward: 77777 Qi and blood points, 34444 hp of mental power, Nine Days Return to One Technique. 】

  【Note: This mission is extremely risky, so the host is advised to choose carefully. 】

Looking at the selection panel in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frown.

It seems that this action is far from as simple as he imagined.

 Although according to Wang Zhanlin, the human parliament is fully prepared, according to the system's assessment, this action is still extremely dangerous.

However, Lin Yuan had already made a choice in his heart.

“You are here just to get me to join you, right?”

Lin Yuan raised his head and asked calmly.

Wang Zhanlin did not mince words, and said straightforwardly: "For you, this is a good opportunity for experience, and we also need to expand our combat power as much as possible so that we can crush the Dark Parliament when facing it. The momentum.”

 “Okay, I’ll join.”

 Lin Yuan nodded and said decisively: "Don't the Dark Parliament want to kill me? Then I will give them another chance to kill me!"

Following the prompts from the selection system, Lin Yuan already understood the dangers of this operation.

However, even so, he still resolutely chose to join the plan of the Human Parliament.

 Because he is such a person. If someone wants to kill him, he will definitely fight back.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Furthermore, if you think about how to retreat when you are in danger, what kind of warrior can you call yourself?

 A true warrior always rises in the face of adversity. Even if he encounters difficulties, he will only choose to break through head-on.

What's more, Lin Yuan has encountered quite a few life and death crises since he started practicing.

If Lin Yuan had been timid, it would have been impossible for Lin Yuan to achieve what he has achieved now, let alone break through to the Heavenly King realm.

 After he made his choice, the system's beep sounded in Lin Yuan's ears again!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully making the choice and receiving the reward: 50,000 Qi and blood points, 50,000 spiritual power, and the Star Body Forging Technique!”

 After receiving the selection reward, Lin Yuan's own vitality and mental strength instantly exceeded the five hundred thousand mark.

But what interests Lin Yuan more is the "Star Body Forging Technique"!

 When you hear the name, it sounds like some kind of spiritual practice.

You must know that since practicing martial arts, Lin Yuan has never practiced a certain technique systematically.

 This time, it is a good opportunity.

However, Wang Zhanlin was present at this time, and Lin Yuan could not directly take out the "Star Body Forging Technique" from the system space.

After Lin Yuan confirmed to join, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but grinned: "I know your kid is bloody. In this case... then I will tell you another piece of good news."

Lin Yuan blinked and asked, "What's the good news?"

“All king-level warriors who participate in the conquest of the Dark Parliament can choose a favorite item from the ‘Tianwu Pavilion’ as a reward.”

“And this is just a reward given by our Chinese Military Department.”

“In addition, all warriors who are determined to participate in the war will receive additional subsidies from the Human Parliament. Every warrior of the Heavenly King level will receive a reward of 100 million!”

 “But I guess you don’t like it too much.”

Lin Yuan had heard about the Tianwu Pavilion. It was set up by the Ministry of Martial Arts. It was somewhat similar to the Treasure Pavilion. There were all kinds of rare and rare treasures in it. Even the King of Heaven would be jealous.

I have to say that the Ministry of Military Affairs is still very wealthy. Every king who participates in the war can go to the "Tianwu Pavilion" to get a treasure for himself.

This courage alone is beyond the reach of several other forces.

However, if you can only take one, it would be a bit difficult to choose.

As for the 100 million given by the Human Parliament, Lin Yuan didn't feel much at all.

 After all, Lin Yuan was not short of money, especially after leaving the secret realm of Yuanjie.

  Any piece of material in his space ring can be sold for hundreds or tens of millions at least.

Wang Zhanlin looked at Lin Yuan who was deep in thought and couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking about?"

 Lin Yuan subconsciously said: "I was thinking... Only children make choices, adults want everything. I was wondering if I could empty out all the 'Tianwu Pavilion'."

Wang Zhanlin: "...If you are not afraid of death, you can try it."

"Okay, that's all I have to tell you. Since you have decided to join the war, Principal Nan will take you to Tianwu Pavilion tomorrow. You are still too young. He has a more sophisticated vision and can take you with him. You pick something good.”

Lin Yuan asked in astonishment: "Can we go tomorrow?"

"Yes, the war with the Dark Parliament is imminent, so we naturally have to improve our strength as much as possible."

Lin Yuan nodded: "Okay, I understand."

 “Well, then I’ll leave first.”

Wang Zhanlin smiled, turned around and prepared to leave.

 “Principal, wait a minute!”

However, just as Wang Zhanlin was about to leave, Lin Yuan suddenly called him.

The latter turned around and asked with a surprised look on his face: "Boy, is there anything else you can do?"

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Actually, there is nothing else. I just want to say that this operation... may not be as smooth as you think."

Wang Zhanlin frowned slightly and asked, "What do you mean?"

Lin Yuan said calmly: "This operation may be dangerous, so be careful in everything and don't take it lightly."

Wang Zhanlin asked in surprise: "How do you know?" You must know that the Human Parliament has united many forces this time and made comprehensive plans. In his opinion, the destruction of the Dark Parliament is already a certainty. Why? Something unexpected might happen.

But Lin Yuan's serious expression didn't seem like he was joking.

Lin Yuan pursed his lips and said helplessly: "Just take it as my intuition."

This operation will be dangerous, but by choosing the prompts given by the system, it is naturally impossible to make mistakes.

 But Lin Yuan couldn't explain things about the system to Wang Zhanlin, so he could only use intuition to deal with it.

Wang Zhanlin took a deep look at Lin Yuan, and then said calmly: "Okay, I understand, I will be careful."

 Lin Yuan nodded and spoke again: "If possible, remember to remind Principal Nan."

 “Okay, I understand.”

After Wang Zhanlin agreed, he left the place in the air.

After Wang Zhanlin left, Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 He knew that in Wang Zhanlin's eyes, he probably already knew the inside story.

Tian Jian is pitiful. He also knows nothing about the Dark Parliament. He only knows that this operation may be dangerous through the selected tasks issued by the system.

However, no matter what, it was necessary for Lin Yuan to remind Wang Zhanlin.

If he knew the danger but did not warn him, and Wang Zhanlin and Nan Yunjing died due to negligence, Lin Yuan would definitely feel extremely guilty.


 At night, the moon and stars are sparse.

After Wang Zhanlin left, Lin Yuan did not choose to leave. Instead, he studied the 'Star Body Forging Technique' in this wilderness.

“Bathing in the starlight, you can absorb the power of the stars, temper your limbs and bones, and cultivate to the state of great success. Your body will be comparable to the stars and indestructible..."

The bright starlight splashed on Lin Yuan's body like ink. The latter closed his eyes tightly and sat cross-legged. In his mind, he began to recall the contents recorded in the 'Star Body Training Technique'.

Lin Yuan deliberately guided the starlight into the body according to the method described in the Star Body Forging Technique.

From a distance, Lin Yuan looked like a whirlpool. Every inch of his skin seemed to be breathing, constantly absorbing the surrounding starlight with every breath.

This feeling is particularly mysterious.

Lin Yuan even felt that the starlight entering his body was constantly cleaning away the impurities in his body, making his blood and energy become purer!

Unconsciously, Lin Yuan had entered a state of trance.

In this state, there were no distracting thoughts in his mind. He was just absorbing the starlight around him. He could hardly feel the passage of time.

Unconsciously, the morning sun rises from the horizon, bringing the first ray of morning light to illuminate the world.

 After the brilliance of the sun appeared, all the stars gradually dimmed until they disappeared.

And the power of the stars that Lin Yuan could absorb became less and less, and finally approached nothing.


After a night of meditating like a trance, Lin Yuan finally opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

 Then, he stood up and directly opened the personal attributes panel.

 After absorbing the starlight for a night, his qi and blood increased by 3,000 points, and his mental power increased by nearly 2,000 points.

Although it doesn’t sound like much, you need to know that this is just a gain in one night.

If he can maintain this kind of practice progress every night, Lin Yuan will be able to increase his qi, blood and mental power by more than 100,000 points in just one year!

“The Star Strengthening Technique...really did not disappoint me.”

Lin Yuan murmured to himself, a fiery look flashing in his eyes.

Moreover, in addition to the increase in vitality and mental power, there is also a brand new attribute on his personal panel.

 Power of the Stars: 12.

Although Lin Yuan still doesn't know what effect the power of the stars has, but since it is the energy cultivated through the "Star Strengthening Technique", it naturally has its role.

“I don’t know if the speed of practicing this technique can be improved through external objects.”

Lin Yuan touched his chin and began to think of new ideas.

“Forget it, I’ll think about it later and go back to Jingwu first.”

After roughly understanding how to practice through the 'Star Body Forging Technique', Lin Yuan was in a good mood, and his figure suddenly flew into the air, flying towards the direction of Yanjing Wuhan University!


After returning to Yanjing Wuhan University, Lin Yuan immediately came to the principal's office in Nanyunjing.

Before he could even enter the door, Nan Yunjing's voice rang leisurely: "Are you here so early?"

Lin Yuan pushed open the door to the principal's office, strode in, smiled and said, "As expected of the old principal, you actually sensed my Qi."

Nan Yunjing smiled and said: "There's no need for induction. I'll guess it's you. You brat, I don't usually see you. Whenever there is something useful, you are the most diligent!"

Lin Yuan laughed twice and did not refute.

Then, Nan Yunjing spoke again: "If I guessed correctly, it was Mr. Wang who asked you to come to me and take you to Tianwu Pavilion, right?"

“Yes, Principal Wang thinks that you have a sharp eye and may be able to help the boy find what he needs in the ‘Tianwu Pavilion’, so... I’ll trouble the old principal.”

After Lin Yuan answered, he bowed his hands in a salute, and even gave him a slap in the face without showing any signs of it.

 “Slick boy.”

Nan Yunjing smiled and shook his head, then slowly stood up and walked to Lin Yuan's side: "Since you said so, I will go with you."


 Huaxia, South China Sea.

“Old principal, we have been flying for nearly three hours. Where is this ‘Tianwu Pavilion’ located?”

Lin Yuan looked at the endless blue sea in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

He obviously didn’t expect that the so-called ‘Tianwu Pavilion’ would be established on the sea!

Nan Yunjing stroked his beard and said with a smile: "You kid, you still lack some patience after all. Go three hundred miles east, and Tianwu Pavilion will be located on the island there!"

 (End of this chapter)

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