Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 306: Tianwu Pavilion, the guardian of the pavilion, the Star Stone!

Chapter 306: Tianwu Pavilion, guardian of the pavilion, star stone!

 The distance of three hundred miles is only a few minutes for the King of Heaven.

Soon, Lin Yuan saw the island that Nan Yunjing mentioned.

On the island, there stands a tower-shaped building that towers into the sky. It must be the Tianwu Pavilion built by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Before this, Lin Yuan had never thought that Tianwu Pavilion would be located on such an island.

 “Wait a minute.”

Just as Lin Yuan was about to fly towards the island, Nan Yunjing stretched out his hand and stopped him.

Then, Nan Yunjing took a step forward and said loudly: "Nan Yunjing of Jingwu, at the invitation of the Ministry of Military Affairs, came to the 'Tianwu Pavilion' to select treasures, as evidenced by this order."

 After finishing speaking, Nan Yunjing took out a diamond-shaped token from his arms and held it empty.

 The next second, the token seemed to have spirituality and flew to the island out of thin air. It was unknown where it flew to.

A few breaths later, a slightly older voice slowly sounded: "The barrier has been opened, just come in."

Just when this old voice sounded, a sudden change occurred in front of Nan Yunjing and Lin Yuan!

 A light blue light barrier wrapped around the entire island, fading away in front of them like ice and snow melting.

Lin Yuan was slightly startled, because before that, he had never sensed that there was a barrier here.

Looking at the surprised Lin Yuan, Nan Yunjing smiled and said: "Do you really think that the Ministry of Military Affairs will not set up any precautions for such an important building as Tianwu Pavilion?"

"This place cannot be conquered without more than ten kings of heaven."

Lin Yuan secretly smacked his tongue.

He obviously did not expect that such a seemingly ordinary island would be so serious in Nan Yunjing's words.

“Okay, the barrier has been opened, so don’t waste any more time, hurry up and go in.”

After saying this, Nan Yunjing flew directly towards the island, and Lin Yuan quickly followed.

 After the two landed on the island, the light blue barrier formed again, protecting the entire island.

Lin Yuan followed Nan Yunjing all the way to the ‘Tianwu Pavilion’.

When he looked down from the island just now, Lin Yuan didn't feel anything. But when he actually came to the building, he truly appreciated its grandeur.

The Tianwu Pavilion in front of us is like the ancient Babylonian tower, towering into the clouds. With ordinary eyesight, it is impossible to even see the top of it.

Nan Yunjing introduced at the side: "This is the so-called Tianwu Pavilion. The height of the pavilion is 458 meters. It is divided into nine floors, the upper three floors, the middle three floors and the lower three floors. The treasures are rare. The degree also increases layer by layer.”

“So, my suggestion to you is to go to the top three floors as much as possible to pick out what you need, instead of lingering between the middle three floors and the lower three floors.”

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Thank you, old principal, for your guidance."

The gate of Tianwu Pavilion opened, and Nan Yunjing and Lin Yuan stepped inside one after another.

The person who opened the door for them was an old man with white beard and hair, and his eyes were extremely cloudy. Although he didn't know his exact age, he looked much older than Nan Yunjing.


Nanyun Jing bowed and held his hands in a respectful manner.

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned at first. After he came to his senses, he immediately bowed to the other side and saluted.

Although he didn’t know who the other party was, the identity of someone who could be called a senior by Nan Yunjing was definitely not simple.

The old man waved his hands from them and said calmly: "No need to be so polite. Go in and pick out what you need. You only have a quarter of an hour."

 After finishing speaking, the old man closed his eyes again and began to rest with his eyes closed.

Nanyun Dingding nodded and led Lin Yuan directly towards the first floor of Tianwu Pavilion.

After stepping onto the stairs, Lin Yuan finally couldn't help but ask: "Old principal, does that old man who looks after the door have a great background?"

To be honest, Lin Yuan has never seen many people who dare to show off in front of Nanyun Jing. Nan Yunjing smiled and explained: "You are an old man, so you have to be careful not to let others hear you."

"That senior is the 'Guardian' of Tianwu Pavilion, and is also called 'Pavilion Elder' by us. As for his last name, I'm not sure. After all, when I first set foot on Tianwu Pavilion, He is already the guardian here."

"There are rumors that this senior was one of the founders of the Chinese Military Department. Later, for unknown reasons, he chose to retire, and then came to Tianwu Pavilion and became a guard."

Lin Yuan was fascinated by what he heard and couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that this old gentleman can be called a legend."

When Nan Yunjing came to Tianwu Pavilion for the first time, this old man was already the guardian of the pavilion here.

 No matter how many years the other party has lived, with such qualifications, it is no wonder that the old man regards Nan Yunjing as a junior.


Nan Yunjing said with a smile: "He also has another identity. I guarantee you will never guess it."

Lin Yuan asked curiously: "What is your identity?"

Nanyun Jing smiled and said word by word: "Lin Longshou's teacher."

 Lin Yuan was shocked and subconsciously asked: "You mean... Lin Longshou was taught by this old gentleman?!"

 For him, this news was too shocking.

He never thought that Lin Longshou, the patron saint of China, would be such an ordinary-looking old man.

"That's not entirely true. After all, Lin Longshou's martial arts talent can be said to be one in a million." Nan Yunjing paused and said, "However, according to Lin Longshou himself, if he didn't guard It would be impossible for him to have the martial arts attainments he has today without the help of the people in the pavilion.”

"It's a pity that since Lin Longshou, the guardian has never given advice to anyone. This can be considered a big pity."

Lin Yuan smiled and sighed: "This old gentleman seems to be inconspicuous, but I didn't expect that he is still a sweeping monk."

“Okay, let’s not talk about this for now. We only have a quarter of an hour, so take the time to go shopping.”


Lin Yuan just glanced at the lower three floors, because according to Nan Yunjing, these three floors were all ordinary treasures, and it was rare to find really good things.

After a cursory glance, Lin Yuan found that this was indeed the case, so he didn't stay much and directly chose to go upstairs.

 The treasures on the fifth and sixth floors have begun to impress Lin Yuan, and their rarity has also been significantly improved.

However, Lin Yuan still did not stay any longer, because he knew that the real good things were all within the last three floors of Tianwu Pavilion!

However, just as Lin Yuan was about to continue climbing the stairs, an item displayed in the ebony cabinet suddenly attracted his attention.

"What's this?"

Lin Yuan walked forward slowly and took out a stone that was completely turbid and black with a faint shimmer from the ebony cabinet.

From a visual perspective, the palm-sized stone in front of you seems to have nothing special at all.

But Lin Yuan... felt an extremely familiar energy fluctuation from this stone.

 He felt the power of the stars in this stone!

 “Why don’t you go up?”

Seemingly sensing something strange about Lin Yuan, Nan Yunjing came directly to Lin Yuan's side and subconsciously looked at the stone in his hand: "Isn't this the 'Star Stone'? Why... are you interested in this thing? "

"Well, I feel that this stone should help me practice faster."

Lin Yuan nodded and spoke straightforwardly.

He could feel that the power of the stars contained in this 'star stone' was extremely rich, and could not be compared to the energy he naturally absorbed from the starlight.

 (End of this chapter)

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