Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 308: The King of Killing, the Demon King of War!

Chapter 308: Killing the King of Heaven, Demon Wu Luohou!

On the surface of the South China Sea, Nan Yunjing and Lin Yuan were flying in the air.

 After saying goodbye to the people guarding the pavilion, they left Tianwu Pavilion.

On the way home, Nan Yunjing turned around and said, "I have just contacted people from Jingwu and sent the star stone to your residence."

 Lin Yuan nodded, smiled and said: "Thank you, old principal, I will pay for the purchase of the star stone as soon as possible in the next few days."

 “There’s no rush for this.”

Nan Yunjing waved his hand, and then said with a smile: "By the way, I am idle anyway, so why not take out the treasure you picked from Tianwu Pavilion and take a look at it."


After Nan Yunjing spoke, Lin Yuan directly took out a purple orb from the system space with his backhand.

The surface of the bead is extremely smooth, like a jade, and the body of the bead is crystal clear. There is also a faint purple thunder light flashing in it, which contains a bit of violent meaning, just like the turbulent undercurrent under the calm sea.

Nan Yunjing took the purple thunder bead from Lin Yuan's hand and played with it for a while. Feeling the thunder light surging out of it, he smiled and said, "Is this the 'Xuan Lei Purple Bead'? Let me tell you The Thunder Realm is really a good fit.”

 Lin Yuan nodded: "The reason why I chose this thunder bead in the end was also based on this consideration."

The treasures on the last three floors of Tianwu Pavilion are simply countless.

However, there are very few treasures that can truly match him.

After some careful selection, Lin Yuan finally selected this ‘Xuan Lei Purple Pearl’.

 First of all, it’s because this orb is the same as Lin Yuan’s own domain, and it also belongs to the thunder attribute.

Secondly, it is also because the thunder energy contained in this Xuan Lei Purple Pearl is extremely violent. After use, it can complement Lin Yuan's own thunder, erupting with even more powerful power and extremely lethality.

To a certain extent, Lin Yuan can definitely use this Black Thunder Purple Pearl as a weapon!

“Old principal, if you are interested, I can also show you the power of this Black Thunder Purple Bead.”

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Anyway, this is the South China Sea, so it won't attract anyone's attention."

Nan Yunjing shook his head and said with the same smile: "No need, if you have the energy, you should save it to kill the enemy on the battlefield in a few days!"

“For every additional king you kill, there will be additional rewards from the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Human Parliament.”

“If you have accumulated enough merits, then it would not be a bad idea for you to come to Tianwu Pavilion to pick up one or two good things.”

Lin Yuan blinked: "Is there such a good thing?"

Nanyun Jing smiled and explained: "Why not? If you don't get any practical benefits and just rely on some false morality, who else is willing to fight to the death for the Ministry of Armed Forces and the Human Parliament?"

“Those warriors who fell into evil ways and did not hesitate to join the Dark Council simply failed to hold on to the bottom line for a while because the bargaining chips offered there were too high.”

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned: "You see clearly."

Nan Yunjing shook his head and said: "There is nothing new under the sun. When you reach my age, you will naturally understand many truths."

 Lin Yuan nodded: "The younger generation will be taught!"

 “By the way, I’ll return this thunder bead to you.”

After playing with it for a while, Nan Yunjing directly handed the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl back to Lin Yuan, and said with a smile: "I have to say, your kid's luck is pretty good, this Thunder Pearl is not simple, even in Tianwu Pavilion Among the last three levels, it is considered a rare thing."

"If you can use it properly, combined with your thunder field, it can increase your combat power by at least 30%!"

Reaching the realm of the Heavenly King is like climbing to the top of a mountain. It is already as difficult as climbing to the sky.

 Therefore, after many warriors break through to the Heavenly King realm, they never make any progress throughout their lives.

A magic weapon like the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl that can increase combat power by 30% at once can probably only be described as a divine object.

Being able to pick out such a divine object, Lin Yuan’s trip to Tianwu Pavilion was not in vain.


 Four days passed by in a blink of an eye.

During these four days, Lin Yuan barely spent a second. He was either trying to get familiar with the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl as much as possible, or trying to refine the Star Stone and practice the Star Body Forging Technique.

It has to be said that absorbing the power of stars from the star stone is much faster than absorbing it naturally while bathing in starlight.

It is worth mentioning that after Lin Yuan's star power broke through a thousand points, his body actually condensed into a bright and dazzling star!

 It seems that he has not yet fully understood the mystery of the Star Body Forging Technique.

 It's a pity that there is not much time left for Lin Yuan to slowly understand.

 Because, the time for the final battle with the Dark Parliament has finally... arrived!

 In order to prevent the other party from noticing in advance, this time, the Ministry of Armed Forces adopted a secret assembly method.

 All warriors participating in this operation need to go to the military headquarters to assemble within the specified time.

 Among them, there are dozens of powerful people in the Heavenly King Realm.

 Eighth-level warriors at the Venerable Realm are counted in hundreds, and they are all the elite among the elite.

As for warriors below the eighth level, they are not even qualified to participate in this battle.

 The main combat power of this operation is naturally the ninth-level king, but the eighth-level venerables will also play a certain role after reaching a certain number.


Yanjing Military Department, Hall.

Nearly a thousand warriors have gathered here within the specified time.

 Fortunately, the hall of the Armed Forces Headquarters is large enough, otherwise, it might not be able to accommodate such a large number of people.

Lin Yuan looked around and found that most of the people around him were martial arts experts that he could name.

The principal of Southeast Wuhan University, the king of swordsmanship, Fang Xing!

The founder of the Chiyan Martial Arts School, the King of Jueyan, Li Shijue!

 The King of Wine Gourd, known as the "Jiu Sword Immortal", Tang Tianyi!

The Guardian of the Magic City, the Demon Sword King, Bai Wenge!


Just as he was looking around, the message of a heavenly king-level powerhouse appeared in his mind.

 Even, there were many strong men among them, legendary figures that he had only seen in textbooks. Also, the middle-aged man fifty or sixty meters away from him is none other than the founder of Zhenhai Martial Arts School, the ‘Zhenhai King’ Zhang Zhen!

 At the beginning, Lin Yuan was still struggling with which martial arts school to join.

 Now, he is already on an equal footing with the Sea-Suppressing King.

 The saying that things are unpredictable is indeed true.


Although the crowd was as dense as ants, almost no one spoke, and even whispers were rarely heard. Everyone remained silent in an extremely tacit understanding.

At this moment, a tall man with a scarred face slowly walked out and appeared in front of everyone.

He has a special temperament of an iron-blooded soldier. Once he stands there, he looks like a tall and tall green pine, and his face looks resolute and heroic.

It's a pity that he has a scar on his face that runs from his forehead to his lips, which ruins the overall beauty.

However, it is just such a scar that adds a bit of evil spirit to him out of thin air. Just looking at it makes people shudder.

After the scar-faced man appeared on the stage, he first looked around, and then said calmly: "Everyone, I am the person in charge appointed by the Ministry of Military Affairs for this operation, Luo Hou!"

"That is to say, I will be fully responsible for this operation to encircle and suppress the Dark Parliament! To be precise, our Chinese warriors will be fully responsible for me and follow my orders!"

“I also know that some of you here are the pillars of our China, and some are top experts who are famous in one place, but since we are gathered together today, we are here for a common purpose.”

 “That destroy the Dark Parliament!”

“I believe that everyone has heard of this organization and deeply hates it, because they are the dark side of human beings and shameless scum trying to subvert the world order!”

“So, our purpose this time is to root it out no matter what, so as to avoid future troubles forever!”

The scarred man's voice was very magnetic and extremely pleasant to listen to, but it also contained an extremely cold and chilling tone.

“Listen up, I’m only going to say it once. This time, this action can only succeed, not fail!”

“And, during the operation, you must completely obey my orders. Anyone who dares to disobey orders will be...killed without mercy!"

“I know that some of you are older than me, some are more famous than me, and you also have the arrogance of a strong man.”

"But what I want you to know is that since you have joined this operation, you must obey the arrangements, because on the battlefield, the battle situation is changing rapidly, and no one can afford any flaw in any link. responsibility!"

“So, let me make it clear to you in advance that on the battlefield, anyone who disobeys military orders will be killed without mercy. I, Luohou, will do what I say!”

As the final word of the last word fell, an extremely **** murderous aura suddenly centered on the scar-faced man and spread out in all directions, as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood were right before his eyes.

Even Lin Yuan felt a little frightened by this murderous aura that had almost condensed into substance.

You must know that since he started practicing martial arts, quite a few people have died at his hands.

 But the murderous aura he developed was completely different from that of the scar-faced man in front of him!

Lin Yuan was even suspicious of how many people the scar-faced man in front of him had killed. !

 Thousand people? Ten thousand people? Or 100,000 people? !

  No matter what, it is definitely an extremely scary number.

“I didn’t expect that after so many years, the murderous aura in this murderous embryo would become so terrifying.”

Beside Lin Yuan, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but sigh.

“Principal, do you know him?”

Lin Yuan lowered his voice and asked softly.

"Luo Hou, the Ministry of Military Affairs is famous for killing embryos, how could I not recognize him." Wang Zhanlin smiled and said, "I just didn't expect that the Ministry of Military Affairs would let this guy be the person in charge of this operation. It seems that we are really going to fight to the death with the Dark Council.”

Lin Yuan then asked: "Who is this person's background?"

 “Kill the king of heaven, demon lord Wu Luohou.”

Wang Zhanlin glanced at Lin Yuan and calmly uttered eight words.

Then, he added again: "Although this guy doesn't have much reputation outside, his reputation in the military department is no less than that of Lin Longshou."

Lin Yuan was slightly dumbfounded.

He obviously did not expect that the murderous scar-faced man in front of him could actually be as famous as Lin Longshou, the patron saint of China!

Wang Zhanlin seemed to be very satisfied with Lin Yuan's expression, and explained calmly: "If Lin Longshou is the patron saint of China, then this guy... you can just think of him as a killing **** of the Military Department."

“Because Lin Longshou got his name because of his strength, and Luo Hou’s strength comes from killing.”

Subsequently, Wang Zhanlin said with great interest: "Do you know why he is called the 'Yaowu' Luohou?"

"It's because his martial arts is completely rooted in killing. He believes that only the fight between alien beasts for survival can be called a real battle. He Draw nutrients from it, and finally develop your own killing martial arts!"

“Looking at the whole of China, there is no one as evil and murderous as him.”

Lin Yuan was dumbfounded after Wang Zhanlin's introduction.

This was the first time he heard that someone entered the Tao through killing and became a king of heaven.

Wang Zhanlin is absolutely right, the scar-faced man in front of him is simply a murderer!

"One more thing." Wang Zhanlin lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Do you know where the scar on his face came from?"

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "How did it come about?"

“He was like a mad dog at first. When he saw a strong person, he would rush to challenge him. However, he lost more than he won. Most of the time, he was beaten like a dead dog.”

"But this guy's vitality is extremely tenacious. Although he was beaten to the point of death several times and was only one kick away from the gate of death, he just couldn't die. Every time he could rely on his strong willpower to fight hard. Come through alive."

“As time went by, no one dared to accept this guy’s invitation to fight. Everyone regarded him as a mad dog, because even if he won the fight, he might not be able to kill this mad dog.”

“On the contrary, if he loses even once, Luo Hou will kill the opponent without hesitation.”

“Because the only thing he follows is the cruel law of the jungle. In Luo Hou’s dictionary... failure is equivalent to death!”

"And the scar on his face was exactly what he left after fighting a king of heaven!"

 (End of this chapter)

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