Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 309: Black-robed Divine Envoy [4000 words]

Chapter 309 The Black-robed Divine Envoy [4000 words]

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized: "What state was Luo Hou in at that time?"

Wang Zhanlin slowly said: "Eighth-level Venerable Realm."

 After hearing these words, Lin Yuan couldn't help but fell into silence.

 With the eighth-level Venerable Realm, he forcibly crosses the level to challenge the ninth-level Heavenly King. This courage alone is beyond the reach of ordinary warriors.

You must know that the gap between the Venerable and the King of Heaven can only be described as a chasm.

Wang Zhanlin said calmly: "In the end, this battle...Luo Hou won."

“Although the opponent was not a particularly powerful king, Luo Hou was able to win, which was beyond everyone’s expectations at the time.”

“You must know that before this, there was almost no precedent for an eighth-level venerable to rebel against a ninth-level king.”

Wang Zhanlin said in a deep voice: "This battle with Luo Hou can be said to have subverted everyone's cognition."

“Moreover, in this battle, Luo Hou did not have an epiphany or make a breakthrough before the battle. He just relied on the strength of the eighth-level venerable to kill the ninth-level king!”

“And the scar on his face was left by the ninth-level heavenly king who fought to the death before he died. It almost cut off half of Luo Hou’s head!”

“Actually, with current medical technology, Luo Hou can remove this scar without leaving any trace, but Luo Hou himself has no such intention.”

“In his eyes, this scar is not a shame, but a glory!”

Lin Yuan couldn't help but swallowed: "This guy is really a crazy person."

 Crazy, even a little scary.

“Now you know how Luo Hou got the name ‘Demon Warrior’, right? Looking at the warriors in the Military Department, there is no one who is not afraid of him.”

Wang Zhanlin said leisurely: "Moreover, this guy's strength is also extremely terrifying. If I fight him head-on, I will definitely lose without using a sword."

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then asked: "How does it compare with the old principal of Nanyunjing?"

Wang Zhanlin smiled: "I'm not Nanyun Jing, how do I know, and the two of them have never competed, so I don't know."

Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully.

 From this point of view, the strength of this Luo Hou should be considered to be at the level of an upper-level heavenly king.

Then, Lin Yuan suddenly thought of something, and asked doubtfully: "But shouldn't such a person be unwilling to be subject to any restrictions? Why would he be willing to join the Armed Forces and work for the Armed Forces?"

“Hahahaha, your question is quite relevant.”

Wang Zhanlin laughed loudly: "It's very simple, because this guy can't beat Lin Longshou!"

He opened his mouth to explain: "Do you think that with Luohou's warlike temperament, he might go without causing trouble for Lin Longshou?"

"The two fought five times, Lin Longshou won five out of five, and Luo Hou lost five out of five."

"Lin Longshou will agree to fight Luo Hou, naturally not without conditions. The condition is that if Luo Hou does not lose a game, he will be driven by the Ministry of Armed Forces for ten years."

 “Five games, that is, a full fifty years.”

“Luo Hou’s loss in these five games is equivalent to putting half of his life in trouble.”

"However, this guy doesn't seem to be very convinced. Since entering the military department, he has been working hard to improve his strength and prepare to challenge Lin Longshou for the sixth time."

 Speaking of this, Wang Zhanlin smiled and shook his head: "In other words, if Luo Hou's strength cannot surpass Lin Longshou's, he will be eaten by the military department all the time."

Lin Yuan also laughed: "It's really interesting."


After Luo Hou completed his pre-war mobilization, another man with a handsome face came out from behind and said softly: "The location of the Dark Parliament's headquarters is on Tristan Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Because of our Chinese side, There are too many warriors. In order to prevent the other party from noticing, I will take you there together. "

 Tristan Island, one of the most remote islands in the world.

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that the headquarters of the Dark Parliament would be located in such a ghostly place.

And just as the handsome man finished speaking, an emerald green space crack appeared out of thin air beside him, and a strong force of vitality suddenly surged out from the crack, in the hall. Guilt filled the air.

Looking at the crack in space in front of him, Lin Yuan was slightly in a trance.

He always felt that the space crack in front of him seemed to be similar to the entrance to the secret realm of the abyss.

At this moment, Wang Zhanlin beside him laughed: "How are you? Boy, does it look familiar to you?"

Lin Yuan did not deny it and nodded lightly.

Wang Zhanlin smiled and said: "It looks familiar, because the person in front of you is the owner of the 'Heart of Cuilin' and controls the 'Secret Realm of Cuilin'."

After hearing what Wang Zhanlin said, Lin Yuan was slightly stunned: "You mean, this guy is the owner of the secret realm like me?"

 “I didn’t expect it.”

Wang Zhanlin explained: "The number of secret realms in the world is more than you think, but most of them already have owners, and you are one of them."

Under Wang Zhanlin's explanation, Lin Yuan quickly reacted: "In other words, we need to enter his secret realm first, let this guy go to Tristan Island first, and then get us out of the secret realm. released."

Wang Zhanlin nodded: "That's right. In this way, we can avoid the eyes and ears of the Dark Parliament as much as possible."

 “I see, it’s indeed a good idea.”

Lin Yuan looked up and found that the warriors in the hall had begun to step into the space cracks in an orderly manner.

At this moment, Nan Yunjing also came over from a distance: "I have been looking for you for a long time, but you are here."

 “Old principal.”

Lin Yuan smiled and cupped his hands as a greeting.

"Speaking of which, it seems like this is your first time to participate in such a large-scale battle. How is it? Are you nervous?"

Nanyun Jing looked at Lin Yuan and asked with a smile.

"Of course I will be nervous." Lin Yuan smiled: "But there is always a first time for everything. If a war is really going to start, I guess I won't be nervous anymore."

Nan Yunjing patted him on the shoulder and said encouragingly: "Well, based on your strength, if you are careful, you will definitely be able to protect yourself on the battlefield."

"Besides, it's better to be cautious in everything. When Wang Zhanlin proposed that you participate in the war, I actually disagreed." "To be more selfish, your martial arts talent is extremely valuable to China, and even to the entire human race. Once you die in this war, the loss to us will be inestimable. "

“But then I think about it, Wang Zhanlin’s idea is actually right. How many strong people have grown up in the greenhouse from ancient times to the present? Blindly protecting you and preventing you from practicing is not necessarily a good thing.”

"However, no matter what, you must put your life first and never put yourself in danger."

 Lin Yuan said: "Thank you, old principal, I will take note of it!"

As more and more warriors enter the space cracks, there are fewer and fewer warriors left in the military department hall.

 “It’s time for us to leave.”

Nanyun Jing looked back at Wang Zhanlin and Lin Yuan, then said with a smile.

 Then, the three of them walked towards the crack in space together and entered the secret realm of Green Forest.


Within the secret realm of Cuilin, the mountains and forests are lush, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. Everything is green to the eye, just like the legendary fairyland on earth.

Nan Yunjing looked around, smiled and said, "The environment here is really good for retirement."

Wang Zhanlin also laughed: "The resources in this secret realm have almost been exploited by the Ministry of Military Affairs. In a few years, we might be able to arrange for retired kings like you to live there."

 “I hope so.”

Nanyun Jing walked slowly to the foot of a big tree, leaned against the trunk, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Wang Zhanlin patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder, smiled and said, "You should also take a rest. When we get to Tristan Island, someone will come in to remind us."


 Atlantic Ocean, Tristan Islands.

This is one of the most remote places in the world. Before the era of energy explosion, there were still hundreds of people living here.

 After the Abyssal Energy erupted, this place completely turned into a deserted island that was forgotten.

 But on this seemingly deserted island, there actually stood a majestic black temple.

 At this moment, the atmosphere in the black temple was solemn.

“Is the information you have received accurate?”

A man in black robes stood in the center of the temple and asked in a deep voice.

In front of him, a charming and charming woman was half-kneeling with an extremely respectful attitude, and said with great humility: "The news must be accurate. The Human Parliament has united many forces and is preparing to attack the Parliament!"

"This action is said to have been proposed by the Chinese Military Ministry. It seems that our last action of seizing the Heart of the Abyss completely angered them."

“It’s a pity that the other party did such a good job of keeping it secret that we only got the relevant information now.”

“In such a short period of time, we had no time to evacuate.”

 At the end of the sentence, the charming woman couldn't help but feel a little angry in her tone.

 Because, until now, she didn’t know how the other party knew the location of the parliament.

However, after she finished speaking, the man in black robe in front of her waved his hand and said calmly: "It doesn't matter. Since the other party has already found this place, let's just fight with them." ”

The charming woman frowned slightly and asked softly: "But... Lord God Envoy, the other party is well prepared this time. I'm afraid..."

The man in black robe raised his head and asked calmly: "What are you afraid of?"

The moment he raised his head, the charming woman felt her breath suffocate slightly, and even her heartbeat seemed to have stopped for a beat.

Because the pupils of the man in black robes were pitch black, with no whites at all. They were like two cold ink stones, and like a bottomless black hole with no end in sight, giving people a great sense of oppression. .

 "I...I'm afraid that we may not be their opponent."

The charming woman took a deep breath and finally gritted her teeth and spoke.

 “Hahahaha…Nightingale, I can understand your concerns.”

The man in black robe laughed, his laughter was as hoarse as two rusty iron pieces rubbing against each other.

"Whether it is the Human Parliament or the Chinese Armed Forces, they are indeed existences that we cannot match at present. In the past few years, we have been like rats in the gutter, hiding here and there, adhering to the beliefs in our hearts and looking forward to The coming of 'Judgment Day'."

The man in black robe suppressed the smile on his face, and said solemnly: "But, my lovely little nightingale, from now on, you don't have to be afraid anymore."

"Because...the final 'Judgment Day' is finally coming."

“The great Lord of Darkness is about to come to this world and re-establish a new order for us.”

“When that time comes, we will completely overturn the world and have all the power firmly in our hands!”

“By that time, we will all become the…masters of this new world!”

The man in black robe in front of him has a face full of intoxication, as if he is the greatest actor in the world, performing Shakespeare's great drama.

The charming woman looked at the black-robed divine envoy in front of her in a daze, and asked happily: "Master Envoy, are you telling the truth? The Lord of Darkness..."

Before the charming woman could finish speaking, the face of the black-robed divine envoy in front of her suddenly darkened.

The former realized something in an instant, and quickly said: "The great Lord it really that he is about to come to the world?"

The black-robed divine envoy nodded and said calmly: "It's coming soon, it just needs some time."

“So, even if it is for the sake of the great God Lord who is about to come, we should let the reputation of the Dark Parliament spread far and wide around the world!”

 “Nightingale, order all the apostles of the Dark Council to prepare to face powerful enemies!”

The charming woman nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: "I understand!"

Then, the black-robed divine envoy raised his head, stared at the nothingness in front of him with distant eyes, and said lightly: "We may not be able to win this battle, but we want the whole world to know that the Dark Parliament cannot be defeated. The will of the God Lord cannot be destroyed!"

"And you don't have to worry about dying in this war. The power of all of your souls is stored in the container deep in the temple. The great Lord God has prepared it for all the apostles who are loyal to him. You will have a brand new body, and when darkness comes to the world, you will all come back to the world with a brand new attitude..."

 (End of this chapter)

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