Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 310: Extremely scaled dragon hunting!

Chapter 310 The Ultimate Dragon Hunt!

 Atlantic waters.

 It is still about a hundred miles away from the Tristan Islands.

 The entrance to the Cuilin Secret Realm was opened again.

 The warriors in the secret realm swarmed out, including Nan Yunjing, Wang Zhanlin and Lin Yuan.

After leaving the secret realm, Lin Yuan subconsciously looked at the islands in the distance, and subconsciously whispered: "Is this the stronghold of the Dark Parliament? I really can't tell."

Wang Zhanlin also laughed: "Hidden in such a shady place, no wonder no one could find it for so long."

“Then we...are we going to take action now?”

Lin Yuan turned his head and asked.

“Don’t worry yet, the warriors from other forces haven’t arrived yet. We can’t let our Chinese warriors go up to them and die first, right?”

Wang Zhanlin smiled and whispered: "Just wait patiently. When the time is right, Luo Hou will notify us."


Lin Yuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

As time passed by, more and more warriors gathered here, including even famous foreign kings.

It seems that in order to successfully suppress the Dark Parliament this time, both the Chinese Armed Forces and the Human Parliament have put in a lot of effort.

During this period of time, Lin Yuan was not idle. He opened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and began to carefully survey the terrain of Tristan Island, and soon discovered the dark temple hidden in the mountains and forests.

It seems...this is indeed the stronghold of the Dark Parliament.


 After the gathering of the heavenly kings from various countries was almost complete, Luo Hou finally spoke.

His figure was seen floating in mid-air, with a cold and solemn expression. He was obviously ready to kick off the war.

However, just as Luo Hou was about to continue speaking, the sea surface beneath everyone's feet suddenly changed!


On the originally calm sea surface, countless ripples suddenly and violently swayed, and a thunderous sound exploded in everyone's ears!

Lin Yuan's expression changed and he subconsciously looked down.

I saw a huge black shadow breaking through the sea surface, its huge mouth was like an abyss, and it was swallowing everyone!

 “This is... the Demonic Sound Black Soul Whale?!”

Nan Yunjing frowned and revealed the species of the strange beast in front of him in one word.

 Before anyone could take action, Luo Hou had already taken the lead!

 “You evil beast, seeking death!”

With a loud shout, Luo Hou's face darkened, and he suddenly pulled out a black long knife from behind him, and without hesitation, he slashed at the Demonic Black Soul Whale in front of him!

 “Jue Lin…Ultimate Dragon Hunting!”

In an instant, Luo Hou's energy and blood suddenly surged out, wrapping around the blade like a snake!

 The power of the dark black energy and blood made the black knife in Luo Hou's hand even more eerie!

As the sword was slashing out, a black shadow of a dragon soul suddenly appeared on the blade!

This dragon soul is so condensed that it looks like a real evil dragon that exists in the world. Just the evil spirit it emits is enough to make people feel fearful.


As the blade fell, the black dragon sword light, which was like a sword, suddenly struck the head of the Demonic Sound Black Soul Whale. A large amount of scarlet whale blood spurted out from the wound, like a torrential rain.

Lin Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly, the power of this sword far exceeded his imagination.

From his point of view, the Demonic Sound Black Soul Whale possesses the strength of an intermediate Heavenly King at least, but under Luo Hou's sword, this behemoth was directly and seriously injured.

Wang Zhanlin on the side did not show too much surprise. Instead, he smiled and said, "Does the name of this guy's move sound familiar to you?"

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned at first, and then quickly realized: "Isn't this the name of Lin Longshou?"

Wang Zhanlin said cheerfully: "Yes, this sword was created by him to defeat Lin Longshou. It was quite powerful, but it's a pity that he didn't fight it in the end."

After the Demonic Sound Black Soul Whale suffered a heavy blow, it clearly showed its fear of Luo Hou and did not dare to engage in a head-on battle with him. Instead, it dived directly into the deep sea.

  “Retreat now?”

Lin Yuan was slightly startled.

However, Nan Yunjing beside him shook his head and said calmly: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Just as Nan Yunjing finished speaking, a shrill demonic whale song suddenly swept towards the people on the sea like an ultrasonic wave!

Suddenly, under the sweep of these demonic sounds, Lin Yuan felt like countless insects and ants were biting in his eardrums!

Suffering from this severe pain, Lin Yuan couldn't help but cover his ears. However, this did nothing to make up for it. His eardrum was instantly torn, and blood suddenly flowed out of the ear hole.

The special thing about the Demonic Sound Black Soul Whale is that it can use its own ultrasonic waves to launch spiritual attacks on the enemy!

 The weaker the mental power of a person, the greater the influence of the magic sound.

 “You still dare to act like a monster?!”

Seeing that the Demonic Sound Black Soul Whale has not given up yet, Luo Hou's eyes couldn't help but flash a stern look. The blade in his hand flashed with black light, and he slashed directly towards the sea below him!


Under the power of this sword, the sea under Luo Hou suddenly split into two!

 The sea curtain that was chopped open suddenly rose into the sky, like a barrier connecting the sky curtain!

 The next second, the sea curtain suddenly shattered and fell like a sudden rain.

 The sound of whales finally stopped.

Luo Hou put away his knife and stood up. The mountain-like body of the Demonic Sound Black Soul Whale slowly floated to the surface of the sea. There was still a very deep knife mark on its body.

 The scarlet whale blood suddenly dyed the entire sea surface red.

Lin Yuan looked at the body of the Demonic Black Soul Whale, frowned and asked: "The commotion here is so big, will it not be noticed by the Dark Council?"

Nanyun Jing's face was as dark as water, and he said calmly: "I'm afraid they have noticed it."


Lin Yuan was slightly startled.

Nan Yunjing opened his mouth and explained: "This Demonic Sound Black Soul Whale should be sent by the Dark Council to test us."

“Although this strange beast has a ferocious temperament, it has a limit. With so many powerful Heavenly Kings gathered here, it will never commit such an act that is almost suicidal.”

"However, since our whereabouts have been exposed, there is no need to hide."

"That's right." Wang Zhanlin nodded, and a cold look appeared in his eyes: "Whether he tries it or not, what we have to do next is to go in...kill it and turn it upside down!"

At this moment, countless dazzling holy radiances splashed down like starlight, making people feel as if they were bathed in warm sunshine.

Being in this radiance, Lin Yuan felt that his mental power was rapidly recovering, and even the eardrums that had been torn by the magic sound were quietly restored.

Lin Yuan looked up and saw an angel-like blond woman with white wings on her back, chanting a spell in a low voice.

 And those little bits of holy light are splashing down from her wings!

 Under the radiance, the injuries that everyone suffered previously are now recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Yuan quickly recognized the other party's identity after thinking for a moment.

 The light saint born in Norway, Kyle!

 The wings of holy light behind her are the powers she possesses!

Although this ability is not very offensive, it has extremely powerful auxiliary means, such as mental gain, accelerated injury recovery, removal of negative status, etc.

It was only now that Lin Yuan truly realized that the current war had truly united the strongest men from all over the world!

 (End of this chapter)

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