Chapter 311 Points Mall!

 “Everyone, follow me...kill!”

Luo Hou's voice was low, and the word "kill" came out from the bottom of his throat, like the roar of a wild beast.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Hou's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage that looked like a black sword and flew towards the Tristan Island in front of him!

 Behind him, countless Chinese warriors followed closely, their mighty momentum was just like the ancient army pressing down on the country.

Lin Yuan did not hesitate much and quickly followed the pace of everyone.

At this moment, around Tristan Island, several black light curtains suddenly condensed into shape and were connected to each other, like egg shells, completely enveloping the entire island!

 “The King of Heaven, who has long-range attack methods, step forward and join forces to set up a fire screen!”

Looking at the black barrier in front of him, Luo Hou did not choose to attack forcefully. Instead, he stopped and let the kings behind him focus their fire from a distance.

Under Luo Hou’s order, all kinds of moves with various attributes were like a sudden rain, blasting towards the black light screen in front of him!

 Fire rain, sword light, sword light, angry arrows, thunder...

All the strong men in the Heavenly King Realm who had long-range attack methods tried their best. Under such a violent offensive, the black light curtain in front of them suddenly began to shake like a small boat in the tsunami.

 “This turtle shell is really strong.”

Luo Hou looked at the almost broken black light curtain in front of him, and a contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he took a step forward and said with a sneer: "Then just let me help you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Hou raised the black long knife in his hand again. The veins on his arm popped out, and he slashed towards the black light curtain in front of him with a sudden move!

Jue Lin...Dragon Hunting Slash!

That black evil dragon filled with evil spirits has descended into this world again!


The black dragon's shadow collided heavily with the black light curtain in front of him, erupting into extremely terrifying energy fluctuations!

Under Luo Hou's extremely powerful sword, the black light curtain, which was already at the end of its power, finally appeared with countless cracked lines, just like a broken mirror.

 Finally, after a loud bang, the light curtain completely shattered and turned into countless fragments.

 After the barrier was broken, the whole view of Tristan Island appeared in front of everyone again.

 Everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but be fixed on the black temple on the island.

 If their judgment is not wrong, the black temple should be the headquarters of the Dark Parliament.

However, at this moment, countless black-robed warriors surged out from the black temple like a tide of ants. Like the warriors guarding the tomb, they rushed towards them without saying a word!

 “Just in time.”

Luo Hou narrowed his eyes dangerously, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He just felt that... killing wasn't fun enough!

 After the apostles of the Dark Parliament came out of the temple, Luo Hou took the lead and charged directly at the front!

At the level of the Heavenly King, the combat literacy of the warriors can be said to have reached its peak. There is no need for coordinated command at all. As long as they fight independently and assist each other, they can already exert their strongest combat effectiveness.

It’s just that Luo Hou doesn’t need anyone’s help at all.

He is not a lion king who leads a group of lions, but a lone wolf walking alone, or...a tiger released from the cage!

Luo Hou was alone and rushed into the opponent's formation, just like a sword piercing the chest of the enemy general.

Suddenly, with Luo Hou as the center, scarlet blood bloomed one after another like delicate flowers!

 The screams are endless!


"Obviously they are all powerful warriors, why do they insist on choosing to fall into the darkness?" A slight sigh came from Lin Longshou's mouth.

The next second, he flipped his hand and used a golden square seal. The golden seal rose up in the air and suddenly grew in size in mid-air. Like a golden mountain, it fell directly towards the place where the crowd was the densest. go!


When the golden seal fell, the surging majestic energy suddenly exploded. Under the pressure of this energy, all the warriors below the King of Heaven burst into blood mist!

Even the warriors in the Heavenly King Realm suffered from bleeding from their mouths and noses under this heavy pressure. They clenched their teeth and struggled to hold on, their faces extremely hideous!

Lin Longshou looked at the Heavenly King who was suppressed under the golden seal with an indifferent expression, and calmly raised his right hand.


The golden seal suddenly turned into countless long swords emitting golden light. Under Lin Longshou's control, it instantly penetrated the chests of these heavenly kings, completely killing their vitality.

 This is the strength of the Supreme King.

In front of Lin Longshou, the ordinary king is just like a chicken or a dog.


"be careful."

Nanyun Jing turned around, glanced at Wang Zhanlin and Lin Yuan, and then his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, and he took the lead in charging towards the battlefield.

“This old guy is already very old, but his fighting enthusiasm is still the same as before.”

Wang Zhanlin muttered softly, then patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder: "Boy, I don't care about you anymore. You must not get killed. See you later!"

 After saying this, Wang Zhanlin also headed towards the battlefield in the other direction!

In just a few seconds, Lin Yuan became a loner.

Looking at the empty side, Lin Yuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

 These two old guys are really irresponsible.

At this moment, the selection system issued a task to him again!

  【Option 1: Kill a black-robed apostle at the eighth level of the Venerable Realm. Reward: 2000 points of vitality and blood, 2000 points of spiritual power, and 1 point. 】

  【Option 2: Kill a black-robed apostle of the ninth-level Heavenly King Realm. Reward: 10,000 blood points, 10,000 mental power, and 50 points. 】

【Option 3: Assist in killing a black-robed divine envoy codenamed "Seven Deadly Sins", reward: 50,000 points of blood, 50,000 points of mental power, and 500 points! 】

【Option 4: Independently kill a black-robed divine envoy codenamed "Seven Deadly Sins", reward: 100,000 blood points, 100,000 mental power, and 2,000 points! 】

  【This selected task can be repeated to complete! 】

  【During this selection mission, the system will open the points mall for a limited time. All props in the mall can be redeemed through points! 】

 (End of this chapter)

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