Chapter 314 The pale monster!

It turns out...the extremely rich blood mist in front of you is Luo Hou's domain, the killing domain!

 But what shocked Lin Yuan was not limited to that.

Luo Hou is very powerful. Lin Yuan had already understood this when Wang Zhanlin explained the former's deeds to him.

What shocked him was that the burly man in the blood mist was not at a disadvantage even in front of Luo Hou who had opened his domain!

You know, Luo Hou is a ruthless man who can kill the king of heaven and beasts with two swords!

 The one who can evenly compete with him is definitely not a simple character.

In the blood mist, the two of them were fighting with all their strength, and the intensity of the battle made Lin Yuan slightly frightened.

If you were to face that burly man, I'm afraid that within three moves, you would be hammered into a living pulp by the opponent.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan had a thought in his mind and asked directly from the bottom of his heart: "System, is the person fighting Luo Hou a black-robed divine envoy at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Since Lin Yuan's question was related to the mission, the system quickly gave an answer: "The person in front of me is the 'Rage' among the seven deadly sins. The risk factor is extremely high. I hope the host will act with caution."

After hearing the system's answer, Lin Yuan couldn't help but touch his chin, with a thoughtful look on his face.

It seems that the Seven Deadly Sins-level divine envoys are stronger than I imagined. Even if only one of them is furious, they have the strength to rival Luo Hou!

Lin Yuan weighed it in his heart. With his current strength, he was absolutely unable to compete with any of the Seven Deadly Sins level divine envoys, let alone kill them independently.

Not only that, once encountered, Lin Yuan must find a way to escape as soon as possible, otherwise... he will definitely die!

However, although Lin Yuan cannot kill the Seven Sins Divine Envoy on his own, he still has a way to go, and that is to assist others to kill the Seven Sins Divine Envoy!

You know, even if he just assists in killing, Lin Yuan can still get up to 500 points as a reward!

If converted, this is equivalent to killing ten heavenly kings!

 Lin Yuan still knows in his heart the importance of this.

Although there are some risks involved in doing this, wealth can be gained through risk. If the time is right, 50,000 blood and mental power, plus a mission reward of 500 points, it is still worth taking the risk for Lin Yuan!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan could not help but raise his eyes again and looked at Luo Hou and Fury who were fighting in the blood mist. After hesitating for a moment, he did not choose to enter the blood mist.

 Because Wang Zhanlin had told him that Luo Hou was a war-hungry killer. At this moment, he was having a fierce battle with Fury, and he probably didn't like others to interfere.

Moreover, after activating the killing field, Luo Hou's eyes were scarlet and he looked like a madman. Lin Yuan was worried that if he stepped into the blood mist, Luo Hou might even kill him without distinguishing between friend and foe. Slaughtered.

 If he really died in the hands of one of his own people, it would really be the most unjust thing in the world.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Yuan finally chose to leave here and find another goal.


 At this moment, another part of the battlefield.

 “Click, click, click…”

The heartbreaking sound of bones breaking came out in an extremely orderly manner from a corner.

However, what is even more heart-stopping is that the sound of cracking bones is extremely weird, as if it is being chewed to pieces by sharp teeth. Finally, a Chinese king noticed this strange sound and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

However, with just a glance, the scene in front of him made his liver and gallbladder split!

I saw a pale humanoid monster squatting in the shadow, gnawing at the remains of a blond woman.

 ‘Polaris’ Delise!

Even though only half of the corpse of the blond woman was left in front of him, the Chinese king still recognized her identity at a glance!

Although she is a woman, Delise's strength is not ordinary at all. With her outstanding strength and beautiful face, many warriors in the realm of heavenly kings in the West have expressed their love for her.

However, such a female king with both beauty and strength, at this moment... died in the mouth of the pale monster in front of him!

I saw it chewing heavily, swallowing all the flesh and blood on the corpse into its mouth. Even the hard bones were as brittle as tissue paper in the mouth of this pale monster!

 The reason why he thought the guy in front of him was a monster was because its pale body was covered with **** mouths with sharp teeth!

 On this pale monster's body, except for its mouth, there are no other organs.

Just when the Chinese king was stunned, the pale monster in front of him had already eaten up Delise's body.

After swallowing a corpse equal to its own body, the belly of the pale monster in front of him quickly swelled to the extreme, like a pregnant woman in labor.

However, in the next second, the bulging belly of this pale monster began to deflate rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a deflated balloon.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the Huaxia King suddenly widened his eyes.

 This monster...has it already digested the contents of its stomach?!

If this is really the case, then this digestion speed would be too amazing!

 “So hungry… so hungry…”

 “So hungry...”

Just when the Hua Xia King was puzzled, the pale monster in front of him suddenly spoke!

 It’s just that the way it speaks is also extremely weird.

All the mouths on its body are opening and closing at this moment, and the sounds coming out of its mouth are like the whispers of a ghoul, describing... its desire for flesh and blood!

The next second, before the Chinese king could react, the pale monster suddenly turned around and faced him!

 Although it didn't have eyes, he felt... this guy was staring straight at him!


 A low roar, as if it had been suppressed for a long time, rang out from the mouth of this pale monster.

Hearing this low roar, the Chinese king suddenly widened his eyes, fear suddenly spread in his heart, and the hairs on his back suddenly stood up!

In an instant, the pale monster in front of him suddenly turned into an afterimage and charged towards him fiercely!

 (End of this chapter)

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