Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 315: Seven deadly sins, lust!

Chapter 315 Seven Deadly Sins, Lust!

 The speed of this monster is so fast that even the King of Heaven is frightened!

In just a blink of an eye, it flew in front of him, its **** mouth full of sharp teeth, and it was about to bite him down!

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and kicked the pale monster in front of him away!


The force of this kick was so strong that the pale monster in front of him was kicked hundreds of meters away, and a huge crater was created in a rock!


However, this pale monster turned over and stood up again, as if it had not suffered any trauma at all.

It was facing the heroic man who kicked it away, and thick saliva began to flow from its **** mouth.

 Obviously, he was extremely coveted by the flesh and blood of the heroic man in front of him.

 “Go elsewhere, the battle here is not something you can interfere with.”

The heroic man turned slightly and spoke softly.

The king of Hua Xia was slightly stunned, and quickly said: "I am also the king of heaven, and I can assist you in the battle!"

 In his eyes, a king-level existence can still play a certain role on this battlefield.

However, the heroic man in front of him waved his hand and said calmly: "Thank you for your kindness, but you'd better go elsewhere and leave it to me to handle it."

 “I am...Lin Longshou from the Military Department.”

After the heroic man in front of him said his name, the king of China in front of him immediately froze on the spot, as if the three words "Lin Longshou" had some special magic power.

  After all, what behind this name represents...the strongest combat power of the Armed Forces!

 “Leave it to you.”

After coming back to his senses, the Chinese king gave him a military salute without hesitation, then turned around and left the place.

After the Chinese king left, Lin Longshou turned around again, looked at the pale monster in front of him, and said calmly: "If I guessed correctly, you should be one of the Seven Sins, right?"

“The never-ending gluttony makes you gain great power, but it also makes you lose your sober sense as a human being and sink into the ravine of desire.”

Lin Longshou let out a slight sigh.

The characteristics of the other party were so obvious that he quickly determined the identity of the other party.

 Seven deadly sins, gluttony!

However, there was no trace of fear on Lin Longshou's face.

To other people, the Seven Sins Divine Envoy may be a very terrifying existence.

 But for him, a mere glutton cannot be his opponent.

As the most powerful person in the martial arts department, the strength of the Supreme Heavenly King is Lin Longshou’s confidence and confidence!

 However, just when Lin Longshou was about to take action, something changed again before his eyes.

A white and slender beautiful leg stepped on the head of the pale monster, and even deliberately ran it back and forth twice.

At the same time, an extremely charming voice sounded.

“I say you are a brainless fool who really wants to eat everything and doesn’t consider your own strength. Are you able to get your hands on the flesh and blood of this lord?”

There is a bit of laziness and lingering in this charming voice, which makes people's hearts feel numb and itchy. "hungry…"

 The pale monster was trampled under the feet of this long white leg, but it showed no intention of resisting and was still roaring to express its desire for flesh and blood.

Lin Longshou frowned, looked up, and found that the person stepping on Gluttony was a very beautiful woman in scantily clad clothes, looking at him with a sweet smile.

 Large tracts of flawless white skin are exposed through the gaps in the clothes, which makes people feel excited.

Lin Longshou took a deep breath, silently concentrated, and composed himself.

You must know that Lin Longshou has been involved in martial arts for more than ten years, and his mind is as strong as a rock. Although the woman in front of him is extremely beautiful, she is not so beautiful that it disturbs his mind.

The only way to explain it is that the other party must have practiced evil magic that can charm others!

This kind of sorcery is more like exerting influence on the spiritual level. If you are not careful, you will get into trouble.

In Lin Longshou's eyes, the identity of the other party is already self-evident.

 Seven deadly sins, lust!

Thinking of this, Lin Longshou couldn't help but chuckle: "I said that you, the Dark Council, really think highly of me."

"I just showed up and haven't done anything yet. Are you two Seven Sins already targeting me?"


The beautiful woman covered her mouth and smiled sweetly: "That's natural. Who told you to be Lin Longshou?"

"Based on this name alone, no matter how many people we send out to surround you, it will not be an exaggeration."

Lin Longshou raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then do you think you two can kill me?"

The beautiful woman giggled again: "There are some things, how do you know if you don't try?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several long dark red whips condensed with mental power suddenly came towards Lin Longshou!

 Charm whipping!

 These dark red whips are also covered with sharp barbs, which look like rose branches.

Lin Longshou frowned, and the golden seal beside him suddenly turned into three golden swords. Under the control of his mind, they suddenly slashed towards the dark red whip in front of him!

 “Chi chi chi!”

The golden sword transformed from the big seal was extremely sharp and instantly strangled the dark red whip in front of him into pieces.

 However, at this moment, waves of pink poisonous mist spread from the broken part of the whip, instantly covering Lin Longshou's body!


Lin Longshou frowned, feeling that his body began to weaken slightly, and even his consciousness began to gradually become blurred.

This pink mist indeed contains some kind of toxin that can paralyze nerves!

At this moment, a Ruolan voice sounded in Lin Longshou's ears: "It seems that the so-called Chinese God of War... seems to be nothing more than that. He has been poisoned by my love flower."

 After saying this, her voice suddenly became cold and stern: "Gluttony, kill him!"

Under the command of lust, the pale monster seemed to be impatient, roared, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Lin Longshou, with a **** mouth full of sharp teeth, and fiercely attacked him. Bite it down!

 (End of this chapter)

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