Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 316: Seven deadly sins, arrogance!

Chapter 316 Seven Deadly Sins, Arrogance!

Gluttony's movements were extremely fast, almost in an instant, it ducked in front of Lin Longshou, opened its mouth and bit him viciously!


However, this time, Gluttony's row of sharp teeth failed to pierce into Lin Longshou's flesh and blood as it expected. Instead, it made a sound like gold and iron interlacing.

It turned out that Lin Longshou had made preparations in advance when Gluttony came to kill him. One of the golden long swords directly turned into a golden stream of light, and in an instant, it condensed on the former's arm. The arm armor withstood the bite of Gluttony!

 “Get out of here.”

Following Lin Longshou's low shout, he directly grabbed the pale monster's head with his backhand, drew a sharp arc with his left leg in the air, and kicked the latter in the lower abdomen with a ruthless kick. superior!


Lin Longshou did not hold back any force from this blow.

With a muffled sound, Gluttony's figure suddenly flew out and hit Lust in the direction!

However, the latter had no intention of rescuing his companions. He moved slightly and staggered nearly half of his body. Gluttony, which was still flying upside down, passed by him and hit a mountain heavily. On top of the rock!

Under the action of the huge force, the mountain rock suddenly split apart, and Gluttony was naturally not in trouble. Under Lin Longshou's full kick, its abdomen was deeply sunk, which looked very strange.

If this guy had a spine, it must have been violently kicked by Lin Longshou!

 However, Lust did not care at all about the miserable condition of his companions.

She just turned around, glanced lazily at Gluttony, smiled coquettishly and said, "I take back what I said before, you are indeed very strong, stronger than I expected."

 Although she didn't know how Lin Longshou did it.

 But the fact is that the poison of his love flower did not have much impact on him.

 “One has been dealt with,’s your turn.”

When Lin Longshou said this, bursts of golden light suddenly appeared around him, instantly dispelling the pink poisonous mist lingering around him.

 “Have you solved one?”

A sarcastic smile appeared on Lu Lu's beautiful face: "Sir Lin Longshou, do you underestimate our Seven Sins too much?"

 “The game has only just begun... now.”

After saying this, Lu Lu turned his head directly and said with a sneer: "You spineless thing, can you stop pretending to be dead? A guy who doesn't work hard has no meat to eat."

What surprised Lin Longshou was that amidst the lustful sneer, Gluttony once again supported its pale body and stood up staggeringly!

 At the same time, its sunken abdomen is also recovering in a trend visible to the naked eye, as if it had not suffered any injuries at all.

 This made Lin Longshou frown.

 He is very measured about his own strength.

His kick definitely has the power to instantly kill the middle-level king, or even severely damage the upper-level king!

 Even if this monster was not directly kicked to death, the opponent should not be so relaxed.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." The beautiful eyes of **** fell on Lin Longshou again, and he said with a slight smile: "One of the abilities of Gluttony is to transform all the flesh and blood it swallows into itself. energy of."

"Before the energy is completely exhausted, this guy... can even be said to be an immortal existence."

"Even if you kill him to the dregs, this guy can still be reborn from the dregs."

Listening to what Lu Lu said, Lin Longshou couldn't help but frown.

 It wasn’t that he believed the other party very much, but that in this situation, the latter did not lie to him at all.

 It seems that...the Seven Sins, as the most powerful ones within the Dark Council, should not be underestimated.

 “Oh, one more thing.”

Lust raised the corners of his mouth, and then said: "The more serious the injury this guy suffers, the more energy it consumes, and the hungrier it will naturally become."

“If this guy is really hungry to a certain extent... he will go crazy.”

 “I’m so hungry...I’m even hungrier...”

As if to confirm what Lu Lu said, after getting up again, numerous blood-like scarlet lines appeared on Gluttony's pale body, and the aura around him instantly became brutal and vicious. “Eat…eat you!”

 The next second, Gluttony opened his huge mouth.

At the same time, above Lin Longshou's head, a huge mouth that could swallow up the sky and the earth suddenly appeared, and it suddenly bit towards him, with a terrifying force!

Looking at the vision in front of him, Lin Longshou couldn't help but feel shocked.

 It seems... I really underestimated this guy before!

Lin Longshou originally thought that he could quickly resolve the battle in front of him and rush to other parts of the battlefield to provide support.

But now it seems that the combination of 'gluttony' and 'lust' alone has caused enough trouble for myself.


 Lin Longshou's battle with the two Seven Sins attracted a lot of people's attention.

However, most of the kings did not choose to take action rashly.

 Because they believe that Lin Longshou's strength is enough to deal with the two Seven Sins of 'Gluttony' and 'Lust', if they join the battle rashly, they may disrupt Lin Longshou's fighting rhythm.

However, no one noticed that there was a pair of eyes hidden in the dark that were also watching this battle.

“Tsk tsk, these two people are really lucky enough to meet Lin Longshou from the Chinese Military Department.”

  A voice that sounded like a murmur to himself slowly sounded: "When I think about it, only someone as stunning and powerful as this is worthy of being my opponent."

“It’s a pity that someone took the lead.”

There was an indescribable arrogance in the tone of the speaker.

He has his own arrogance. Since Lin Longshou already has an opponent, he is not ready to get involved in this battle anymore.

 He cannot do such a thing as three against one.

It is worth mentioning that on this chaotic battlefield, this man was wearing an extremely elegant white suit. It was well-fitted and pressed, and it was not stained with any dust. It was the same as the black robes worn by other members of the Dark Council. Forming an extremely sharp contrast.

 And also because of his clothes, no one has chosen to take action against him since the war started!

You must know that in this operation to siege the Dark Parliament, powerful men from all countries participated. After the war started, the situation was so chaotic, so the best way to identify the identity was to see whether the other party would take the initiative to attack. It is to observe whether the other party is wearing the exclusive black robe of the Dark Parliament.

The man in a white suit in front of him was not contaminated by any of the above, so he naturally became an existence outside the battlefield.

However, even though he has not taken any action, some people still noticed something unusual about him!

An exotic king with brown hair and blue eyes flew in front of him with a frown, and asked in a deep voice: "Which force do you belong to? Why have I never seen you before?!"

  The man in the white suit slowly raised his head, a trace of disgust flashing through his eyes.

 Then, he said calmly: "Do you know what I hate most about war?"

 “I advise you to answer my question first!”

Seeing that the other party's answer was wrong, the exotic king with brown hair and blue eyes began to get slightly angry.

  However, the white suit paid no attention to his intentions. Instead, he said to himself: "What I hate most about war is addition to fighting against the real strong men, I also have to clean up you idiots."

  The last two words, said by Bai Sui, were extremely contemptuous.

The next moment, before the other party could react, his figure had disappeared from the place, leaving only a white afterimage!

The foreign king was slightly startled, subconsciously widening his eyes and looking around, trying to find out the opponent's location.

He obviously didn't expect that this guy who looked out of place on the battlefield could actually possess such an astonishing and terrifying speed!


With a soft sound, the foreign king's eyes widened in shock.

Because while he was still searching for traces of the other party, a right arm as white as jade had already penetrated his chest, and along with it... grabbed out his heart!

 (End of this chapter)

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