Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 317: No lower limit duo

 Chapter 317 There is no lower limit for the duo

 “Dong, dong, dong…”

The force of the white suit was extremely precise. Even if it captured his heart, it did not damage the surrounding blood vessels.

 So, his heart did not stop beating because of this, it was still vibrating vigorously one after another.

 “Please me with your dirty blood.”

The white suit chuckled, and his right hand suddenly tightened like a dragon's claw.

Then, with a soft sound, the heart held in his hand suddenly burst open, and blood rushed out like a fountain.

After his heart ruptured, the foreign venerable with brown hair and blue eyes also lost his life, and even his pupils lost their color.

 “A warrior of the holy religion?”

The white suit glanced at the other person's identity plate and withdrew his **** right hand.

 The so-called holy religion is a religious force in the West that believes in the true God and has many followers.

However, the man in the white suit sneered disdainfully: "Weak people do not deserve God's mercy."

 After he withdrew his right hand, the body of the foreign king fell down.

 However, just as he was about to leave, another figure stopped in front of him.

“You say that weak people do not deserve God’s mercy, so what do you believe in?”

“Isn’t it fun to deny the meaning of other people’s existence at will?”

There seemed to be a bit of sullenness in the tone of the speaker.

 “Me? I only believe in my own strength.”

The man in the white suit smiled lightly, and his eyes fell on the visitor with interest: "Are you a companion who came to avenge him?"

 “Then make no mistake.”

 “I just… simply don’t like you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of sword light like a galaxy suddenly exploded in front of the white suit's eyes!

 The sword is like the Milky Way falling from the sky!

The man in the white suit had a gloomy look on his face. He did not choose to hold the opponent up, but immediately distanced himself from the opponent. He stretched out his arms straight out, as if he wanted to catch the sword flash!


Under the sharp sword light, the sleeves on both arms of the white suit were suddenly strangled to pieces.

However, his arm was like a rock in the torrent. Even in the face of being strangled by the light of the sword, it remained motionless, and it also showed a warm luster like jade.

"I know who you are...Zhan Shen Dao, Wang Zhanlin!"

 The corner of the white suit's mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile: "Only a strong man of your level is worthy of being my opponent!"

When he said this, a flash of joy seemed to flash through the eyes of the man in the white suit.

 Somewhat similar to... I am happy to see the hunter's heart!

“You bitch, stop nagging.” Wang Zhanlin said with a cruel smile, “You act like I don’t know who you are!”

“I would like to take a closer look at how capable you Seven Sins are!”

Wang Zhanlin didn't say anything nonsense. He had already determined the opponent's identity from the moment he took action!

This guy... is the "arrogant" among the Seven Sins!

“Since you want to see it, I’ll let you see it.”

Haughty sneered, and the suit on his body fell apart, revealing his upper body.

 It is worth mentioning that although he does not look strong, the muscles in his upper body are well defined, like perfect jade.

 But Wang Zhanlin knew clearly that this was the power of arrogance.

To be more precise, it’s the technique he practices—‘Heavenly Jade Divine Body’!

 In this world, there are not many techniques that specialize in cultivating physical strength, and this ‘Heavenly Jade Divine Body’ is one of them.

It is rumored that after mastering this technique, one's body can be as strong as the hardest jade, invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to water and fire! And after cultivating to the pinnacle, he can even rival gods with a mortal body.

Although Wang Zhanlin didn't know to what level the opponent had cultivated this 'Heavenly Jade Divine Body', judging from the way he used his arms to shake the sword light just now, the strength of this guy's body should not be underestimated!

“By the way, they say that you have a sword every seven years, and its power is unpredictable. I am also somewhat interested in it.”

Haughtiness chuckled: "They say you won't make this cut easily, but...if I really force you to a life-and-death situation, you must have no other choice, right?"

I have to say that this guy's tone was somewhat inexplicably arrogant.

These words came out as if he already had the strength to push Wang Zhanlin into a desperate situation.

However, Wang Zhanlin laughed leisurely: "Since you want to see it, I will just cut it with this knife. Why bother fighting to the death?"


Haughtiness was slightly stunned, and for a moment he couldn't tell what the other party's intention was.

 “Idiot...of course I’m just teasing you!”

Seeing that Arrogance was distracted, Wang Zhanlin suddenly shouted: "Young man Lin, do it!"

"I'm coming!"

Just as Wang Zhanlin finished speaking, Lin Yuan's voice rang out from above Arrogance!

  The latter was concentrating and subconsciously looked up!

However, what responded to him was a thunderbolt from the purple sky that was as big as a bucket!


Unprepared, Arrogance was completely baptized by Thunder from top to bottom.

You must know that this 'Purple Sky Divine Thunder' was triggered by Lin Yuan with the help of the power of 'Xuan Lei Purple Pearl'. When combined with his own 'Thunder Domain', its power can only be described as astonishing!

However, this purple thunder is obviously not enough to completely kill Arrogance.

After the thunder dissipated, the arrogant figure still stood on the spot like a green pine. However, the originally smooth body was blasted with large swaths of scorched black, and there was still a faint smell of burnt odor.

Although Lin Yuan's attack was powerful, if Wang Zhanlin hadn't distracted the opponent, he wouldn't have been able to succeed so easily.

"You Chinese warriors...are really despicable."

Haughtiness raised his head and stared at the two people in front of him, a look of resentment flashing through his eyes.

  Although he has the arrogance of a strong man, it is obvious...the two people in front of him don't have it at all.

However, facing his questioning, Wang Zhanlin and Lin Yuan did not take it seriously at all.

 Things like moral integrity and bottom line, they had thrown away eight hundred years ago.

"Is it despicable? Whatever you say, as long as I can kill you, it's right."

Wang Zhanlin grinned, with a look of disdain on his face.

After succeeding in the attack, Lin Yuan also cautiously retreated to Wang Zhanlin's side, and cheerfully spoke to help: "I told you, you guy, don't fire the map cannon randomly! Not everyone in the Chinese warriors is like this. We are so despicable.”

Hearing what Lin Yuan said, the corner of his arrogant mouth couldn't help but twitch.

 I don’t know if it’s my imagination.

He always felt that Lin Yuan even showed a bit of pride when he said these words.

It seems that this is not just a matter of lack of moral integrity, it is completely shameless...

Haughty took a deep breath and said in a cold voice: "It is simply a shame for me to be an enemy of you two."

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, just hold on for a while, anyway... the dead will not feel shame."

 (End of this chapter)

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