Chapter 318 Jade Field!

Lin Yuan started planning as early as when he made up his mind to help others hunt down the Seven Sins.

Since you want to assist others in hunting, the first thing you have to do is naturally find a strong and reliable partner to cooperate with.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yuan chose to find Wang Zhanlin and join forces with him to kill the Seven Sins!

 “Jade broken!”

 The next second, Arrogance finally chose to take action!

 His figure suddenly turned into an afterimage and attacked the two of them!

  To be precise, he was heading towards Lin Yuan to kill him!

 Because in his opinion, although a king of Lin Yuan's strength is nothing to worry about, if he continues to stay on the court, it will actually affect the duel between himself and Wang Zhanlin!

Moreover, as soon as he took action, Arrogant chose to use his ultimate move!

On his jade-like right arm, several pale golden lines appeared out of thin air, and the momentum was extremely shocking!

Looking at the arrogance coming towards him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

 This guy... seems to be treating him as a soft persimmon that anyone can manipulate!

Although his strength is still far behind the upper-level Heavenly King, it is not that easy to kill him.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes wide, and scarlet blood suddenly flowed in his eyes!

 Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, open!

 Divine power!

With the flow of black magatama in Lin Yuan's eyes, the space in front of him suddenly twisted like a twist!

“Space magic?”

Haughty face looked slightly cold, but he did not choose to dodge, but faced the twisted divine power space in front of him and blasted straight down!


With a roaring sound, the twisted divine power space was shattered by arrogance!

 Such a situation has never happened since Lin Yuan realized the power of the gods.

Originally, Lin Yuan wanted to use the twisted power of the divine space to forcibly break the opponent's right arm.

 What he didn't expect was that the opponent's "Jade Shatter" actually had the power to shatter the void!


Lin Yuan snorted, and a trace of blood could not help but flow from the corner of his mouth.

 Obviously, after the Divine Power space was shattered, he also suffered corresponding backlash!

“With this level of strength, you dare to challenge me? Do you not know how to write the word death?!”

Looking at Lin Yuan's embarrassed appearance, his arrogant face was full of joy, and he said with a wild smile.

However, Lin Yuan just calmly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, as if nothing had happened, and said calmly: "You are too conceited."

“Fighting relies not only on strength, but also on brains.”

“Obviously, a brain is a good thing, but it’s a pity you don’t have one.”

Facing Lin Yuan's ridicule, a hint of anger flashed across his arrogant face: "Boy, do you know what you are talking about?!"

Lin Yuan smiled and said calmly: "Before you say harsh words, I advise you to look at your feet first."

After Lin Yuan said these words, Arrogant frowned and subconsciously looked at his feet and found that two black thorns and vines had unknowingly wrapped themselves around his legs!

when? !

Haughtiness was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly reacted! just now!

These two black vines, just when he was punching the void, quietly wrapped around his legs!

 That boy...actually chose to plot against himself at that moment!

Even he didn't expect that such a harmless-looking boy could have such rich combat experience and such a deep scheming mind!

 “Thunder Bound!”

Even though he was arrogant, Lin Yuan knew that the cursed thorns alone would not be able to trap him for long, so he chose to take action without hesitation!

 For a moment, the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl floating next to him shone brightly, and countless dazzling purple thunders immediately merged into the thunder field under Lin Yuan!

 The next second, countless dazzling purple thunder snakes rose into the air and twisted toward Arrogance at extremely fast speeds, forming the second shackles on his body!

Even with his strength, it might not be that easy to escape from the double shackles of the cursed thorns and the purple thunder snake.


Haughty finally realized something was wrong!

 From beginning to end, this is the game set by that boy!

He set up this trap to target his conceited character, and in order to drag himself into a series of traps, this guy even did not hesitate to withstand the backlash of the divine space!

 It seems... I did underestimate him before!

 “Lin Yuan, well done!”

Wang Zhanlin grinned and laughed without any concern for his appearance.

 It is so comfortable to work with people like Lin Yuan!

 Because this boy doesn't have the arrogance of a strong man, and precisely because of this, he doesn't have any scruples at all in doing things, and will only try his best to win the battle!

If he can't do it with his own strength, he will do whatever it takes to create an opportunity for him to attack!

Just like now, Lin Yuan has already trapped the enemy firmly in place before he even did anything!

 And all he needs to do is just draw the sword!

If he can even do this, then the opportunity Lin Yuan created for him will be in vain!

 “Breaking Wind Slash!”

Wang Zhanlin gave a low shout, exerted force on his wrist suddenly, and the blade suddenly slashed forward, creating an invisible blade that was so fierce that it seemed to tear apart the strong wind!

Facing the unavoidable sword light, Arrogance no longer hesitated. He directly chose to open his own domain, the Tianyu Domain!

 In his domain, countless jade fragments floated into the sky, lingering around him like meteorites.

 In this heavenly jade realm, not only will his strength and speed be improved accordingly, but even the toughness of his jade body will be greatly improved!

 “Jade armor!”

With an arrogant shout, hundreds of jade fragments, as if inspired, converged towards the former's body, and adsorbed on his body like a magnet, forming a jade-like shape. The crystal armor!


At the same time, Duanfeng Zhan's sword struck his chest with incomparable precision!

Under a loud roar like a bell, the arrogant figure was directly blasted hundreds of meters away. The chest of the jade armor was also slashed with a deep cut by Wang Zhanlin's knife. The crack!

 “Amazing strength.”

After stabilizing his figure, even the arrogant and arrogant person couldn't help but praise.

If the jade armor hadn't weakened the force of this blow by nearly 60 to 70% for him, Wang Zhanlin's sword would have cut him in half!

 Then, he stretched out his hand, touched the crack on his chest, smiled and said, "It's a pity, it's still a few points behind."

 After he finished speaking, dozens of jade fragments floated into the air, perfectly filling the gaps above the cracks!

 (End of this chapter)

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