Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 319: The protagonist is not me [4000 words]

Chapter 319 The protagonist is not me [4000 words]

Looking at the scene in front of them, Wang Zhanlin and Lin Yuan could not help but frown.

I have to say that as an envoy of the Seven Sins, Arrogance does have some strength.

This guy’s domain ability alone makes them feel a bit tricky.

 You can advance to attack, retreat to defend, and have both offense and defense. It can be called a perfect field ability!

If the layer of jade armor on his body is not shattered, it will not be able to cause substantial damage to him!

 But every time after breaking the jade armor, this guy was able to use his domain ability to restore it immediately.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin glanced at each other subconsciously.

 The two of them had a tacit understanding and saw the same intention in each other's eyes.

Since Arrogant Realm has the ability to repair jade armor, they simply defeated it instantly without leaving any chance for the opponent!

 “Boy, get on it!”

After making sure that Lin Yuan understood his intention, Wang Zhanlin's figure flew forward like a light swallow, and the unsheathed sword in his hand slashed out several afterimages!

The sword light was scattered and orderly, and actually formed one long dark blue aura dragon after another in front of Wang Zhanlin, and blasted away in the direction of Arrogance!

This move is also one of Wang Zhanlin's most famous sword moves, called the Spiritual Dragon Jue Shadow Slash!

Seeing Wang Zhanlin take action, Lin Yuan no longer hesitated. The thunder energy around him suddenly exploded. On the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl, the thunder shadows of four divine beasts quickly condensed!

As soon as the four gods’ thunder shadows appeared, the surrounding air became restless under the surge of thunder!

 Obviously, Lin Yuan wanted to seize this opportunity and cooperate with Wang Zhanlin to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop!

 “Want to kill me? It’s not that easy!”

Arrogance obviously also understood the intention of the two people. He stretched his hands outwards, and countless jade fragments immediately condensed into shape, forming a barrier made of jade, which perfectly protected them!

 “Crack your turtle shell!”

Wang Zhanlin raised his eyebrows and showed no intention of giving up. Instead, his sword power became more and more crazy!

The power of the Spiritual Dragon Shadow Slash is extremely astonishing. The long spiritual dragon condensed by the sword light contains extremely violent energy, and like a long river, it collides towards the jade barrier in front of you!

 “Boom, boom, boom—”

 The sound of bombardment and collision is endless!

 And on the jade fortress in front of you, several cracks began to appear!

 “Boy Lin, get ready!”

As more and more cracks appeared on the jade fortress, Wang Zhanlin turned his head and warned in a deep voice.


As the last ray of sword light fell, the jade fortress in front of him finally completely collapsed!

 The opportunity has come!

Lin Yuan did not dare to hesitate at all. He controlled the phantoms of the four gods condensed from the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl and blasted towards the gap in the jade barrier with great determination!

The surging thunder energy suddenly erupted from the bodies of the four divine beasts, Thunder Shadows, pouring out like a tide!

Just as Wang Zhanlin was preparing to take over Lin Yuan's offensive and continue to launch a strong attack on the opponent, his pupils suddenly shrank!

 Because he discovered that what was inside the jade barrier was not the real body of Arrogance at all, but just a jade doll!

 “Damn it, I was set up.”

Wang Zhanlin gritted his teeth and could not help but reveal a hint of anger in his tone.

 Although he didn’t know how the other party did it, he did deceive them!

 Then, Wang Zhanlin reacted instantly, turned directly to Lin Yuan, and said eagerly: "Be careful!"

Haughtiness has gone to great lengths to hide it from them, and it definitely has its purpose.

 And his target... is probably Lin Yuan!

At Wang Zhanlin’s reminder, Lin Yuan was also frightened and reacted instantly!

It's a pity that his arrogant movements were a little faster than his reaction!

 “Jade broken!”

The arrogant figure suddenly appeared behind Lin Yuan, and his jade-like right arm blasted out towards his back with the force of a mountain collapse!

The speed of his punches was so fast that even Lin Yuan had no time to turn his body into thunder.


The arrogant punch hit Lin Yuan **** the back!

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan avoided the critical point in time, otherwise, Arrogance's jade crushing blow would have been enough to break his spine!

A sharp pain spread from the nerves in his back, causing Lin Yuan to frown deeply.

“Lin Yuan! Are you okay?”

After Lin Yuan suffered a serious injury, Wang Zhanlin's face immediately showed a bit of anxiety, and he came to his side immediately.

 “It doesn’t matter to me.”

Lin Yuan endured the pain, took out a bottle of black medicine for treating trauma from the system space, opened his mouth and drank it.

Suddenly, a wave of warmth spread along his limbs, and even the pain eased a lot.

However, even the most advanced wound medicine cannot heal his injuries instantly.

 So, in the next battle, Lin Yuan's strength will be affected to some extent.

This arrogant blow was not light at all. With just one punch, Lin Yuan was seriously injured!

"How about you rest first and I'll kill this guy."

Looking at the pale-faced Lin Yuan, Wang Zhanlin's eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of ferocity.

However, Lin Yuan shook his head and said calmly: "No need, I still have the ability to fight."

 “But...I have a plan.”


Looking at the two people who were whispering, Arrogance frowned, strode towards them, and said with a ferocious smile: "Are you discussing who will come up to die first?"

 “Send yourself to death?”

Wang Zhanlin turned around, his face as dark as water: "I am enough to kill you!"

 “Just you?”

A hint of sneer appeared on the arrogant face: "I'm not insulting you. If you hadn't used that sword, your offensive... wouldn't even be as fast as my jade armor can recover."

"Stop talking nonsense...just die!" Wang Zhanlin's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, fighting with arrogance!

 Every time he struck a sword, it would leave a mark on the opponent's jade armor.

Although Wang Zhanlin's offensive was extremely rapid, he was actually at a disadvantage.

 Because his offensive cannot cause substantial harm to Arrogance.

And if he is caught by the opponent, the latter only needs one blow to cause him serious injuries.

The two of them had been fighting for tens of breaths. Wang Zhanlin had already been hit three times by the other party. The blood in his chest was surging, and he felt as if his internal organs were about to be displaced.

No matter how much the consumption continues, Wang Zhanlin will be the first to run out of fuel!

However, Wang Zhanlin's face was still extremely calm, without the slightest hint of timidity or despair.

 “If you don’t draw your sword, you’ll have no chance!”

Haughtiness gave a ferocious smile, and struck him on the right shoulder with another hand knife!

The force was so strong that Wang Zhanlin felt as if his shoulder blades were broken.

However, Wang Zhanlin remained unmoved. He just used his sword to push back Arrogance, and slashed the opponent's jade armor with his sword. He shouted in a cold voice: "You don't have to worry about it."

 “I don’t know whether to live or die.”

Arrogance snorted coldly. Just as he was about to continue the pursuit, an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly filled his heart.

 “The one who doesn’t know whether to live or you!”

Wang Zhanlin's voice exploded in his ears like thunder!

 The next second, the former stepped forward, and the unsheathed sword in his hand burst out with a thousand feet of light!

However, this vision only lasted less than a breath.

Soon, this dazzling light condensed into a bunch of horses on the blade, just like the tide on the sea and sky!

Haughty’s expression changed at first, but he quickly calmed down.

Although Wang Zhanlin's sword was extremely powerful, compared with the previous swords, its power was not so powerful that he could not compete with it!

Thinking of this, Arrogance directly chose to activate the field with all his strength, and absorbed all the jade fragments suspended around him to his jade armor, hoping to use this to resist Wang Zhanlin's sword!

The sword light, which was condensed to the extreme, finally hit the jade armor!

 However, at this moment, what Arrogance could not expect was that... happened!

As the sword light fell, abnormal and violent energy fluctuations were pulled out by the sword light from his jade armor, just like a bomb that had been planted in advance... and was completely detonated in an instant. generally!

“Do you really think I can’t do anything to you?”

Wang Zhanlin's joking voice rang in the arrogant ears.

He has been laying out the plan from the beginning. Every sword he lands, in addition to destroying the opponent's jade armor, also silently accumulates the power of the sword!

The sword that Wang Zhanlin slashed earlier detonated all the sword power he had accumulated on the opponent!

The terrifying power is not just as simple as the two superimposing each other, but a destructive power that is almost devastating!

Under this violent impact, the jade armor on Arrogance's body was like pieces of rags, shattering inch by inch.

 Even the arrogant Heavenly Jade Divine Body had cracks.

 Scarlet blood flowed out from the crack, which was extremely shocking.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zhanlin sneered and said, "What's wrong? Are you bleeding too? I thought you had completely merged with the jade and turned into a lump of stone."

 “I will remember your sword strike.”

Haughtiness raised his head, his eyes cold and malicious.

“But don’t be too happy too early.”

"Because next, I will use the most cruel method to kill you. I will crush your flesh and blood inch by inch. I will remove the bones in your body one by one. I will make your life worse than death. It hurts so much!”

 He could see that Wang Zhanlin's current aura was extremely weak.

Because this guy had already suffered serious injuries from his previous attack, and in order to make this cut, Wang Zhanlin did not hesitate to overdraw his energy and blood. His own energy was already as weak as duckweed on the lake. Undecided.

 And this... is the best time for him to fight back!

 Although he appeared to be seriously injured, it was not actually a threat to his life.

Judging from the current situation, the really serious party is not him, but Wang Zhanlin!

However, what he didn't expect was that Wang Zhanlin looked relaxed in the face of the threat of death.

 He shrugged, smiled and said, "I think you must have made a mistake."

 “The protagonist this time is not me.”

Before Arrogance could realize the profound meaning of Wang Zhanlin’s words, a heart-stopping sense of oppression came from above his head!

Since he was first attacked by Lin Yuan, Arrogance has become more and more vigilant.

 After sensing something strange, he immediately raised his head and looked above himself!

Above his head, Lin Yuan had already used the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to condense the shadow of Susanoo!

Susanoo's right fist was like a mountain, coming towards him to suppress him!

Haughty pupils narrowed suddenly.

 He obviously didn't think of it.

 This was actually Wang Zhanlin who was actively creating opportunities for Lin Yuan to take action!

 But the key point is, this kid, why does he do it? !

This guy's strength is at the level of a mid-level king at best. Although he has many methods, there is still a clear gap between him and the upper-level king.

What kind of virtue and ability does he have that makes Wang Zhanlin work so hard to create mobile phone opportunities for him? !

However, Arrogance soon discovered that things seemed...something was not quite right!

 He discovered that there were two completely different energies lingering on the shadow of Susanoo summoned by Lin Yuan!

One of the energies is naturally the thunder energy that Lin Yuan used before.

As for the other energy, Arrogance had never seen this kid use it before, it was energy like starlight, as bright as the stars in the sky!

Although Lin Yuan's own strength is not very strong.

But when the three energies of Susanoo, Thunder Realm, and Star Power are superimposed together, the power of this punch is immediately elevated to an incomparable level!

 The most important thing is that at this moment, the arrogant body is no longer protected by the jade armor!


Lin Yuan's eyes widened angrily, and his whole aura was like a tiger descending from the mountain to devour people.

The fist, surrounded by thunder and stars, was like a tsunami wave, sweeping towards the arrogant figure!

Just as the latter was about to resist, another blade of light flew through the air and cut a deep **** **** in his abdomen!

 Normally, an attack of this level would have been impossible to hurt him.

 But under the pressure of Lin Yuan's punch, Arrogance could be said to have all its flaws, and only then did Wang Zhanlin seize the opportunity!

The fist pierced through instantly, knocking Arrogance from the sky to the ground. Under this terrifying impact, even the earth collapsed!

 (End of this chapter)

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