Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 320: Is it because you are too weak?

Chapter 320 Is it because you are too weak?

  After performing this punch, Lin Yuan also gasped for air.

 There was no other reason than that this blow was too costly for him.

Moreover, this is the first time he has used the power of the stars in actual combat!

The power of the stars is the special energy he developed after practicing the Star Body Forging Technique.

Even after absorbing the three star stones sent from Jingwu, Lin Yuan's own star power could only break through a thousand points, and condensed into a bright star in his body.

In order to maximize the power of the attack just now, Lin Yuan even drained the energy from the star!

After the power of the star was drained, the bright star in his body dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, even though the power of the star was drained, the star in Lin Yuan's body still did not completely collapse. Instead, it was still slowly restoring itself.

Under Lin Yuan's induction, according to this recovery speed, in about twelve hours, the star in his body will be able to become full again.

It seems that the power of the stars he has cultivated is not a one-time consumable, but an energy that can replenish itself through time, similar to qi, blood and mental power.

 “Is this guy...dead?”

Wang Zhanlin came to Lin Yuan's side, looked at the pit at his feet, and asked in a deep voice.

 Of course he believed Lin Yuan.

 Otherwise, he would not have agreed to the latter's battle plan so decisively.

But Wang Zhanlin obviously didn't expect that Lin Yuan would burst out with such a powerful blow, which made him feel a little surprised.

I have to say, this guy... is really unpredictable.

 Fortunately, he is not an enemy.

If there is such a monster in the camp of the hostile force, I will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.

Lin Yuan said calmly: "He must be dead. I can no longer sense his energy."

As if to confirm what Lin Yuan said, the system's prompt tone soon rang in his ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for assisting others in killing one of the ‘Seven Sins God’. The reward will be 50,000 blood points, 50,000 spiritual power, and 500 points.”

After the system's rewards were distributed, Lin Yuan's vitality and mental strength fluctuated obviously for a while, but he quickly covered it up skillfully, and Wang Zhanlin beside him did not notice anything unusual.

Wang Zhanlin’s acting style is quite cautious.

Even though he could no longer feel the arrogance, he still leaned down and rushed down the pit and fished out the opponent's body.

Then, Wang Zhanlin cursed and said: "Damn it, this guy is worthy of being called the Seven Sins God. He doesn't have even half a cent of value on him."

 Lin Yuan: “…”

This old boy is so cautious, he just cares about other people’s valuable things!

Lin Yuan shook his head and said helplessly: "Okay, don't waste your time on this nonsense. They are already ready to come out and fight us to the death. How can they leave valuable things on their bodies and wait for us to come?" Search."

Wang Zhanlin curled his lips: "What you said is not unreasonable."

"However, this guy's body is still very valuable. If you keep it, you can still collect rewards from the Ministry of Arms and the Human Parliament!"

Wang Zhanlin chuckled, put away the arrogant body, then turned around and said to Lin Yuan: "We can kill this guy this time, you kid takes all the credit, I am not someone who likes to take advantage, wait for the military department I will give you half of the rewards from the Human Parliament!”

Lin Yuan nodded absently.

 To be honest, he killed Arrogance mainly for the rewards of the selection system.

As for other rewards, he doesn’t value them that much, they are just icing on the cake.

Then, Lin Yuan spoke again and said: "The strength of these Seven Sins Divine Envoys is really not weak. Only when the two of us joined forces and went all out did we barely manage to kill one of them."

Wang Zhanlin smiled and said: "It's normal. If it doesn't even have this bit of background, how can the Dark Parliament be called an organization that can rival the human parliament?"

Lin Yuan shook his head and said: "No, that's not what I meant. When I came here just now, I saw Luo Hou fighting an envoy of the Seven Sins on his own. It seemed like he was furious among the seven sins."

Wang Zhanlin finally realized something was wrong. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Yuan: "What do you mean?"

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment and then said, "I'm wondering...if it's because you are too weak."

Wang Zhanlin: “???”

 What is this thing you said?!

 “Can you please stop looking down on others?!” Wang Zhanlin said angrily: “Although I am not as good as Luo Hou, but I am still among the top ten... no, the top twenty in China!”

“You kid, do you really think that my title of ‘God-cutting sword’ came from the strong wind?!”

Wang Zhanlin's speech was not slow, and he obviously wanted to prove his strength in front of Lin Yuan.

However, when talking about the "top ten strongest players in China", Wang Zhanlin obviously felt guilty. After a pause, he changed his words to the top twenty.

 Obviously, there are so many Chinese warriors, crouching tigers, hidden dragons, even if they are as strong as Wang Zhanlin, they would not dare to brag about Haikou and threaten to be among the top ten.

 The weaker a person is, the more he likes to show off his power and be arrogant.

Those who are truly powerful have a humble heart and are humble enough to feed themselves.

However, after Wang Zhanlin finished bragging, Lin Yuan sneered: "What's the use? Isn't it better than Luo Hou? They can fight the Seven Sins God's Envoy alone, can you?"

Haughty strength is so strong that without Lin Yuan's help, Wang Zhanlin would have no chance of winning.

Furthermore, Arrogance finally died at the hands of Lin Yuan, which was also related to his overestimation of the enemy.

If he hadn't always taken Lin Yuan seriously, he probably wouldn't have exposed his flaw at the last critical moment, giving the latter a chance to kill with one strike!

  "Okay, I finally figured it out. You kid is just trying to get rid of me."

Wang Zhanlin waved his hand, smiled lightly and said, "But I have a lot, and I am too lazy to argue with you."

"If you really think that I can't compare to Luo Hou, I won't argue with you. When the day comes when my sword is unsheathed, you will naturally be impressed by my heroic appearance."

When Wang Zhanlin said this, his confidence was beyond words, and he was obviously extremely proud of his sword.

However, Lin Yuan did not buy it and said happily: "I have kept a broken knife for seven years. Who knows whether it will become useless?"

 (End of this chapter)

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