Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 321: Fight to stop fighting, kill to stop killing!

Chapter 321: Fight to stop war, kill to stop killing!

 The two did not quarrel for long before they began to join forces again to hunt down other kings of the Dark Council.

During this process, Lin Yuan also began to faintly realize that something was not quite right.

What makes him feel abnormal is that the warriors of the Dark Parliament are far more crazy than the warriors of the human parliament.

This kind of madness does not mean that they are brave and good at fighting.

 But...this group of people seems not to be afraid of death!

 The true madness reaches the point where one is not afraid of death!

Although there are more powerful people united on the side of the Human Parliament, the warriors on the side of the Dark Parliament are like mad dogs. Even if they can't be defeated, they will try their best to blow themselves up and drag the other party to death together.

 Not everyone takes life and death lightly.

Under the crazy actions of the Dark Parliament, the Human Parliament, which was clearly superior in numbers, fell into a fierce battle with the opponent.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yuan feels puzzled.

What kind of benefits did the Dark Council promise to make these warriors work so desperately?!

 Everything...seems so abnormal.

It’s just that Lin Yuan still can’t figure out the reason for the time being.

He felt that everything in front of him was like a dark whirlpool with surging undercurrents, stirring everything on the seabed thousands of meters away, dragging everything towards the unknown.

This feeling made Lin Yuan feel very bad.

“After this war, I don’t know how many kings will fall.”

Looking at the **** battlefield that was comparable to a meat grinder, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Although he didn't know how long this battle would last, he did know that countless kings would fall on this battlefield.

This is Tristan Island, the most remote archipelago in the world. No one knows it at all. The most brutal battle between kings in the world is going on here!

The king-level powerhouse who is regarded as the strongest in the outside world is just a measurement unit on this battlefield.

 If nothing else happens, in order not to cause panic around the world, the Human Parliament will completely block news about Tristan Island.

 The fall of these heavenly kings will gradually be covered up by various events.

 After all, if such a large number of kings fell at once, not to mention warriors, even ordinary people might fall into panic.

You must know that the human parliament exists to maintain order and peace in the world, so they will never allow such a thing to happen.

 Although doing this is very unfair to these kings who sacrificed their lives in the fight against the Dark Parliament, it is indeed a helpless move.

The reason why this world can run so smoothly is only because there are people carrying a heavy load in the darkness.

Lin Yuan looked at this side of the battlefield and said calmly: "Let's go, keep killing."

 Although his tone was calm, there was a murderous aura in it.

Although this was Lin Yuan's first time participating in such a large-scale battle, he adapted quickly and grew up quickly.

 Just because he has adapted to the war, it does not mean that he can accept it with peace of mind.

His heart has not become cold enough yet, and he can watch his comrades die in front of him one after another with peace of mind.

However, Lin Yuan is not a god, and he cannot save everyone who dies in front of him.

 All he can do now is kill people!

 Kill more people!

 To stop killing with killing, to stop war with fighting.

 Only by killing more people can we save more people in disguise.


 On the battlefield.

 In the monstrous blood mist. A figure that looked like a bloodthirsty demon slowly walked out of the blood mist.

His body was covered with large and small scars, but his figure was still upright, like a green pine standing on the top of a mountain.

 And in his hand, he was holding a head as big as a water tank.

 From the fracture of the head, scarlet and viscous blood continued to drip down.

Luo Hou held the head in his hand, and the corners of his mouth could not help but open wider and wider, and eventually turned into a cruel and crazy smile.

 “What **** Seven Sins Divine Envoy…it seems to be nothing more than that!”

 Obviously, one of the seven deadly sins, Fury, had already been beheaded by him after a fierce battle!

However, after the battle, Luo Hou did not take back his killing territory.

On the contrary, the blood mist around him began to expand rapidly as if it had received nutrients!

This is the real power of the killing field.

The heavier Luo Hou's killing karma, the wider the range of the blood mist, and the stronger the power that can be fed back to him!

 For Luo Hou, a mere Seven Sins Envoy is just an appetizer.

 Next... is the moment when this killing show really begins!

“Dark Parliament, don’t let me down too much.”

Luo Hou looked angry, as if mumbling to himself.

 Then, he looked around, raised the black knife in his hand, and screamed like a madman: "I am Luohou, who will fight me?!"

 For a moment, the warriors of the Dark Parliament retreated one after another.

It seems that even these mad dogs who are not afraid of death are afraid of being targeted by this madman who knows how to kill.

 Compared with them, Luo Hou... is the real madman!



Lin Longshou exhaled slightly, his expression slightly tired.

 Before him, there was a beautiful woman with bruises all over her body, and...a pile of minced meat.

That unparalleled and beautiful woman was naturally lustful, but at this moment, she no longer had the same charming attitude as before, and instead looked embarrassed.

 And the pile of minced meat next to her... was probably Gluttony among the Seven Sins.

The pale monster that seemed to have the potential to swallow up the sky and the earth finally died in Lin Longshou's hands.

Judging from the current situation, there is probably no chance for this piece of meat on the ground to recover.

Lust raised his head, a look of pitiful beauty flashed across his face, and he begged in a low voice: "Your strength is far stronger than I imagined. If you are willing to let me go this time... I am willing I surrender to you and will be a slave for the rest of my life.”

Facing Lust’s soft plea, Lin Longshou frowned slightly.

However, before he could speak, Lu Lu's figure suddenly rose up, holding a scarlet dagger and swiping towards Lin Longshou's neck!

 “Stop trying to resist.”

Lin Longshou's right hand reached out like a thunderbolt, and instantly clasped her wrist like a shackle. Then he suddenly exerted force, and with the strength of this grip alone, he forcibly shattered the opponent's wrist!

This process happens in an instant, so fast that even **** has no time to feel the pain!

Although she quietly used the charm technique when she begged, for Lin Longshou, this level of mental attack could not affect his mind at all.

 So, the moment Lust took action, he reacted instantly and counterattacked the opponent!

"Just kill me."

  After missing this blow, Lu Lu seemed to finally accept her fate. She put away the expression on her face and calmly asked for death.

 (End of this chapter)

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