Chapter 325 The mob

 “Yes, that’s right.”

Wang Zhanlin nodded heavily, and the anger in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

You must know that these kings in the video were all companions who fought side by side in that war.

 But now, someone with ulterior motives uploaded the video of their defeat and tragic death to the Internet. How could Wang Zhanlin not be angry?

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, and then asked softly: "Did people from the Dark Council do it?"

“I don’t know, the Ministry of Military Affairs hasn’t found out yet.”

Wang Zhanlin said calmly: "However, except for the Dark Council, no one should do such a thing."

“These **** are worse than pigs and dogs...they deserve to be damned!”

Lin Yuan unconsciously rubbed his temples.

No one could have imagined that after the war, such a thing would happen.

This Dark really still haunting.

Later, Wang Zhanlin continued to speak: "The video circulated very quickly, and the Ministry of Military Affairs discovered it a little later. By the time the Ministry of Military Affairs noticed the anomaly and started to control the spread of the video, the total number of views of these videos... was as high as 30 million. ”

  Thirty million plays are already quite a lot.

Lin Yuan is now more and more convinced that this is a deliberate action by the Dark Council.

 Without any preparation, the speed of video dissemination would never have been so fast.

There must be someone behind this who is adding fuel to the flames!

 Furthermore, ordinary people are very interested in such large-scale events.

Even if the Ministry of Military Affairs blocks the source of these videos, it still cannot prevent these videos from spreading wildly in private.

I have to say that in this confrontation, the Dark Council won the victory without any blood!

Lin Yuan thought for a while and asked doubtfully: "What about other countries? Have similar situations happened?"

From Lin Yuan's point of view, if the Dark Council wants to take action, it should not just focus on China.

Wang Zhanlin glanced at him in surprise: "I didn't expect that your sense of smell is quite sensitive."

“You’re right about your guess. As far as we know, similar situations have occurred in several other countries.”

“Moreover, in some Western countries, the situation is even worse than here.”

Lin Yuan was slightly startled: "Is the situation worse than ours?"


Wang Zhanlin nodded, and then sighed: "In those countries, the Dark Parliament has even penetrated into their secular world."

“Information about that battle was even published in newspapers, and what’s more, it was even broadcast on television.”

“After these vicious incidents occurred, the heads of TV stations and newspapers disappeared without exception, and many even chose to commit suicide directly.”

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment and then said: "These people should also have joined the Dark Parliament, right?"

"Well, no one thought that the power of the Dark Parliament would penetrate into the secular world." Wang Zhanlin smiled bitterly and shook his head: "However, fortunately, China has always been controlled by the Ministry of Armed Forces, and so far no infiltration by the Dark Parliament has been found. signs.”

Lin Yuan nodded: "This is a blessing among misfortunes."

Although everyone is fighting for humanity, compared to other countries, both Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin are still more biased towards China. After all, people are selfish, and they have more to do with the land that raised them. There is more or less some emotion.

Subsequently, Wang Zhanlin chuckled: "However, this time, the Dark Council finally showed its flaws."

“They absorbed these ordinary people from the secular world into the Dark Parliament, but they also gave us a way to understand them through these people.”

"After the incident, although the vast majority of people chose to commit suicide, there are still some people who do not seem to have the courage to die and just choose to flee." "The Human Parliament has issued a wanted order for these people. I believe they will be arrested." It won't be long before something is gained. After all, where can these ordinary people escape?"

“After these people are captured, the Human Parliament will always have a way to pry open their mouths and torture the Dark Parliament’s methods and purposes.”

 At this point, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but sneered: "These profit-seeking human traitors should be sentenced to death!"


The meeting at the Ministry of Armed Forces only lasted about two hours and then ended.

As an observer, Lin Yuan also roughly understood the origin of the whole incident.

In the face of this emergency, the Ministry of Armed Forces' handling method was quite straightforward, which was to forcibly block and suppress it, and try to characterize it as false news as much as possible to eliminate the panic in the people's hearts and reduce the negative impact caused by the spread of the video. Influence.

I have to say that the Ministry of Military Affairs is quite experienced in handling this kind of incident.

"Okay, go back to bed first, it has taken up a lot of your practice time."

Wang Zhanlin patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and said, "If there is any more news, I will come over and let you know."


Lin Yuan nodded and responded softly.

“Well, I have to remind you in the end that things have not been peaceful recently, so you must be careful.”

Wang Zhanlin hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke to remind him.

He didn’t want to take advantage of the situation, but the recent actions of the Dark Council had become abnormal again.


 After leaving the Military Department, Lin Yuan returned directly to his residence.

 Subsequently, he turned on his mobile phone, connected to the Internet, and began to search for relevant information.

Although the Ministry of Military Affairs has begun to control public opinion, there are still countless comments fermenting wantonly on the Internet.

There are even conspiracy theorists who threaten that mankind is about to be destroyed. Only those who boarded the 'Noah's Ark' are qualified to survive this catastrophe. The previous battle videos were all warriors from all sides fighting for Fight for the spot to board the Ark!

 Seeing conspiracy theories like this, Lin Yuan was dumbfounded.

The imagination of these people is too rich.

What’s even more ridiculous is that such an inference, which is not even logical, has gained a large number of supporters.

Some people even jumped out and said that they were participants in the so-called "Ark Project" and listed a piece of evidence that seemed to be true but was actually incomprehensible, which greatly increased the credibility of this conclusion. Spend.

Lin Yuan suddenly remembered that he had read a foreign language book called "The Crowd" in the library.

He still remembered that this book wrote this sentence: "Once a person joins a group, his IQ will be seriously reduced, because in order to gain recognition, individuals are willing to abandon right and wrong and use their IQ in exchange for a sense of belonging that makes people feel safer. ”

Now it seems that this sentence is indeed correct.

Lin Yuan read this conspiracy theory post from beginning to end as if he were reading a story, laughing secretly in his heart.

However, before he could finish reading it, the post had been manually deleted.

 The Ministry of Armed Forces is unambiguous when it comes to controlling public opinion.

Moreover, the public has always been forgetful. Although these videos circulated by the Dark Council are causing uproar in the city, as long as they are allowed to live a peaceful life for a few days, I guarantee that they will soon forget about this matter. .

 (End of this chapter)

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