Chapter 326 Dark Lord

“These videos can’t be synthetic, right? How can a king be so weak and let others kill him in one go? It’s not interesting at all.”

“Synthesized? Haha, do you guys above have any common sense? With today’s technology and computer synthesis, is it possible to synthesize such a clear picture?”

“I thought that the battles between heavenly kings were the kind that would destroy the world, but now it seems to be nothing more than that.”

"Those heavenly kings are used to living in a pampered way, so how can they have any fighting ability! Let me tell you, these people are just lucky and have a little higher talent in martial arts. Otherwise, why would they have such a high status?!"

“We are normally aloof, but at critical moments, we lose control. How can we protect us with this little strength? It’s really ridiculous.”


Lin Yuan looked indifferent and calmly reviewed the news in front of him one by one.

 Looking at these people's remarks, he originally thought he would be angry, but in the end he found that he couldn't be angry at all.

 Only laughable and chilling.

 He is not upset for his own sake.

Rather, I feel chilled for those dead kings and for those heroes who died in foreign lands.

With their bones already cold, it was impossible for them to know that the people they were fighting to protect would be such a group of people.

However, Lin Yuan also knew that not everyone was like this, it was just that the Internet amplified the hostility of this group of people.

 But the purpose of the Dark Parliament has indeed been achieved.

 As the video continued to spread, the myth of the invincibility of the King was cruelly torn apart like the emperor's new clothes.

 Everyone realizes a fact.

 That is, the king of heaven will also bleed, and the king of heaven will also die, or even be slaughtered.

The Dark Parliament has quietly planted the seeds of darkness called ‘fear’ in people’s hearts.


 Tristan Island.

A middle-aged man in black robe looked at the ruins of the temple in front of him with a cold look in his eyes.

In the last war, the Dark Council was almost uprooted, and nearly 90% of the members of the Council died in that catastrophe.

Even the seven most powerful divine envoys in the Dark Council, named after the Seven Deadly Sins, were successively hunted down by the top experts of the other party.

However, he didn't care about this.

 The one who supports the entire Dark Parliament is not any one of them at all. Even if all these people are killed in the battle, it is still insignificant.

 Only the Lord God, who possesses supreme power, is the foundation and belief of the Dark Parliament!

Thinking like this, a look of eagerness flashed across the eyes of the man in black robes.

 Then, he no longer hesitated and stretched out his hand directly.

 The next second, two gray-black magical mists suddenly surged out from his sleeves and robes.

The two black masses of magic mist, as if possessing spirituality, moved all the rubble on the ruins aside, and soon cleared out a large open space.

 “Fortunately, the formation is still there.”

The man in black robe looked at the open space in front of him, and a gloomy smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

  Under his control, the black magic mist directly liquefied into countless black water droplets and penetrated into the ground.

The next second, countless weird lines appeared on the open space in front of you, looking like some kind of special formation. However, it seems that this square formation can only be revealed through special means. It is no wonder that the human council did not notice the existence of this formation during the previous investigation of the temple.

 After the formation was revealed, the man in black robe took out two glass bottles filled with liquid directly from his arms.

 These two glass bottles contain blood.

 It's just that these two bloods are very different from ordinary blood.

 The blood in one of the glass bottles was like ink, dark and viscous, and looked like squid ink.

 The blood in the other glass bottle was even weirder. It was like mercury, extremely dense, and also showed a silvery white brilliance.

Even the man in black robe himself didn’t know what the ingredients of these two special bloods were.

However, the only thing he knew was that the square formation in front of him could only be opened in this way.

The man in black robe stepped forward and poured two portions of blood in his hands into the grooves of the formation.

 For a moment, pitch-black blood and silver-white blood suddenly intertwined, flowing along the grooves of the formation from two completely different directions.

After the grooves of the formation were filled with two different kinds of blood, a black beam of light suddenly lit up from the center of the formation and pierced the sky!

Looking at the vision in front of him, the man in black robe showed a look of enthusiasm. He directly chose to kneel down on one knee and said loudly: "Welcome my Lord to come, darkness is new life!"

 In the black beam of light in front of him, a huge face of nothingness appeared in front of the man in black robe.

More importantly, the face in front of the man in black robe does not look like a human being at all, but more like a demon **** under an abyss of tens of thousands of feet.

This is the true **** that their dark parliament believes in, the Lord of Darkness!

The Lord of Darkness stared at the man in black robes indifferently, and asked in a deep voice: "Why are you calling me?"

The man in black robe still knelt on one knee. He raised his head and said, "Lord God, I have already completed all the tasks you have asked me to do."

"very good."

The Lord of Darkness nodded and said calmly: "When I come to earth, I will definitely give you a corresponding reward."

 “Thank you, Lord God!”

The man in black robe was overjoyed and thanked him profusely.

Then, he gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, and asked: "Although it is a bit presumptuous, I still want to ask a question, I wonder when the Lord God will come?"

The Lord of Darkness saw through his intentions at a glance and asked calmly: "Did something happen?"

The man in black robe nodded and said softly: "The Human Parliament has recently intensified its pursuit of us. If this situation continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive alone."

Now that the Dark Parliament has been completely destroyed, the Human Parliament has stepped up its efforts to capture the remnants of them.

In this case, once the whereabouts are revealed, it means death.

 “So that’s it.”

The Lord of Darkness nodded and said calmly: "It will take at least nearly a month before I come to earth."

"In this case, I will give you another task."

"I will give you part of my divine power, and you...will be responsible for removing as many obstacles as possible for us before I come to the earth!"

 (End of this chapter)

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