Chapter 327: Space Monk!

 “Humble and accept the order!”

After hearing the mission entrusted by the Dark Lord, a look of surprise clearly flashed across the face of the man in black robes, and he responded respectfully.

“Wait a moment, and I will transfer the divine blood to you.”

As the Lord of Darkness spoke, the space in front of his eyes suddenly fluctuated violently!

Following a violent spatial distortion, a bottle of black demonic blood suddenly fell from the void.

The man in black robe did not dare to neglect, he directly stretched out his hand and firmly caught the bottle of demon blood.

 “Go ahead and clear the way for me as much as possible.”

The Lord of Darkness glanced at him indifferently and said calmly: "When I come, this world will establish a new order."

"At that time, darkness will cover the entire land, and you and I...will also become the masters of this new world."


 After saying these words, the shadow of the Dark Lord quickly dissipated like smoke.

The man in black robe looked at the black demon blood in his hand, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

 He finally waited for this day.

 He has been holding back, and finally waited for the day when he could no longer hide his head and tail.

 He has been climbing up unscrupulously, and finally waited until the day when he had enough strength!

"I said... one day, I, Ji Xuanye, will bloodbath the entire Ji family!"

 He directly opened the bottle of black demon blood in his hand and drank it down without hesitation!

 The blood given to him by these dark gods.

 Contained in the blood is divine power as vast as the ocean!

The moment the black blood entered, Ji Xuanye felt a surging energy, like an explosion, surging out of his body and spreading towards his limbs.

 For Ji Xuanye, this is a brand new energy.

 An energy... that he has never experienced before!

Under the influence of this energy, Ji Xuanye felt a majestic force pouring out from deep within his body!

With the surge of power, countless strange black lines began to appear out of thin air on the skin of Ji Xuanye's body.

Ji Xuanye now has unprecedented power.

 Although this power does not belong to him, it can help him do many things.


 In the vast universe.

A dark spaceship, like a behemoth in the starry sky, is driving slowly among the stars.

The starry sky is beautiful, but also lonely.

 In the vast universe, humans are obviously not the only intelligent life forms.

 This place is nearly six light-years away from the earth.

 According to humanity's current technology, this area can even be said to be an area that cannot be explored in the past hundred years.

“Angelou, how long will it take before we can reach the space wormhole?”

 In the cockpit of the spacecraft, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

If Ji Xuanye were present, he would definitely be able to tell that this voice was the voice of the Dark God Lord!

I'm afraid that most of the members of the Dark Parliament could not have imagined that the God Lord they believed in would actually be an intelligent life form from other galaxies!

 This can also explain why his face is so different from that of humans.

After he asked the question, another slightly sharp voice sounded: "Reporting to the master, it will take at least fifteen days for the Dark Star to sail to the nearest space wormhole."

“It takes at least three days to make a space jump.”

The Lord of Darkness raised his brows and said, "In other words, it only takes eighteen days for us to successfully reach the earth?" "I'm afraid not yet."

Angelou explained: "The location of the earth is quite remote. Even if we teleport to the nearest space wormhole, there is still a long distance."

“If nothing else happens, it will still take ten days to successfully reach the Earth after completing the jump through the wormhole.”

 The Lord of Darkness nodded.

 Add all the time together, that is thirty-one days, which is still within the range he can bear.

Andrew smiled and said: "Then I will congratulate the master in advance for harvesting a 'resource planet'."

The Lord of Darkness said calmly: "If we can really take this planet into our hands, it will be a big gain."

Angelou sneered and said: "According to the intelligence, the indigenous people on this planet, who have been practicing source energy for only a few hundred years, can't produce a few decent strong men. If the master takes action, he will definitely be able to do it without any effort." Can easily rule this planet."

During the conversation between the two, it seemed that the earth was not regarded as a planet with intelligent life at all, but as a commodity or even cargo.

“By the way, Master, there is one more thing that I don’t quite understand.”

Angelou hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke: "Why did you give your blood to that earth native?"

“Such a lowly and despicable carbon-based creature is not worthy of such noble blood as yours.”

What the Lord of Darkness gave to Ji Xuanye was not ordinary blood, but blood essence that contained his own power!

 After giving this part of the blood essence to others, even if you are as powerful as the Dark God Lord, you will lose part of your vitality. It will take at least a month to fully recover to your previous strength.

 “It’s just some essence and blood, no big deal.”

The Lord of Darkness said calmly: "It's not a bad thing if you help us explore the way first."

Angelou frowned slightly: "What the master means is..."

 “I always feel that this planet is not as simple as it seems.”

The Lord of Darkness said in a deep voice: "It's not that I'm afraid of the practitioners on this planet, but the development trajectory of this planet is really weird."

"According to the information we have received now, this planet... was originally focused on the development of science and technology, and no one improved their own strength through practice."

“But after experiencing such a disaster as the source energy explosion, the indigenous people on this planet quickly entered the age of cultivation.”

"Although there has not yet been a strong person above the 'star level' on this planet, the fact that it has become so prosperous just a hundred years after entering the cultivation era is enough to show that this planet has Something special.”

The "star level" mentioned by the Lord of Darkness is the universal level of strength in the universe.

 The earth has never been in contact with the universe, so it is naturally impossible to know this relevant information.

 On Earth, warriors are divided into nine levels. Once you reach the ninth level, you are in the ultimate realm of the Heavenly King.

Going further up, there is no higher level division. It is just that within the realm of the King of Heaven, it is again divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower, as well as the independent ultimate realm.

 In the universe, there is no such thing as "King of Heaven" at all.

 At a time when the universe was still in chaos, each civilization had its own different standards for dividing strength.

 Since the establishment of the Universal Monk Alliance, the strength levels of all monks in the universe have been fixedly divided.

 From bottom to top, it is divided into five levels.

 Planet level, star level, black hole level, immortal level, universe level!

Even the most powerful Heavenly Kings on Earth are only the weakest planets in the vast universe.

As for those warriors who have not even reached the Heavenly King realm, they are as lowly as ants in the universe.

These words spoken by the Lord of Darkness made Angelou fall into deep thought.

 After thinking for a long time, Angelou said: "So, there does seem to be something weird about this planet."

“It’s like... there is a pair of invisible big hands pushing the planet forward in the dark.”

 (End of this chapter)

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