Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 329: The hunter, Ji Xuanye!

Chapter 329 The hunter, Ji Xuanye!

 Siberia, frozen soil and snowfield.

 Due to the high latitude, the climate here is extremely cold all year round.

 It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the coldest places in the world.

This vast area of ​​frozen soil in Siberia is called the 'frozen snowfield' by the locals. Standing in this endless frost, even if you are wearing the thickest fur coat, you will still feel bitingly cold, so it is not suitable at all. Ordinary people survive.

However, in this desolate ice field, there is a tall and strong figure, dragging an iceberg forward like a fortress.

Even in such extremely cold conditions, this strong man was still naked from the waist up, and white heat surged from his body surface and dispersed in the cold wind.

 On his shoulders, he carried a thick iron chain.

The other end of the iron chain is wrapped around the iceberg like a fortress.

He just dragged the iceberg like this, like an ascetic, moving forward step by step.

 Everyone’s way of practicing cultivation is different.

For this giant Russian man, this kind of self-abuse-like asceticism can even push him to the limits of his body.

He just used the chain to drag the iceberg behind him, carving his own footprints on the frosty plain.

Suddenly, the giant Russian man stopped in his tracks, raised his head, and said calmly: "You're already here, so don't hide it."

  After he finished saying this, a black robe suddenly appeared on the snowy field in front of him, looking extremely out of place with this piece of ice and snow.

“‘Leonid the Ice Conqueror’.”

Ji Xuanye laughed softly: "I have been looking for you for a long time. The local people told me that as long as I find the moving iceberg on the ice sheet, I can find you."

“It seems like they didn’t lie to me.”

Leonid raised his eyebrows and looked at the person in front of him with interest: "Are you here to challenge me?"

Ji Xuanye did not explain much, but said straightforwardly: "Yes, I am here to challenge you."

Humistically speaking, the Leonid in front of me can be regarded as a legendary figure among the kings.

 His strength is very strong, there is no doubt about it.

 At the beginning of the establishment of the Human Parliament, he was specially invited to serve as a member.

  However, Leonid did not accept it.

 He is a quite pure person who is not necessarily very interested in worldly things. He only wants to explore the ultimate realm of martial arts.

 It is rumored that he carried a heavy load on the ice field just to break through his own limits and reach the ‘perfect state’ among the kings of heaven!

 To this day, Leonid's strength has reached an almost unfathomable level.

 And this was also the reason why Ji Xuanye came to him.

 In his eyes, the more powerful a warrior is, the more worthy he is of hunting him.

“The newly minted king always likes to challenge me and use me as a whetstone.”

Leonid said as if talking to himself: "Unfortunately, I am not a good person. Those who have the courage to challenge me, without exception, all died in my hands."

Then, he raised his head and looked directly at Ji Xuanye: "Even so, you still won't give up. Do you want to challenge me?"


Ji Xuanye nodded slightly.

"Okay, you have the guts!" After receiving Ji Xuanye's affirmative answer, Leonid burst into laughter.

 The next second, the muscles on his right arm suddenly bulged, like a bulging hill!

He held the chain with his backhand, and power suddenly burst out from his arm. The almost majestic force directly straightened the chain connected to the iceberg!

Leonid roared, stepped forward, forcibly picked up the iceberg behind him, and smashed it towards Ji Xuanye in front of him!

 “What a terrifying power.”

Looking at the iceberg getting closer and closer to him, even Ji Xuanye couldn't help but sigh.

However, he did not choose to escape.

 Behind him, the power of darkness suddenly condensed into shape, condensing thousands of shadow snakes!

Just when the iceberg was about to hit Ji Xuanye, the thousands of shadow snakes behind him suddenly shot out, instantly shattering the huge iceberg in front of him!


Countless ice shards exploded in front of the two of them. Leonid couldn't help but grinned: "It seems that your strength is pretty good. I'm starting to be interested in you."

 The next second, Leonid kicked off his legs, and his body suddenly turned into an afterimage, and he was instantly in front of Ji Xuanye!

 He is finally... ready to get serious.


 The war ended.

This ice sheet is covered with all kinds of deep pits and indentations, and it looks like a natural disaster has occurred.

Ji Xuanye's body was covered with frost, and one of the sharp ice thorns even pierced his abdomen, making him look extremely embarrassed.

However, although he was in embarrassment, the price Leonid paid was his life.

 In front of Ji Xuanye was a corpse broken into two parts.

From the broken wound of the corpse, scarlet blood flowed out, looking extremely shocking on the frosty white snowfield.

Looking at Leonid’s body, Ji Xuanye couldn’t help but grin.

I have to say that this guy is indeed very strong, and he is probably only one step away from reaching the ultimate state among the kings of heaven.

After killing Leonid, Ji Xuanye did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he closed his eyes and began to activate his own mental power.

Under the urging of his mental power, wisps of gray mist slowly floated out from Leonid's body.

If anyone else was present, they would definitely be surprised by the scene in front of them.

 Because, these gray mist are exactly the power of Leonid’s soul!

 The next second, these soul powers were actively integrated into Ji Xuanye's body under the pull of his spiritual power!

Probably no one would have thought that Ji Xuanye's superpower could actually be the power to absorb other people's souls!

After completely absorbing the power of Leonid's soul into his body, Ji Xuanye opened his eyes again, and the light in his eyes skyrocketed.

 Obviously, after absorbing the power of the soul, Ji Xuanye's own strength has also been greatly improved!

 This is one of the reasons why Ji Xuanye tried every means to hunt down these powerful men!

"Sure enough... the stronger the person, the stronger the soul power contained in his body."

“The next target to hunt is the Japanese ghost ninja, Araki Yumeno!”

 (End of this chapter)

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