Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 330: The identity of the hunter!

 Chapter 330 The identity of the hunter!

Yanjing Military Department, Conference Hall.

“Didn’t you just have a meeting last time? Why did you call us here again this time?”

Lin Yuan sat next to Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin, with a look of confusion and confusion on his face.

Nan Yunjing said calmly: "I heard something happened again."

Wang Zhanlin nodded and also explained: "I heard that people from the Dark Council are deliberately hunting down martial arts masters from all over the world. Many people have been brutally murdered."

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "Who are there?"

“A total of four people have been identified so far.”

“The ‘Vampire King’ of the West, Dracula known as the Immortal.”

“Leonid, the ‘conqueror of the ice fields’ on the Siberian ice fields in Russia.”

“On the Japanese island country, Araki Yumeno is known as the ‘Ghost Ninja’.”

 “And Poseidon, the ‘Poseidon’ of the Greek pantheon.”

Hearing these extremely familiar names, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frowned: "These people... are all dead?"

These people Wang Zhanlin mentioned can be regarded as famous existences even among the kings of heaven.

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that in such a short period of time, four powerful men in the Heavenly King Realm would die.

Wang Zhanlin nodded and said, "To be more precise, they were all killed."

 Lin Yuan pondered for a moment and then said: "If the other party only picks strong people to attack, then Principal Wang, you should be quite safe."

Wang Zhanlin: “???”

What the **** are you talking about here? !

“Okay, I’m too lazy to argue with you, the meeting is about to start, please listen carefully.”


The host of this meeting is none other than Luo Hou!

His sharp eyes swept across the entire conference room coldly, and he said in a deep voice: "I believe you have heard about what happened recently, right?"

There are not many Heavenly King realm warriors in this world, especially those who can still be called Heavenly Kings.

 Now, four heavenly kings have fallen at once, and they were all killed by the same person. This is naturally a big event that can shock the whole world!

 That is to say, Lin Yuan has been practicing in seclusion and does not care about worldly affairs, so he has not heard about it.

“A total of four extremely powerful kings fell, and they all died at the hands of the same person.”

"If nothing else happens, this person...should be deliberately hunting the strongest among the kings of heaven. It is not an exaggeration to even call it a 'hunting'."

  After Luo Hou said these words, someone finally couldn't help but speak: "Is the identity of the murderer clear now?"

After this man spoke, a warrior immediately echoed: "Yes, if this situation continues to develop, I am afraid that all the kings of the world will be beheaded and killed!"

“Don’t even think about it, this must have been done by the remnants of the Dark Council. These scum are really centipede worms, dead but not dead!”

 In such a large conference room, some people were excited and angry, while others were anxious.

Even though these people are usually aloof kings, under such a crisis, their emotions will inevitably become slightly out of control.

 After all, everyone is afraid of becoming the next target.

 Dracula, Leonid, Poseidon, Araki Yumeno... these people are not weak.    And the fact is, they are all dead.

Died at the hands of the mysterious "hunter".

 They used their own deaths to prove one thing.

That means...any target targeted by that "hunter", no matter how powerful the king is, will still die!

Facing such a terrifying hunter, how could they not feel panic?

 Now, what they want to find out most is the true identity of this hunter, who he is!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the hunter is not dead, they will not be able to feel at ease.

 “Let’s stop fighting.”

Luo Hou stretched out his right hand and pressed it down to signal everyone to be quiet.

 For a while, no one dared to speak anymore.

 It has to be said that Luo Hou, this killer, is enough to intimidate all the kings just by his aura.

“The Human Parliament has already made preliminary speculations about the identity of this ‘predator’.”

Luo Hou said calmly: "First of all, what we can be sure of is that this person must be a remnant of the Dark Parliament."

“Except for members of the Dark Council, almost no one would do such a crazy thing.”

 Everyone in the conference room nodded silently, agreeing with what Luo Hou said.

“As for his specific identity, the Human Parliament also conducted a detailed investigation.”

“Although this guy’s behavior was quite cautious, he still left some clues inadvertently.”

 Subsequently, Luo Hou reached out his hand and tapped lightly on the screen.

 A picture of a corpse suddenly appeared on the screen.

"This is Dracula's body, which was recovered from the sea where he fought with the hunter."

After introducing the identity of the corpse, Luo Hou continued: "It is worth mentioning that the human parliament did not detect any remaining soul in Dracula's corpse."

 After Luo Hou said these words, everyone present could not help but frown.

Everyone knows that there is a soul in the human body. This is an extremely special energy, so it is also called the power of the soul.

 After death, the soul will gradually dissipate, but there will still be some residual soul power remaining in the body after death.

 In a situation like this, where no soul power is detected in the corpse, generally speaking, there are only two possibilities.

Either, the other party used some special means to forcibly obliterate Dracula's soul.

 Either, the other party completely absorbed the soul power in Dracula after his death!

  No matter which of these two possibilities it is, the method is frightening!

“In this world, there are not many Heavenly King realm warriors who can attack souls. After many checks, we have finally roughly guessed the identity of the other party.”

 At this point, Luo Hou took a step back and said calmly: "Mr. Ji, you will introduce the next situation."

 “Okay, let me tell you...”

 After Luo Hou finished speaking, an old man with gray hair stood up with a wry smile and walked to the spot where Luo Hou was standing before.

“Old man Ji Nanting, if our guess is correct, then the person who committed the crime this time...should be a member of our Ji family.”

 (End of this chapter)

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