Chapter 331 Yanjing Ji Family

 After the old man said these words, everyone present was shocked.

“Mr. Ji, your Ji family is a famous family in Yanjing. How could this be done by someone from your Ji family?!”

"Yes, Mr. Ji, the man who hunted the King of Heaven is clearly a remnant of the Dark Council. What does it have to do with your Ji family?"

“Mr. Ji, could it be that the human parliament has put some unwarranted charges on your Ji family? If this is the case, all of us will stand up and speak for your Ji family!”

The people present expressed their opinions one after another, obviously not believing what the old man in front of them said at all.

You must know that the Ji family is a famous family in Yanjing.

 Before the Yuan Neng Era, the Ji family was already a wealthy family.

As a large family with a history of nearly two hundred years, the Ji family not only has a high prestige, but also has a profound family background.

The old man in front of him is the ancestor of the Ji family, the previous generation head of the Ji family, Mr. Ji Nanting.

It is precisely because of this that when Ji Nanting personally said that the perpetrator was a member of his Ji family, everyone felt so ridiculous and unbelievable.

However, Ji Nanting gave a bitter smile and said softly: "You think it's ridiculous, and I also find it unbelievable, but that's the fact."

“The perpetrator is a member of the Ji family.”

 “Or...we were once a member of the Ji family.”

Finally someone heard the implication of Ji Nanting's words and said in disbelief: "No way, could it be that he is the abandoned son of your Ji family..."

 Halfway through speaking, the Heavenly King seemed to realize something and quickly closed his mouth.

“Since everything has happened, there is no need to avoid it anymore.”

Ji Nanting sighed slightly and said softly: "The real murderer who hunted these kings should be the abandoned son of my Ji family, Ji Xuanye."

After Ji Nanting personally admitted it, all the kings in the conference room couldn't help but show a bit of astonishment.

However, Lin Yuan was confused and seemed a little unclear.

 Because he had never heard of the name "Ji Xuanye" at all.

Therefore, Lin Yuan could only turn his head, lowered his voice and asked: "Who is this Ji Xuanye? How can he be related to the Dark Parliament?"

Wang Zhanlin explained: "This Ji Xuanye is not a particularly famous person. It can only be said to be a family scandal in the past of the Ji family."

 “The Ji family’s family scandal?”

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "This Ji Xingye...has he done anything to disgrace the Ji family?"

 “That’s not the case.”

Wang Zhanlin sighed: "For the Ji family, his existence is already a scandal."

“Because this Ji Xingye is the illegitimate son of Ji Lan, the current head of the Ji family.”

 Another illegitimate child?

Lin Yuan's expression was a little strange.

 It seems that...these famous families are not as clean as they appear on the surface.

"This Ji Xingye is the son of a dancing girl. When Ji Lan was young and vigorous, he loved to hang out in places of feasting and entertainment. He would inevitably provoke some women who wanted to climb high."

"However, with Ji Lan's vision, he naturally looks down on these promiscuous women. Although he is young, he is also sober, so after his indulgence, he will almost never have too much involvement with any woman."

“Even if there are still women who want to pester him, they will usually be settled by him with money.”

“To put it bluntly, Ji Lan at that time was still a second-generation ancestor.”

Lin Yuan nodded, and then asked: "Then Ji Xingye's mother met him at that time?" "Well, Ji Xingye's mother, named 'Fang Ya', was a little dancer in the dance hall. She is also one of the many women Ji Lan has slept with.”

 Speaking of this, a slightly playful expression appeared on Wang Zhanlin's face: "However, she is different from those women who want to climb high. This Fang Ya... really fell in love with Ji Lan."

Lin Yuan smacked his lips: "It's really bloody."

"The more **** thing is still to come." Wang Zhanlin said with a smile: "This Ji Lan is not very lucky. He only slept with Fang Ya once and then got pregnant by this woman. In today's terms, it was a Send it into the soul.”

Listening to Wang Zhanlin's description, Lin Yuan felt slightly ashamed.

This old gangster was really unscrupulous when he drove the car, and even the car door was welded shut.

“Ji Lan is a very generous person, but if Fang Ya told him about this at that time, Ji Lan would give her a considerable settlement fee and ask her to abort the child.”

"However, the bad thing is that Fang Ya has true feelings for Ji Lan."

"This woman is quite smart. She knows in her heart that in Ji Lan's eyes, the relationship between the two of them is nothing more than a romantic relationship, so she did not let Ji Lan know about it, but quietly raised the fetus for ten months. The child was born."

"Furthermore, Fang Ya didn't think about using this child to get anything from Ji Lan. She just wanted to find a sustenance for her relationship."

Lin Yuan shook his head and sighed: "A woman who has true feelings is really scary."

Then, Lin Yuan continued to ask: "According to your statement, this Fang Ya child should not have any interaction with the Ji family again."

“Yes, that’s how it should be, but unfortunately...things in this world are always unsatisfactory.”

Wang Zhanlin shook his head and explained: "This change occurred in Fang Ya's child."

“Did you know that everyone in the Ji family possesses an extremely special ability?”

Lin Yuan subconsciously asked: "What kind of power?"

Although the Ji family is very famous in Yanjing, Lin Yuan has never intentionally understood the specific situation of these aristocratic families.

“The Ji family members have a special ability that can absorb the other party’s spiritual power, and they can also convert the absorbed spiritual power into part of their own strength.”

"What's more special is that this special ability of the Ji family is also inherited."

“All heirs with the blood of the Ji family have a nearly 30% chance of inheriting this ability.”

Lin Yuan had a look of astonishment on his face and asked subconsciously: "Aren't superpowers all awakened the day after tomorrow? How can they still be passed down?"

“No one can explain the reason clearly yet, but it is the fact.”

Wang Zhanlin said: "In fact, according to Ji Lan's seniority, he was originally not qualified to be the head of the Ji family and inherit the family business, because he is the second son of the Ji family, and there is another son named 'Ji Chi' 'Brother,"

“However, the Ji family has an unwritten rule.”

“Only the heirs who have inherited supernatural powers are qualified to succeed as the head of the family. The other heirs will be arranged to engage in politics or business.”

“Although this rule seems a bit unreasonable, it is also for the development of the Ji family.”

 “Because only in this way can the Ji family endure and develop better.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

What Wang Zhanlin said is not unreasonable.

 Subsequently, he asked: "What about Ji Xuanye? Has he also awakened this power?"

 (End of this chapter)

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