Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 332: Ji Xuanye’s story

Chapter 332 Ji Xuanye’s Story

“Well, Ji Xuanye did inherit the Ji family’s superpowers.”

Wang Zhanlin replied: "It's just that during the process of inheritance, Ji Xuanye's superpower... mutated."

“The abilities he awakened are not like those abilities awakened by the Ji family before, which can absorb the opponent’s mental power.”

"However, Ji Xuanye's awakened power is even more domineering! His power can even directly absorb the power of the opponent's soul!"

“Now you know why they suspected Ji Xuanye.”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frowned.

This kind of ability is indeed a bit scary.

It’s no wonder that the Ministry of Military Affairs believes that the death of Dracula and others is related to Ji Xuanye!

“Like other children, after Ji Xuanye met the age requirement, he was sent to a school specialized in martial arts by Fang Ya.”

“Due to his superior abilities, Ji Xuanye quickly rose to prominence in the school and became one of the youngest martial arts talents in Yanjing City. He also attracted the attention of the Ji family.”

“You must know that all major families still attach great importance to these martial arts geniuses, because they are still very young and have unlimited futures.”

“If we can form a good relationship with them before they grow up, it will definitely be beneficial and harmless.”

"However, during the contact process, the Ji family quickly discovered something special about Ji Xuanye. After all, Ji Xuanye's superpowers are too similar to the superpowers passed down by the Ji family from generation to generation. ”

"Finally, they directly confirmed that Ji Xuanye...has the blood of the Ji family!"

At this point, things become much clearer.

Lin Yuan answered: "So...people from the Ji family took action against Ji Xuanye?"

"Well, if Ji Xuanye is just an ordinary person with mediocre qualifications, maybe the Ji family can acquiesce in his existence. At most, they can give him a sum of money to let him put aside his relationship with the Ji family for half his life. Ordinary people’s lives.”

"And it was precisely because Ji Xuanye's talent was so outstanding and his qualifications so evil that what happened later laid the foundation for disaster."

Wang Zhanlin sighed: "Sometimes, you have to know that all the gifts in fate have already been marked in secret."

“There are two different opinions within the Ji family regarding Ji Xuanye, an illegitimate son.”

“One of the opinions is that Ji Xuanye’s origin, name and words are inconsistent, so he should be deprived of his surname and his relationship with the Ji family should be cleared.”

“Another opinion is that Ji Xuanye has extraordinary talents and should be accepted into the Ji family and trained by the Ji family.”

 “Both of these claims have their own truths.”

“So for a while, no one could convince anyone, and it was a stalemate.”

“However, Ji Xuanye’s existence has always harmed the interests of some people.”

“At that time, Ji Lan’s first wife was named ‘Feng Xiaoman’, who was also the main wife of Ji’s family.”

"You have to know that women are usually jealous, not to mention that Ji Xuanye's existence has even threatened her son's inheritance rights."

“So, before the Ji family could reach a conclusion through internal discussions, Feng Xiaoman had already taken action.”

"At that time, Ji Xuanye was training in the wild and it was not convenient to do so, so Feng Xiaoman directly sent people to imprison his mother Fang Ya, hoping to threaten Ji Xuanye so that he would leave Yanjing. Never come back again.”

"However, Fang Ya is also a woman with a strong personality. After being imprisoned by the other party, she thought that the other party wanted to harm Ji Xuanye. In order not to become a burden to her son, she directly chose to bite her tongue and commit suicide. "After all, paper can't cover up the fire. After Ji Xuanye returned from his training, he soon learned that his mother had been killed."

 “For a fourteen-year-old boy, this is a feeling like the sky is falling.”

"In grief and anger, Ji Xuanye went to the Ji family alone and asked the Ji family to give him and his mother an explanation!"

"However, things have already happened. In order to cover up their faults, the Ji family denied Feng Xiaoman's crime and claimed that Fang Ya's death had nothing to do with the Ji family. Ji Lan also refused to admit that Ji Xuanye was his son."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel slightly desolate.

It seems that although Ji Xuanye's life experience is somewhat similar to Shen Xiao's, his situation is even more miserable.

 At the very least, Shen Xiao's father, Shen Wuya, has always felt guilty towards him, but Ji Lan only regards Ji Xuanye, mother and son, as a burden and the mistakes he made when he was young.

“At that time, Ji Xuanye was only a fourteen-year-old boy. He had no strength at all and naturally had no right to speak.”

“In front of the behemoth Ji family, he has no room to fight, and no one will pay attention to his appeal.”

“Estimated, that was the moment in Ji Xuanye’s life when he was most thirsty for power.”

“However, although the Ji family ignored him, they also gave Ji Xuanye the right to choose.”

“After consultation, the Ji family finally reached a consensus.”

“They let Ji Xuanye make his own choice.”

"The first way is to give him a sum of money, let him leave Yanjing and never come back, and at the same time deprive him of his surname."

"The second way is for him to enter the Ji family, become a side disciple, and accept the cultivation of the Ji family."

“However, the Ji family’s rhetoric is very interesting.”

"Their implication is that they want Ji Lan to adopt Ji Xuanye and become his nominal 'adopted son'. While his inheritance rights are deprived, he can still be used by the Ji family."

“After all, in the eyes of senior executives of the Ji family, Ji Xuanye’s abilities still have great potential.”

“What these aristocratic families are most concerned about is what kind of vested interests they can bring to the family.”

“They didn’t realize at all how humiliating the choice itself was for Ji Xuanye.”

“It’s a tragedy in itself that you have the same blood flowing in your body, but you have to live with someone else as an adopted son.”

"However, the senior officials of the Ji family felt that this was a charity given to Ji Xuanye out of kindness."

 Speaking of this, Wang Zhanlin smiled playfully: "What do you think Ji Xuanye chose in the end?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "I guess he chose the second path."

Wang Zhanlin raised his eyebrows and said in slight shock: "How do you know?"

Lin Yuan was silent for a while and then said: "Because enduring humiliation and bearing the burden is sometimes more difficult than tearing oneself apart."

 (End of this chapter)

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