Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 334: The wind is rumbling, and everyone is in danger!

Chapter 334: The wind is raging, and everyone is in danger!

Lin Yuan frowned and speculated: "This ability to absorb the power of other people's souls to enhance one's own is indeed a bit evil. To increase one's own strength by hunting strong people is probably one of Ji Xuanye's purposes. One."

 “Well, that’s right.”

Wang Zhanlin asked back: "Then why do you think Ji Xuanye is so eager to become stronger?"

Lin Yuan said: "It's to take revenge on the Ji family."

 “That’s right.”

Wang Zhanlin asked again: "And have you noticed that none of the four heavenly kings who were killed were from China?"

“Logically speaking, China is where the truly powerful people gather, but the hunter has no intention of attacking the Chinese warriors.”

Lin Yuan thought for a moment, then frowned and said: "So...Ji Xuanye is planning to attack the Ji family directly after his strength has increased to a certain level?!"

Wang Zhanlin nodded and said, "I'm afraid that's the case."

“No wonder Ji Nanting asked the Ministry of Military Affairs for help. It seems to be not without reason.”

Lin Yuan thought for a while and said, "In that case, we don't need to go all out to find Ji Xuanye."

"As long as you stay at Ji's house, he will naturally come to your door."

Wang Zhanlin smiled and said, "Things are not as simple as you think. Since we can think of this, we can naturally expect it with Ji Xingye's IQ."

 “If he is not completely sure, he will never show up easily.”

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "But he must avenge the Ji family."

“Well, so now the military department is also having a headache, how to deal with this guy.”

Wang Zhanlin sighed and said, "However, the Human Parliament has issued a wanted order for him. If we can have a chance to catch this guy before he attacks the Ji family, then we don't need to bother so much. "

 “I hope so.”

Lin Yuan was silent for a long time, and finally spoke softly.

Nowadays, things are really troubled.


 This meeting lasted for a full three hours.

 After the meeting, the Ministry of Military Affairs finally finalized the strategic policy for dealing with Ji Xuanye.

 The core of his strategy is not to give Ji Xuanye any chance.

 All the powerful men in the Heavenly King Realm should gather together as much as possible, at least in pairs, to prevent Ji Xuanye from assassinating.

As for the Ji family, they must be on tight guard and strengthen their defenses to never give Ji Xuanye any opportunity to take advantage of them.

 Even, the Ministry of Military Affairs made a decision to transfer Lin Longshou to guard the Ji family.

With a Supreme King like Lin Longshou guarding the area, even Ji Xuanye must carefully consider whether he has the confidence to invade.


“By the way, I may have to go back in the next few days.”

On the way back, Wang Zhanlin suddenly spoke.

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned at first, and then subconsciously asked: "Go back? Do you mean going back to Mowu?"

Wang Zhanlin nodded and said: "Well, I will explain this to the Ministry of Military Affairs. The world is so chaotic now, and there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts, and snake gods. If I can't personally control Mowu, I will feel a little uneasy." "As for you, Just continue to stay in Jingwu. After all, the headquarters of the Military Department is located in Yanjing, and there is a veteran king like Nan Yunjing in charge. It will be safer for you to stay in Yanjing. "

What Wang Zhanlin said is not unreasonable.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuan said: "Okay, then I will stay in Jingwu. After you return to Mowu, remember to say hello to Chu Yu and Shen Xiao for me, and tell them not to worry about me. "


Wang Zhanlin nodded, and then winked and said: "The main thing is to take care of Chu Yu, okay? You two young lovers are really ill-fated. Not long after they got together, they started to live in different places. There was a wave of unrest. The waves are rising again. We are obviously from the same school, but we don’t have any time to get together. You must be feeling quite depressed, right?”

“How about it, do you want me to ask Chu Yu to come over to ease your boy’s lovesickness?”

Lin Yuan looked straight: "As a principal, are you encouraging students to fall in love prematurely?"

Wang Zhanlin immediately put on a distressed expression, covered his heart and said: "You kid, you are really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, you don't know the heart of a good person!"

 “Haha, stop pretending, you old gangster.”

Lin Yuan sneered and complained, and then sighed slightly: "During this period, it is better not to let Chu Yu come over. The situation is too chaotic, and Yanjing is at the center of the whirlpool. If she comes over, it is possible Being implicated by me, you are in danger.”

Wang Zhanlin said cheerfully: "I didn't expect that you were so thoughtful."

“If you stay in Jingwu, try to stay with Nan Yunjing. If there is a critical moment, the old man may be able to save your life.”

 “Okay, I will.”


 In the next few days, bad news kept coming.

Even though Ji Xingye’s hunt for the Heavenly King has been noticed by the human parliament, he still has no intention of restraining himself, and the frequency of hunting has become even more frequent!

 As time goes by, more and more powerful people in the Heavenly King realm die in the hands of Ji Xuanye.

This is not because the human parliament has done nothing, but because Ji Xuanye’s traces are too unpredictable.

 What is even more terrifying is his extremely fast killing speed.

Just three days ago, a powerful man in the Heavenly King realm was attacked in North Africa.

 After receiving the news, members of the Human Parliament rushed to the place where the two sides were fighting within five minutes.

However, when they arrived at the scene, the battle was already over, and Ji Xuanye was not seen at all.

 The only thing left at the scene was the body of the North African King.

In just five minutes, Ji Xuanye forcibly killed a Heavenly King, and after absorbing the power of the latter's soul, he calmly escaped.

It was as if in front of Ji Xuanye, the ordinary king was like fish on a chopping board, letting him slaughter it at will.

With such a fast killing speed, even the human parliament was unable to do anything against Ji Xuanye.

 Suddenly, all the king-level powerful men in the world were in danger, and there was a tremor.

 Before, no one would have believed that someone could actually make the warriors in the Heavenly King realm fear to such an extent!

However, from the beginning to the end, Ji Xuanye never set foot in the Chinese territory. It seemed that he had no intention of taking action against the Chinese warriors.

 Furthermore, the Ji family, which was tightly guarded by the Ministry of Military Affairs, also did not wait for Ji Xuanye's arrival.

 (End of this chapter)

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