Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 335: Ji Xuanye VS Nan Yunjing!

Chapter 335 Ji Xuanye VS Nan Yunjing!

No one knows what Ji Xuanye is thinking.

Perhaps he thought the time had not come yet, or perhaps he sensed the danger in advance.

Even, there are many foreign kings who believe that China is safe and have fled to China, as if they regard China as a refuge.

However, even so, the Ministry of Military Affairs still did not relax its vigilance.

 Because no one knew whether Ji Xuanye would suddenly kill them and catch them off guard.


Yanjing Wuhan University.

As the most prestigious university in China, although it still maintains calm on the surface, the Ministry of Military Affairs has already deployed secret defenses.

 In fact, even the residences of various heavenly kings are under extremely strict surveillance by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

 Once there is any disturbance, the Ministry of Military Affairs will be able to get the news as soon as possible.

Although this approach seems to have invaded the privacy of these heavenly kings, in this special period, no one can care so much.

 It was late at night, and by the shore of Weiyang Lake, two warriors of the Venerable Realm were conducting routine inspections.

These two people are not warriors within the Jingwu, but 'posts' sent by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

“It’s been so many days, Ji Xuanye shouldn’t be here, right?”

Looking at the sparkling lake in front of him, one of the venerables spoke thoughtfully.

"Who knows, I don't think he has the guts to come."

Another venerable man smiled and said, "In order to prevent him, the Ministry of Military Affairs has laid a dragnet in Yanjing. If Ji Xuanye dares to come here, he will be asking for his own death."

 The former nodded and agreed: "Well, that's true. That guy shouldn't be that stupid."

However, at this moment, a cold and cold voice suddenly rang in the ears of the two of them.

 “I’m so sorry, I’m really that stupid.”


 The two venerables looked horrified!

 Because they were not aware of the energy of the speaker at all, and they did not know when the other person appeared.

 “I’m sorry, I’ll lend you your life.”

 Hsih, sneer!

With two soft sounds, the chests of the two eighth-level venerables were instantly penetrated.

And what penetrated them was Ji Xuanye's hands.

You must know that even a warrior at the Heavenly King level cannot withstand a few moves in Ji Xuanye's hands. For the latter, who is only at the eighth level of the Venerable Realm, he is even more vulnerable.

 After killing these two venerables, Ji Xuanye directly withdrew his hand.

Together with it, there are two gray-white soul powers.

Although the soul of the Venerable Realm cannot bring much improvement to his strength, it is better than nothing.


Just after Ji Xuanye absorbed all the souls of the two people, he suddenly discovered that one of them was actually holding a small mechanical instrument in his hand.

 On the mechanical instrument, there is only a red button.

When Ji Xuanye discovered it, the button was already pressed.

 Obviously, even on his deathbed, this Venerable still kept his mission in mind and sent the information.

 “Chinese warriors… really should not be underestimated.”

Ji Xuanye smiled and shook his head mockingly.

Although in his eyes, these two eighth-level venerables were just like ants.

 But it was precisely these two ants that exposed his whereabouts to the Ministry of Military Affairs.

 “It seems that the movement must be faster.”

Ji Xuanye narrowed his eyes slightly, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes!

After all, this is China, a country with the most prosperous martial arts in the world today. As the most prestigious military organization in China, the Ministry of Military Affairs has strong execution capabilities that cannot be matched by other forces!

 This is also the reason why Ji Xuanye has been hesitant to set foot in China before. It is absolutely impossible for Ji Xuanye to give up revenge.

 So, he had already made up his mind.

 He will never take action easily before he is fully prepared.

 The moment he sets foot in China, the revenge plan is officially launched!

 He came to Jingwu this time not for anything else but for Nanyun Jing!

Of course he knew that the Ministry of Military Affairs would definitely lay a dragnet around the Ji family, waiting for him to come to his door.

However, Ji Xuanye is not a fool. Since the Ministry of Military Affairs has laid an ambush, he might as well do the opposite and attack the other kings first!

And Nanyunjing is the first target selected by Ji Xuanye!

 At first, Nan Yunjing's strength was outstanding, even among the kings, he was considered to be at the top of the pyramid, which could easily become a hindrance to his revenge against the Ji family.

If you can kill him, you will not only be able to absorb Nan Yunjing's soul power, but also remove an obstacle. It can be said that you kill two birds with one stone.

Secondly, Ji Xuanye also did sufficient research before planning.

A few days ago, Wang Zhanlin left Yanjing and rushed back to take charge of Mowu.

At this moment, Nan Yunjing was only accompanied by Lin Yuan, the new king.

 Now is definitely the best time to take action against him!

Thinking of this, Wang Zhanlin stopped hesitating. His figure suddenly rose up and flew towards Nan Yunjing's residence!


 Yanjing, Ministry of Military Affairs.

“There’s news about Ji Xuanye! This guy has appeared in China!”

 “The within the Yanjing Wuhan University!”

Looking at the red warning that suddenly lit up on the screen in front of him, the warrior in charge of monitoring immediately stood up and spoke eagerly.

“Understood, I will pass the news to Boss Luohou!”

After receiving the exact information, the intelligence personnel did not dare to neglect and ran out quickly.


At the same time, two figures were confronting each other in the sky above Yanjing Wuhan University. One of them was Ji Xuanye!

Standing opposite him was the old president of Yanjing Wuhan University, Nan Yunjing!

 Obviously, Ji Xuanye did not waste time after his whereabouts were exposed and went straight to the latter!

 “Did you kill someone?”

There was no trace of panic on Nan Yunjing's face, he just frowned and asked.

"How did you know?"

Ji Xuanye smiled casually: "Do you smell the blood on me?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask so many questions. Let me tell you the truth. I did kill someone and exposed my whereabouts to the Ministry of Military Affairs. So if you really want to survive, just try to hold on for a while and wait until the Ministry of Military Affairs. If someone comes to support you, you may still have a chance."

Nan Yunjing looked calm and asked, "Have you ever thought that the person you killed was also an innocent person?"

"Really? I really haven't thought about it."

Ji Xuanye opened his black hood, veins popped out on his forehead, and said in a cold voice: "I don't know, and I don't want to care who is innocent. Wasn't I innocent back then? Wasn't my mother innocent? Isn't she innocent? She just wants to lead a peaceful life with me, what mistake did we make? "

 “In short, I only have one sentence.”

“So anyone who hinders my plan will die!”

Nanyun Jing sighed slightly.

He understood that the obsession in Ji Xuan's ambition had reached a very deep level, and he could no longer persuade him to look back.

 In this case, there is only one battle.

 After all, this is Yanjing Wuhan University.

 This is a place that he must protect no matter what!

 (End of this chapter)

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