Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 337: Tailed beast outerwear!

Chapter 337: Tailed Beast Coat!


Just when Lin Yuan was caught off guard, a dark soul ball suddenly passed through his chest. However, it did not leave any trace on his body. Instead, it penetrated directly through the body and killed him. above the soul!

For a moment, Lin Yuan felt his heart tremble, and his mind went blank, as if his soul had been penetrated by some sharp object.

After being in a daze for a while, Lin Yuan slowly woke up.

If his soul hadn't been strong enough, I'm afraid the blow just now would have severely damaged his soul!

 “Normal attacks are ineffective, you must inject the power of your soul into your attack power!”

Seeing Lin Yuan being hurt, Nan Yunjing quickly spoke to remind him.

 “Old guy, you didn’t tell me earlier!”

 Lin Yuan gritted his teeth, quickly sacrificed the thunder bead, and poured the power of his soul into it.

 “Three thousand thunder crows killed!”

With Lin Yuan's soul power injected into it, the purple thunder beads suddenly bloomed with an extremely dazzling light!

Countless black and purple thunder soul crows condensed and formed from the thunder beads, and collided with the soul ball that blasted towards Lin Yuan, shattering and annihilating each other.

Lin Yuan used the power of the thunder beads to gather the thunder soul crows at no slow rate, and he was able to resist Ji Xuanye's offensive for a while!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ji Xuanye frowned slightly.

He expected Nan Yunjing to be able to block his attack.

However, what he didn't expect was that Lin Yuan actually showed such amazing strength and resisted all his attacks.

 Actually, what Ji Xuanye didn't understand was that in terms of soul power alone, Lin Yuan was not necessarily inferior to Nanyun Jing.

“Since you like to resist so much, then I’ll kill you with my own hands!”

Ji Xuanye let out a low roar, and the power of his soul suddenly left his body, forming a pair of solid black soul armor around him!

Suddenly, his figure suddenly turned into a black stream of light, like a meteor, flying towards Lin Yuan at extremely fast speeds, as fast as if he was about to break the sound barrier!


With a roar, Ji Xuanye's right fist suddenly flew forward, facing Lin Yuan's face!

Fortunately, the latter's reaction speed was not slow at all. When he made a judgment, he used the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to forcefully summon Susanoo!

 “Thunder Armor!”

Facing Ji Xuanye who was going all out, Lin Yuan didn't dare to stand up at all. The purple thunder beads in his hands burst out with extremely dazzling light, covering Susanoo and forming a pair of purple thunder beads. Made of armor!

 Susanoo in this state can be said to be the strongest complete body that Lin Yuan can activate so far!


 After Susanoo took shape, Ji Xuanye's punch also fell.

 Suddenly, the momentum shook the heaven and the earth!

 The endless soul power surged out like a tsunami, pouring all on Susanoo!

In a mere moment, the purple thunder armor on Susanoo cracked and shattered!

Even the purple Susanoo's light quickly dimmed, apparently unable to withstand the power of Ji Xuanye's punch!

Lin Yuan then realized how terrifying the man in front of him who had hunted so many kings was!

This guy... is simply not something he can compete with. This is probably why Ji Xuanye attacked him first.

 Because Ji Xuanye didn't take him seriously at all, he wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible so that he could concentrate on dealing with Nan Yunjing!

“Don’t resist, you alone are no match for him, I’ll help you!”

Nanyun Jing stood sideways and quickly arrived in front of Lin Yuan. His palms stretched forward. Although his movements seemed slow, they also contained the power of the wind and cloud domain!

 Flowing Cloud Palm!

The power of Liuyun surged forward along Nan Yunjing's palm, forming two almost majestic palm prints, heading towards the direction of Ji Xuanye's fist, forcibly resisting it!

 For a time, the two sides were evenly matched!

 “Old man, even you want to stop me?!”

Ji Xuanye's eyes were red and he roared wildly. Countless python-like soul beams condensed and formed, biting crazily towards Nanyunjing!

These black soul pythons were so fast that the latter was unable to dodge and was actually penetrated through the lower abdomen by one of the black pythons!

You must know that these black pythons are all composed of soul power.

 The trauma from the soul is not so easy to bear.

After being penetrated by the black python, Nan Yunjing groaned, and his face immediately turned pale.

Ji Xuanye also seized the opportunity, deflected his fist and blasted towards Nanyun Jing!


Liuyun's palm print suddenly shattered, and even Nan Yunjing's figure flew out!

This is the first time Lin Yuan has seen Nan Yunjing fall into such an embarrassing situation. This Ji really a powerful enemy!

“Once a person gets older, his strength will indeed decline, and even warriors are no exception.”

Ji Xuanye smiled and said softly: "Your strength is much weaker than I thought."

"It seems that it will be easy to deal with you before the reinforcements from the Ministry of Armed Forces arrive."

However, just when Ji Xuanye believed that he had a chance to win, Lin Yuan's voice rang quietly in his ears.

“Uncle, has no one ever taught you that villains die because of their words?”


Ji Xuanye frowned, turned around and looked back, but was shocked to find that Lin Yuan had undergone earth-shaking changes!

A scarlet-like blood-like energy coat covered his body, just like the fur of a fox. Nine long blood-colored tails even grew at the end of Lin Yuan's tail vertebrae!

 Furthermore, Ji Xuanye felt extremely strong energy fluctuations on top of this **** coat!

"What's this…"

Ji Xuanye narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't help but ask.

 “Haven’t you seen it?”

Lin Yuan grinned and said: "This thing is called the 'Tailed Beast Coat'. I spent a full five hundred points... to get it from the mall for a good thing!"

After the battle that destroyed the Dark Parliament, Lin Yuan accumulated a lot of points and exchanged them for many precious things in the system's limited-time points mall.

The 'Tailed Beast Coat' he is currently using is one of them. The price is as high as 500 points. It contains the tailed beast power of the nine-tailed beast Nine Lamas, and can bring extremely terrifying effects to the user's strength... Increase!

 (End of this chapter)

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