Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 338: Ji Xuanye’s true strength!

Chapter 338 Ji Xuanye’s true strength!

It is no exaggeration to say that even Lin Yuan himself is not clear to what extent his strength has been increased.

 Before this, he had also used energy related to it, but it was just the "power of one tail", the sand-tailed beast named "Shukaku".

 Obviously, the amplifying effect brought by the Tailed Beast Coat to Lin Yuan is even greater than it.

Soon, the nine **** tails on the tailed beast's coat formed an arc in the air.

Black particles with the meaning of death quickly peeled off from the **** fox tail and condensed into shape, forming a huge black energy ball, exuding endless terrifying power!

Ji Xuanye’s expression changed.

He didn’t know whether it was his imagination or not, but he actually felt a power that made his heart palpitate on this black death energy ball!

 A sense of oppression, suffocation, and fear!

 It felt as if he was in the wilderness now and was being stared at by a giant beast.

Finally, a huge energy ball as dark as the abyss of death completely condensed from the nine **** fox tails!

 This is the terrifying power coming from creatures like tailed beasts...tailed beast bullets!

Lin Yuan opened his **** mouth. Under the tailed beast's coat, he looked like a humanoid monster, full of ferocity, cruelty, and murderous intent!

With a high-pitched roar, the brutal tailed beast bullets finally blasted towards the direction of Ji Xuanye!

Ji Xuanye also put away his contempt for Lin Yuan. His face was solemn and solemn, and the power of his soul was like a thread, quickly condensing into shape, forming a fifty-meter square soul in front of him. net!

 Obviously, this is exactly how he wanted to block the tailed beast bomb attack!

 However, just when the Soul Net came into contact with the Tailed Beast Bullet, the former began to burn violently as if it had encountered dry wood on a charcoal fire!

Because Lin Yuan had already predicted the defensive measures Ji Xuanye might take, he poured the soul power into the tailed beast bullet in advance!

Under the crazy raging of the tailed beast bullets, the soul beam like a fishing net soon broke apart inch by inch!

Ji Xuanye obviously did not expect that the methods he used could not stop the opponent's offensive at all!

However, he did not choose to retreat. Instead, he took a step forward and roared: "The power of the soul, add it to me!"

 In an instant, the power of thousands of souls rose from his domain, gathered towards Ji Xuanye, and merged into his body!

He roared wildly and punched forward. The power of his soul surged and instantly annihilated the violent tailed beast into nothingness!

I have to say that Ji Xuanye is even more powerful in this state!

 The power of the soul that is mysterious to others, in Ji Xuanye's hands, is like an extremely skilled tool that can be used as he wishes.

Lin Yuan’s eyes were slightly sharp.

The man in front of him is like a bottomless abyss. It is impossible to see through his strength or where his upper limit is.

However, this battle is inevitable after all!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan no longer hesitated and rushed forward like a beast, attacking Ji Xuanye with great ferocity!

 After receiving the blessing of the Tailed Beast Coat, Lin Yuan's advantage has become Lin Yuan's advantage in fighting close to him!

And Nan Yunjing, who was injured earlier, also recovered at this moment, and together with Lin Yuan, they pressed towards Ji Xuanye, forming a killing force from both sides! Yuntian Blade!

 tailed beast bullet!

Just when they were about to approach Ji Xuanye, Nan Yunjing and Lin Yuan launched an offensive at the same time!

Under the pressure of the wind, the cloud blade was compressed to the extreme. The softest cloud in the world turned into an extremely sharp murder weapon in Nan Yunjing's hands, just like a supremely sharp knife that can cut off water!

And Lin Yuan added a layer of purple thunder on top of the tailed beast bullets that were full of violence and death. The dazzling purple thunder light and the black violent energy set off each other, unabashedly showing the outside world his unparalleled power. The power of God!

If it were an ordinary king, it would be impossible for him to withstand two such menacing killing moves at the same time.

 But Ji Xuanye is different.

When the Soul Domain is fully open, the power of the soul is like a thick fog in summer, lingering around Ji Xuanye's body, revealing gray and black colors, making him look like he was born from the abyss. Ghostly!

Facing the joint moves performed by Lin Yuan and Nan Yunjing, Ji Xuanye did not panic at all, because he had absolute power.

 Those who have power will not feel fear.

He stretched out his hands, and the power of his soul quickly condensed into bundles, spreading outward at an incredible speed, eventually forming two giant black palms that could cover the sky!

One of the giant palms went directly towards the Purple Thunder Tailed Beast Bullet Grip, like squeezing an ant to death, annihilating the Tailed Beast Bullet filled with the aura of violence and death in the palm of his hand!

 The other giant black palm also used the same method to annihilate the Yun Tian Blade condensed by Nan Yun Jing!

The two men's nearly powerful killing moves were like children playing house in front of Ji Xuanye.

Lin Yuan and Nan Yunjing have gone all out.

 But they have no idea whether Ji Xuanye tried his best.

 “It’s time to finish.”

Ji Xuanye muttered silently, split his body into two, and attacked Lin Yuan and Nan Yunjing respectively!

Under the influence of the Sharingan, Lin Yuan clearly saw that the 'Ji Xuanye' who was attacking him was a soul body constructed entirely from the power of the soul!

This man's control over the soul has reached a meticulous level. He is even so powerful that he can separate the soul and form a separate soul body!

Moreover, according to Lin Yuan's perception, even 'Ji Xuanye' who exists in the form of a soul body is quite powerful!

Ji Xuanye was like a wild wolf in ancient times. When he made up his mind to hunt, he finally showed his sharp claws and fangs.

 For a while, Lin Yuan and Nan Yunjing were both involved in a fierce battle.

  It was more of a one-sided suppression than a fierce battle.

Even if Lin Yuan and Nan Yunjing join forces, this is still an unfair duel. Ji Xuanye has strength far beyond their imagination, and the balance of victory is tipping towards him with absolute advantage. go.

Judging from the current situation, the strength of Lin Yuan and Nan Yunjing is simply not enough to compete with Ji Xuanye, let alone defeat him.

 The only thing they can do is to delay as much time as possible until support from the Armed Forces arrives!

 (End of this chapter)

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