Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 342: The golden cicada escapes from its shell!

Chapter 342 The golden cicada escapes from its shell!

After Ji Xuanye's self-destruction, energy fluctuations were like a torrent, pouring out in all directions, like a magnificent tsunami, making people feel palpitating and fearful for no reason.

Under such a terrifying torrent of energy, Nan Yunjing's domain was torn apart almost instantly, just like a piece of cloth that was originally intact but was easily torn into countless pieces by a pair of invisible hands.

After the realm was shattered, Nan Yunjing also suffered a backlash, opening his mouth and spitting out a mouthful of blood!

However, he did not give up, and once again mobilized the power of the wind and clouds to reunite the realm!

 At this moment, Nanyun Jing looks like an old lion.

 The Jingwu under his feet is the territory he is sworn to defend to the death!

Unfortunately, before his domain could be re-condensed, it once again collapsed under the torrent of self-exploding energy!

Nanyun Jing's face was as white as gold paper, and blood overflowed uncontrollably from the corners of his mouth again.

You must know that he was injured in the previous battle with Ji Xuanye, and now he wants to forcefully prevent the latter from blowing up. Naturally, he is asking for trouble!

 The field is the lifeblood of the Heavenly King Warrior.

If Nan Yunjing continues to be so careless and allows his domain to be broken again and again, I am afraid that he will be dead before Jingwu is annihilated!

But Nan Yunjing doesn't care about this at all. As long as he can save Yanjing Wuhan University, even if he burns himself up, he won't hesitate!

 Fortunately, a scolding sounded in a very timely manner.

 “Old guy, you don’t want your life?!”

Luo Hou yelled angrily, and the killing field completely expanded. The blood-colored mist was like a barrier, wrapping around the torrent of energy generated by Ji Xuanye's self-destruction!

Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin saw this and rushed forward immediately, pulling away from Nanyunjing in time.

Nan Yunjing, who was at the end of his strength, finally could no longer hold on after being pulled away and fell into a coma.

“Old principal, you have done your best, and the rest...just leave it to us.”

Lin Yuan hugged Nan Yunjing, descended, and placed the latter behind a rockery.

To ensure his safety, Lin Yuan also raised his hand to set up a thunder curtain.

“This old guy overextended his strength, and the injuries on his body were too severe. It’s normal for him to faint.”

Wang Zhanlin followed him, shook his head, and said softly: "He worked too hard. Although his life is not in danger, he will still have some sequelae after this battle."

 “Well, it doesn’t matter, as long as the person is fine.”

Lin Yuan nodded, then looked up at the black sun in the sky again, and said worriedly: "With the help of Luo Hou and the dozens of kings from the military department, we can really stop Ji Xuanye's self-destruction. Is the energy leaking?”

 “He didn’t blow himself up at all.”

Wang Zhanlin’s tone was extremely calm, but what he said shocked Lin Yuan!

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said: "What did you say?!"

 “Sometimes, what you see may not be what you believe.”

Wang Zhanlin said calmly: "You can sense the energy fluctuations coming from the black sun above."

Lin Yuan frowned, but still did as Wang Zhanlin said.

Subsequently, he was surprised to find that the energy fluctuations generated by Ji Xuanye's self-destruction did not seem to be as powerful as he had imagined.

Even the black sun formed by Ji Xuanye's self-destruction continued to dim under the envelope of Luo Hou's killing field. Coupled with the efforts of dozens of other martial arts kings, the power generated by Ji Xuanye's self-destruction is no longer enough to threaten the entire Yanjing Wuhan University!

But the key point can the power of a supreme king who uses all his strength to self-destruct be only this level?


Lin Yuan looked slightly stern and wanted to tell his guess.

Wang Zhanlin nodded and said: "You are right in inferring that the one who blew himself up...should not be Ji Xuanye's true form, but his soul!"

Lin Yuan nodded in agreement.

Judging by the power of the self-destruction, Ji Xuanye probably just exploded his soul.

Although the body is not self-destructing, even if the soul self-destructs, it is like "a strong man cutting off his wrist" to Ji Xuanye.

 After all, it is not easy to recover from a soul injury, and it may even have a great impact on Ji Xuanye's strength!

"It seems that he is still not ready to give up revenge on the Ji family."

Lin Yuan said quietly.

“How could a person like him, who takes revenge as his spiritual food, give up so easily?”

Wang Zhanlin shook his head calmly and said, "If I'm not wrong, this is also his plan to escape. After attracting all the attention of the military department to the Yanjing Martial Arts University, he went to the Ji family alone for revenge."

 “Such an avenger is really terrifying.”

“He has courage, determination, courage, extraordinary execution ability, and possesses the qualifications of a monster.”

 At this point, Lin Yuan suddenly laughed: "If Ji Xuanye doesn't die this time, I'm afraid the Ji family will have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of their lives."

"you are right."

Wang Zhanlin sighed: "It's just Ji Xuanye's matter, it's still a trivial matter. Although this guy is extremely powerful and has the ability to hunt the king at will, he is just a hunter after all, and he is not qualified to be the destruction in our eyes. By."

Lin Yuan was slightly indifferent.

I have to say that what Wang Zhanlin said is not unreasonable.

Although Ji Xuanye turned the entire world upside down during this period, he was only one person after all. He was far from being able to compete with the human parliament, let alone subvert the entire world.

 In other words, Ji Xuanye can at most disrupt the order of the world to a certain extent, but he cannot completely destroy it and rebuild it.

 But in Ji Xuanye's words, he clearly mentioned that the world is inevitably heading towards destruction!

Lin Yuan spoke softly and comforted: "Don't think so much, maybe he just said a few harsh words to scare us."

Wang Zhanlin sighed slightly: "I hope so, but at this time, Ji Xuanye has no need to lie to us. He must know something."

 “Well, you’re right.”

Lin Yuan said calmly: "But we have no clue now anyway, so we can only block it with troops, and the water will cover us."

"If Ji Xuanye has already rushed to the Ji family, we don't have to worry too much. Isn't Lin Longshou sitting there?"

 (End of this chapter)

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