Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 343: Go to Ji’s house!

Chapter 343 Heading to the Ji family!

Under the power of Ji Xuanye's self-destruction, the entire Weiyang Lake was evaporated, and the surrounding land and vegetation were also completely destroyed, turning it into a ruins.

 Weiyang Lake at Yanjing Wuhan University was completely destroyed, leaving only a deep pit.

If you want to restore it to its original state, I'm afraid it will take a lot of manpower, material resources and time.

However, the only good thing is that the self-destruction power of Ji Xuanye's soul body is limited. With the joint efforts of Luo Hou and dozens of military kings, the energy torrent generated by the self-destruction was finally limited to the Weiyang Lake area.

  In other words, except for those present, no Yanjing student was affected.

 “What were the casualties?”

Luo Hou turned his head, frowned and asked.

 His face showed a rare hint of fatigue.

 Obviously, in order to block the self-destruction power of Ji Xuanye's soul, he also spent a lot of strength.

“Three heavenly kings died, seven heavenly kings were seriously injured, and twenty-five heavenly kings were slightly injured.”

Beside Luo Hou, a warrior spoke softly.

In order to stop Ji Xuanye's crazy behavior, three kings even sacrificed their lives.

“Those who are seriously injured will be sent back to the headquarters to recuperate.”

“Those who are slightly injured, continue to follow me to Ji’s house!”

“By the way, let me inform Lin Longshou that Ji Xuanye has gone in the direction of the Ji family!”

Luo Hou frowned slightly and spoke calmly.

 What a smart person he is, even Wang Zhanlin has already seen the mystery, and Luo Hou is naturally aware of Ji Xuanye's intention.

 “I’ll make him pay.”

Luo Hou's tone was indifferent, and his words revealed endless chilling meaning.


Over Yanjing, a figure was flying across the sky at an extremely fast speed. Against the backdrop of the dark night, it looked like a Yaksha in mythology.

 His target is the foundation of the Ji family on the outskirts of Yanjing.

Although these aristocratic families have extraordinary power, they often do not locate their families in urban areas, because in their eyes, that is simply the behavior of the nouveau riche.

 “Finally got rid of those troublesome people.”

  Ji Xuanye couldn't help but have a sneer on his face.

After the self-destruction of his soul, his strength was certainly affected to some extent. His face turned extremely pale and he looked like a Western vampire.

However, this does not affect his continued revenge plan.

 For him, the only uncertain factor now is Lin Longshou.

Thinking of this, Ji Xuanye took out a mobile phone directly from the space ring and dialed the only number stored in it.

After the call was dialed, a slightly hoarse voice soon rang in Ji Xuanye's ears: "Master Envoy, I'm ready. Now... do you need me to execute it according to the original plan?"

Ji Xuanye took a deep breath and said calmly: "According to the plan, don't let me down."

 “Humble position understands.”

After the other party agreed, Ji Xuanye casually crushed the phone into pieces and continued to fly in the direction of the Ji family.

 He was fully prepared.

This time, he will definitely drag the entire Ji family into an abyss, and there will be no recovery.


 The whole Ji family was in panic. If Mr. Ji hadn't given the order to die, some of the Ji family members who were not strong-minded would have fled the Ji family in a hurry.

However, if this is the case, it is playing into Ji Xuanye's hands.

 He would absolutely not mind and hunt down all the Ji family members one by one.

 What Ji Xuanye longs for is for these people to face the final judgment in despair!

 After receiving the news that Ji Xuanye was coming for revenge, the panic in the hearts of the Ji family was finally completely detonated!

Except for a few Heavenly King-level warriors who are still ready to fight, the rest of the Ji family are like turtles hiding in their own courtyards, not daring to show their heads at all.

However, in the garden directly opposite the Ji family's gate, there was a figure sitting motionless on an ebony chair.

That figure is not tall, but it gives people the feeling of being as heavy as a mountain.

Ji Nanting walked slowly to the side of this figure and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Longshou, whether the Ji family can survive this difficulty this time depends entirely on you."

If even Lin Longshou cannot stop Ji Xuanye, then throughout China, there may be no one who can be the opponent of the latter.

 If things really got that bad, no one could stop Ji Xuanye from destroying the Ji family.

However, after the Ji family is destroyed, the human parliament will truly realize the threat posed by Ji Xuanye and use absolute power to obliterate him at all costs!

 “I should do my best.”

Lin Longshou stood up and looked at the sky solemnly: "He's here."

Ji Nanting was horrified when he heard this. He turned his head and said solemnly: "All the children of the Ji family, be prepared to fight!"

“At any cost, we must stop this devil from the door of the Ji family!”

 “Ji Lan takes the order!”

After Ji Nanting gave the order, Ji Lan, the contemporary head of the Ji family, stood up, knelt down on one knee, and spoke in a deep voice.

 He is Ji Xuanye's biological father. He has an unshirkable responsibility for the matter to reach this point.

Furthermore, regardless of whether it is his responsibility or not, now that a powerful enemy is facing him, as the head of the Ji family, he must stand up without hesitation!

 Behind Ji Lan, one after another, the Ji family kings followed the former’s actions and knelt down.

 “Ji Shun takes the order!”

 “Ji Renjie takes the order!”

 “Ji Mingquan takes the order!”


One generous and high-pitched response sounded out one after another.

 One after another, the Ji family kings knelt down on one knee.

Ji Nanting looked at the scene in front of him and felt an indescribable emotion lingering in his heart.

After a long while, he finally said: "Get up, you are all the pillars of our Ji family, and having you the honor of our Ji family."

 “I am willing to go through fire and water for the Ji family and fight to the death without retreating!”

The heavenly kings in front of me shouted loudly, and the momentum seemed to be enough to shake the heaven and the earth!

Ji Lan stood up with cold eyes and said calmly: "Father, you don't need to worry too much. The affairs of our Ji family will be handled by our own family."

“Ji Xuanye’s treacherous son who repays kindness with hatred will also be killed by me myself!”

Ji Lan spoke decisively, with an indescribable arrogance in his tone.

These days, Ji Lan has been holding back a bad feeling in her heart.

Although no one dared to put it on the table and say it clearly, almost everyone in the Ji family felt that it was Ji Lan... who laid the foundation for Ji Xuanye, a disaster that could bring about the downfall of the Ji family!

 (End of this chapter)

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