Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 346: A scholar dies for his confidant

Chapter 346 A scholar dies for his confidant

To be honest, because it was so long ago, Paine can no longer remember the memory of that day clearly.

However, the only thing he remembered was that on that day, the man named "Ji Xuanye" stretched out his hand to him.

That was the first one that made him feel that he was a respected person.

Although the man's tone was calm, it also carried an indescribable magic.

 It was like solemnly announcing to him in his ears that you are not trash, but a valuable existence.

To this day, Paine still doesn’t understand what the so-called ‘corporal courtesy’ means.

However, when he came into contact with Chinese culture, he accidentally learned another sentence.

  A scholar dies for a close friend.

The so-called ‘confidant’, in the ancient sense, refers to a person who understands, appreciates and cultivates himself.

 After understanding the definition of this word, the first thing that came to Paine's mind was Ji Xuanye!

 In his opinion, Ji Xuanye...the man who pulled him out of the darkness was his confidant.

 At that time, Paine had already made up his mind.

If one day, Ji Xuanye needs him, no matter what, he will definitely do it without hesitation, even if it costs his own life.

 In Paine's eyes, there is nothing better than this for a scholar to die for his bosom friend.

 It’s a pity that Pan has never found an opportunity to serve Ji Xuanye.

In front of Ji Xuanye, there seemed to be no difficulties at all. He rose steadily, from a cadre to the top of the Dark Council, and was also appreciated by the Dark Lord.

Paine has always felt that Ji Xuanye is a man like a lion. He walks on the grassland and can easily ascend the throne that belongs to him without using any conspiracy and trickery, and provides the same tolerance, respect, and equality to everyone.

If you can say that you are a moth in the darkness, then Ji Xuanye is the dazzling light.

However, by chance, Pan learned about Ji Xuanye's past experience.

That was the first time he knew that even a person as brilliant as Ji Xuanye still had the pain of the past hidden deep in his heart.

From then on, Paine was no longer so impatient.

 Because he knew that Ji Xuanye would one day need him.

 On the day he took revenge on the Ji family.

 And Paine...finally waited for this day!

Paine did not participate in the final battle that led to the destruction of the Dark Parliament. This was of course Ji Xuanye's arrangement.

 Because he is still useful to Ji Xuanye.

 So, Pan hid on an island in advance, waiting for news from Ji Xuanye.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ji Xuanye finally came to see him.

 Furthermore, in his hand, he also held a bottle of black demon blood.

Although Paine immediately noticed how good the black demonic blood was, he still did not expect that it would be the blood of the Dark God Lord.

 After Ji Xuanye obtained the blood of the Dark God Lord, he did not use all of his divine power to improve his own strength, but chose to keep part of it.

 Because he knew in his heart that his own strength alone, no matter how strong he was, was not enough to compete with the entire Ji family and even the entire China.

 In order to achieve his goals, he must find ways to get help.

 And Paine was the backup he had prepared in advance.

Paine still remembered that after Ji Xuanye approached him, he didn't show any courtesy. Instead, he directly handed over the black demon blood in his hand and said straight to the point: "Are you willing to die for me?"

 His tone was as calm as ever. Just like the time when I extended my hand to him.

However, Pan did not hesitate this time. He took the demon blood from Ji Xuanye's hand with a smile: "Of course I am willing. I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

As a moth who has lived in darkness all his life, he is certainly willing to die in pursuit of the light he longs for.

 Even at the cost of burning yourself.


 After Paine agreed, Ji Xuanye explained to him the overall plan of revenge against the Ji family.

 In Ji Xuanye's plan, he is an extremely important part.

 Because what he has to do is to make all the strange beasts around Yanjing City fall into a violent state and set off an unprecedented beast riot!

Ji Xuanye knew very well that the military department would never let him take revenge on the Ji family.

In this case, what Ji Xuanye has to do is to make the military department have no time to take care of this matter.

Paine's own strength alone would naturally not be able to cause all the beasts around Yanjing City to fall into a state of riot.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Xuanye handed over the part of the blood of the Dark God Lord he left to Pan.

 Under the stimulation of the divine blood, Paine's potential will be greatly stimulated.

Of course, this method of forcibly overdrafting potential is not without any side effects.

 After setting off this beast wave, the lightest price Paine suffered was the loss of strength. If he could not hold on, he might even die directly.

But Paine didn't care.

For Ji Xuanye to accomplish his goal, he would do anything, even willing to die for this man.


 Outside Yanjing City.

Paine, dressed in black robe, looked extremely insignificant in the vast night.

However, the tide of beasts behind him gathered like a vast mountain and sea.

His face is covered with strange black lines.

These black lines were like countless wriggling maggots, wildly devouring his blood, his spiritual power, his soul... everything about him.

 Paine chose a completely different path from Ji Xuanye.

 After taking the divine blood, Ji Xuanye chose to use the power of the divine blood to strengthen himself.

What Paine chose was to activate the power in the divine blood as much as possible in a short period of time, to overdraw his own potential, in order to achieve the effect of reaching the sky in one step.

Everything Paine is enduring now is the backlash caused by his taking the divine blood.

 As for how long he can "burn", even Paine himself doesn't know.

 The only thing he knew clearly was that this was definitely the most glorious moment in his life.

He turned around and looked at the black beasts in front of him, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up into a sinister smile.

Paine knew very well that under the influence of his supernatural powers, the tens of thousands of strange beasts in front of him had completely become irrational killing tools.

 The only thing they follow is their own killing instinct, just like ferocious beasts in a cage.

Once he opens the door of the cage with his own hands, the entire Yanjing City will... tremble under the torrent of this ferocious beast!

 (End of this chapter)

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