Chapter 347 Beast Tide Chaos!

“Go, my boys, and tear apart everything you see!”

Paine raised his head high, his eyes full of madness!

 For him who is cowardly and incompetent, this is probably the craziest thing he has done in his life.

 He wants to burn his life to create opportunities for Ji Xuanye.

 He wants to overturn the entire Yanjing City on his own!

 The next second, Paine's figure suddenly rose into the sky.

And the black beast tide behind him finally lost all restraints, roaring and rushing towards the area where Yanjing City is located, just like a line of frenzy on the river!

 “It’s really terrible.”

Paine smiled slightly and disappeared into the night.

 He has completed the mission entrusted to him by Ji Xuanye.

 What he has to do next is to maintain his own abilities in the dark until his life comes to an end.


 Above the Ji family.

Ji Xuanye and Lin Longshou faced off in the air, but neither of them had the intention to take the lead.

However, the next second, Lin Longshou's expression changed.

 He raised his head and looked at the sky.

 A special wave of energy rippled out.

Then, an invisible barrier, like a sea wave, centered above Yanjing and spread to all sides, like a huge egg shell, covering the entire Yanjing.

 “How could the defensive barrier be opened at this time?”

Lin Longshou couldn't help but frowned.

Every city above the municipal level has a defense system. As the capital of China, Yanjing is like a heart, and it is no exception.

However, turning on the defense system requires the consumption of an extremely large amount of energy, so it is generally not a particularly critical situation, and few cities actively activate the defense system.

 Subsequently, Lin Longshou turned around, his cold eyes fell on Ji Xuanye, and he said sternly: "What on earth do you know?!"

 “Am I not right in front of you? What can I do?”

Ji Xuanye smiled, and then changed the topic: "If I said that Yanjing City is in danger now, would you believe it?"

 “Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!”

Lin Longshou's face turned cold, and a golden holy sword flew out of the air, drew an arc in the air, and instantly stabbed Ji Xuanye's throat!


Ji Xuanye did not dodge, he just tilted his head.

The sword's edge, emitting golden light, cut off a piece of his hair.

Ji Xuanye stretched out his hand, caught the broken hair, raised his head, smiled and said, "With such murderous intent, it seems you really want to kill me."

Lin Longshou said indifferently: "I advise you to be prepared. If anything goes wrong in Yanjing City today, I want you to pay with your life!"

Just as Lin Longshou finished speaking, Luo Hou also rushed to the Ji family with a group of heavenly kings from the military department.

As soon as Luo Hou saw Lin Longshou, he immediately flew to the front of the latter without hesitation, and opened his mouth and said: "Something happened!"

Lin Longshou's heart sank. Although he knew something must have happened, looking at the anxious look on Luo Hou's face, he realized the seriousness of the situation.

So, Lin Longshou asked in a deep voice: "What happened?"

“Yanjing City was attacked by a beast tide and was forced to activate the ‘Xuanwu’.”

Luo Hou took a deep breath and replied in a solemn tone.

Xuanwu is one of the four great mythical beasts of China. The defense system of Yanjing City is named after Xuanwu, which means immovable as a mountain.

  "What about the quantity?"   Lin Longshou quickly grasped the key points in Luo Hou's words and asked with a frown.

According to Yanjing's armed forces, ordinary beast tides should not be a concern at all.

Luo Hou was silent for a moment, then slowly squeezed out three words through his teeth: "Nearly one hundred thousand."

As soon as these three words were spoken, even Lin Longshou fell silent.

 Hundred thousands of beasts.

 This is definitely an unprecedented disaster and catastrophe.

Facing such a severe situation, it is no wonder that the Ministry of Armed Forces chose to activate the defense system as soon as possible.

In this case, wasting even one second more time means that someone may die as a result.

Even the entire Yanjing is facing the crisis of overthrow.

Thinking of this, Lin Longshou asked: "What does the military department mean?"

Luo Hou said in a deep voice: "The Ministry of Military Affairs wants you to go to the border of Yanjing immediately to cooperate with the garrison to suppress the beast tide."

 “What about the Ji family?”

Lin Longshou frowned.

Luo Hou did not give a clear positive answer, but said implicitly: "Now is a special period, and the Ministry of Military Affairs must make a decision."

"I see."

Lin Longshou nodded.

 It seems that... the military department is ready to give up on the Ji family.

 After all, in the face of the survival of the entire Yanjing, even as powerful as the Ji family, it is an existence that can be discarded.

Then, Lin Longshou turned his head and his eyes fell calmly on Ji Xuanye: "You are really ruthless. For your own selfish reasons, you even did not hesitate to drag the entire civilian population of Yanjing City into this whirlpool."

Ji Xuanye smiled and said, "I have no choice. I don't have many chips. If I'm not ruthless enough, I won't even be able to get on the gambling table."

Luo Hou reminded Lin Longshou: "Hurry up and leave this place to me!"

However, facing Luo Hou's urging, Lin Longshou calmly shook his head: "You go first, give me a quarter of an hour, and I will deal with him."

Luo Hou was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Lin Longshou to say such a thing.

However, he quickly reacted.

The reason why Lin Longshou made such a choice was not because the Ji family was more important to him than the entire Yanjing City, but because he did not want to be led by Ji Xuanye anymore.

This is simply a lunatic. If he continues to let it go, there is no telling how crazy Ji Xuanye will do.

There is such a kind of people in this world. They are not bribed or accepted for negotiation, and they just want to watch the world be destroyed.

 Obviously, Ji Xuanye is such a person.

If it is not eradicated completely today, I am afraid there will be endless troubles.

 Compared to the tide of beasts that could threaten the safety of Yanjing City, this was what worried him more.

What's more, Lin Longshou has extremely strong self-confidence. He firmly believes that he can completely eliminate Ji Xuanye within a quarter of an hour.

 In this way, he can still leave enough time to solve the crisis of the beast tide for the military department.

"Okay, I will explain it to the military department, but remember, you only have a quarter of an hour."

“In a quarter of an hour, no matter what the battle situation is, you must bring people over and deal with the beast tide first!”

 (End of this chapter)

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