Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 350: Soul-eating realm!

 Chapter 350 Soul-Eating Realm!

"I knew you... would be a big problem."

Facing the Evil-killing Holy Sword that was very close at hand and could pierce him at any time, Ji Xuanye chuckled softly.

No one present could have imagined that Ji Xuanye could still appear so calm and calm under the siege of the three forces.

In Lin Yuan's view, such people are either truly warriors who are not afraid of life and death, or they have trump cards in their hands that they can rely on.

Ji Xuanye then continued to whisper: "I know your strength, so I didn't hesitate to launch a wave of beasts and find a way to lure you away."

“It’s just that I never thought that you would choose to stay in the Ji family and kill me here, even at the risk of Yanjing City being invaded by a tide of beasts.”

"Haha, Lin Longshou... I have to say, you are a ruthless person, just like me, you have the sharpness of a spear."

At this point, Ji Xuanye changed the subject: "It's just that there is still a different existence in us, that is, you are too bright. You have never experienced setbacks and hardships, whether in martial arts, No matter on the road of life, you should be the patron saint of China, because people like you are born to be partners of justice. "

“This is exactly where I am different from you. My life experience has shaped me into a pessimistic person, making me think about the worst in everything and what the worst outcome will be…”

"Hahahaha, after saying so much, I just want to tell you that I have already taken all the situations into consideration. Today... even if you are here, you can't stop me from destroying the Ji family!"

“Not only that, all of you here today will become witnesses to my destruction of the Ji family!”

 Listening to Ji Xuanye's almost crazy roar, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frown.

 In his opinion, this was definitely not the ravings of a lunatic before his death.

Ji Xuanye probably still has a trump card that they don’t know about!

“By the way, father, there is something I seem to have forgotten to tell you.”

Ji Xuanye's tone suddenly calmed down, as calm and peaceful as the lake water in spring.

 He turned his head and his eyes fell silently on Ji Lan.

"I have never said that my domain is the 'soul domain', it is just your definition of my domain."

“If you really want me to name my own realm, then I should be more willing to name it...‘Soul-Eating Realm’!”

After saying these words, Ji Xuanye suddenly grinned, his smile as sinister as a demon.

Ji Xuanye also called him "father" many times when he was in the Ji family. Although Ji Xuanye was his illegitimate son by blood, he was also his "adopted son" in name, so he naturally had to use this title.

It’s just that Ji Lan has never felt as chilled as he did today after hearing this title.

Just as Ji Xuanye finished speaking, his domain began to boil violently like boiling water!

The gray-black soul energy surged, condensed into countless black adults, and attached to the sword body of the Evil-killing Holy Sword!

However, the moment the two sides came into contact, a sound like burning oil was heard from the Evil-killing Holy Sword. Within a moment, the soul worm was burned to ashes by the golden light.

However, the number of soul worms was too great, and the energy of the Evil-Destroying Holy Sword was not infinite. Soon, it was dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye under the suicidal attacks of tens of thousands of soul worms one after another!

 The soul energy dissipated from the insect corpse was like steaming water mist, completely annihilated in the air. Although this consumed a lot of Ji Xuanye's domain power, Lin Longshou's offensive was finally stopped.

However, Ji Xuanye's methods are not over yet.

 His ‘soul-eating realm’ is still changing!

At this moment, within the Star-Destroying Dragon Locking Formation, a burst of extremely shrill screams suddenly sounded!

Ji Lan turned around suddenly and found that everyone's faces had turned extremely pale. He was horrified and had no idea what was going on.

After being stunned for a second or two, Ji Lan finally reacted, turned his head suddenly, and stared at Ji Xuanye: "Are you extracting the power of their souls?!"

He now finally understood why Ji Xuanye named his domain the ‘Soul-Eating Domain’.

 Because he has perfectly combined his own abilities with his domain.

 Within Ji Xuanye's domain, all weak souls will be forcibly swallowed by his domain!

 Until now, Ji Lan truly understood the horror of the Soul-Eating Realm.

 His domain can even devour the souls of living people!

After thinking about this, Ji Lan soon felt a pulling force from the soul level!

 “Cut it off!”

Ji Lan let out a low roar. Fortunately, he was quite strong, and his soul power was relatively stronger than the other Ji family kings, so he managed to break free from the pulling force.

However, even so, he was still affected by the Soul-eating Realm, and his entire condition declined at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the other side, Wang Zhanlin was also affected to some extent, while Lin Yuan completely ignored the influence of the Soul-Eating Realm because his soul power was strong enough.

Similarly, even Lin Yuan was immune to this impression, and Lin Longshou, who was the supreme king, needless to say. He was in the soul-devouring realm of demons, as if he was an immovable mountain. The golden **** of war!

What's even more frightening is that the soul power forcibly extracted from the more than ten Ji family kings was silently integrated into Ji Xuanye's body, causing the latter's aura to rise rapidly in an instant. Get up!

 “It’s not enough... Then give me some more sacrifices.”

Ji Xuanye, who was in the soul-eating realm, was like an ancient demon god, with a faintly evil smile on his lips.

 After he finished speaking these words, the gray and dilapidated Soul-Eating Realm suddenly surged towards the Ji family below!

 Obviously, he is planning to use the entire Ji family as a sacrifice to enhance his own strength!

He wants everyone in the Ji family to die in pain and despair as their souls are slowly exhausted!

 “They are all going to be destroyed anyway, so why not come and be my strength…”

The Soul-Eating Domain covered the area extremely quickly. Under Ji Xuanye’s maniacal laughter, the entire Ji family was enveloped in it. Suddenly, the Ji family was filled with mourners!

 (End of this chapter)

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