Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 351: The death of Ji Nanting!

Chapter 351 The Death of Ji Nanting!

 “Beast, do you know what you are doing?!”

 Listening to the hell-like wailing and screaming in his ears, even Ji Nanting finally couldn't sit still.

He is Ji Lan's father and the previous generation head of the Ji family. He was considered a prominent figure back then, so his strength is naturally not much inferior to Ji Lan's.

Looking at the angry old man Ji, Ji Xuanye chuckled and said, "Grandpa Nanting, believe me, I have never been so sober in my life."

 “Only now do I really know what I am doing.”

Ji Nanting angrily scolded: "Ji Xuanye, you are such a wolf-hearted guy! Yes, it is true that our Ji family made a mistake in what happened to your mother, but don't we want to make up for it?"

“Think about it carefully, during the ten years you have been in the Ji family, have I ever wronged you at all? Didn’t the Ji family cultivate you?”

"And you? Is this how you repay me and the entire Ji family?!"

Ji Nanting's tone gradually rose, and his angry voice sounded like thunder.

"Yes, in the ten years I have been in the Ji family, you have indeed never been hostile to me, because I don't exist in your eyes at all."

Ji Xuanye said quietly: "In your eyes, only the rise and fall of the Ji family is the most important. In your view, the existence of my mother is just a stain on your Ji family. Although it exists, it is It doesn’t hurt either.”

"So, although you took me into the Ji family, you never really accepted me, and you were not even willing to apologize for my mother."

“As for the bullying, tyranny, and ridicule of those Ji family members, you turned a blind eye to them all.”

“Old man, I believe you are also a smart person and you should know...the indifference of standing by and watching is the greatest cruelty.”

After being exposed by Ji Xuanye, Ji Nanting said angrily: "Ji Xuanye, stop making excuses for your despicable actions that are outraged by both humans and gods. If we had known that what happened today would happen, our Ji family should not have taken in you, this poisonous snake, in the first place. !”

When he finished speaking, Ji Nanting's whole body's energy and blood exploded. Although he was now exhausted, he was still the previous head of the Ji family. Even though he was old, he still had the solid fighting power of the Heavenly King. !

"Old guy, although you have been saying that what happened back then was indeed your Ji family's fault, but I didn't hear even the slightest apology from your tone, because in your eyes, my mother's life, It’s not that important at all, let alone being compared with your Ji family.”

 “I really don’t understand something.”

“Is it really that difficult to say sorry for hurting others?”

Ji Xuanye laughed crazily, smiling, but two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

 It was as if he was now the helpless young man of the past.

The only difference is that Ji Xuanye now has the power to change everything!

His right hand waved in the air, and the power of his soul suddenly condensed into a huge gray-black claw. The black soul claw instantly turned into an afterimage, and struck hard at Ji Nanting who was charging towards him!


The claws penetrated the flesh, leaving three **** marks on Ji Nanting's chest that were deep enough to see the bones. Under this huge force, the latter's figure also flew out!

However, this is not the end yet.

Ji Xuanye's right hand suddenly grasped in the air, and he spat out two words indifferently and coldly: "Soul...explosion!"

Just as the last syllable fell, dozens of erratic, ghost-like souls, like seductive female ghosts, entangled themselves towards Ji Nanting's figure.

What looks like a sentimental scene actually contains a terrifying murderous intent!

After these ghosts entangled themselves in Ji Nanting's body, they suddenly exploded, and their soul power shook like a tsunami and landslide!

Under such violent fluctuations in soul power, Ji Nanting's soul was instantly torn into countless pieces, and the light in his eyes quickly dimmed, apparently annihilating all vitality.

No one thought that the person who died after Ji Huo would be Ji Nanting! "Father!"

 “Ji Xuanye, I’m going to kill you!”

Seeing Ji Nanting die in front of him, Ji Lan's eyes were about to burst, and he rushed out of the formation without hesitation and killed Ji Xuanye at all costs!

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Watching your father die in front of you, I'm afraid anyone would lose their composure.

Facing the extremely angry Ji Lan, there was no unnecessary expression on Ji Xuanye's face, and he could not even see the joy of revenge.

Before Ji Lan could reach Ji Xuanye, another change occurred in the Soul-Eating Domain!

More than ten soul bodies with different postures suddenly condensed and formed in front of Ji Xuanye, exuding extremely tyrannical power!

What makes Ji Lan even more shocked is that among these soul bodies, there is actually the figure of his father Ji Nanting!

Although the soul body had no facial features or expression at all, Ji Lan could still recognize him at a glance based on his understanding of his father.

 This is another ability in the Soul-Eating Realm.

All souls that have been absorbed by Ji Xuanye can be condensed and formed in the domain again in the form of soul bodies!

Although the strength of the soul body is not as strong as before life, it still has at least about 60 to 70% of the strength of the main body.

At this moment, the souls in front of Ji Lan’s eyes were all the Heavenly King warriors who had been killed by Ji Xuanye!

 For a moment, Ji Lan, surrounded by souls, seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, in a dilemma.

Although Ji Lan's strength was strong, he had not yet reached the Ultimate Realm, and could not cope with such a large number of soul bodies. He quickly retreated under the siege of the soul bodies, and the wounds on his body were also withered. Visible speed increase!

In less than twenty breaths, Ji Lan was already under siege by a group of souls, suffering heavy injuries and bruises all over his body.

However, Ji Xuanye still had no intention of giving up. The power of his soul surged out from his palm and condensed into countless black snakes, twisting towards Ji Lan!

Ji Lan will definitely die if he is trapped by these black snakes!

Fortunately, at this critical moment, Lin Longshou finally took action. A golden light like a sword slashed down, cutting all the black snakes composed of soul power into two pieces!

After the black snake of soul power was cut off, the golden flames burned violently along the fracture and flew back towards Ji Xuanye!

The latter's face darkened, and he chose to cut off the connection with Black Snake without hesitation. He sneered and said, "You don't want me to kill Ji Lan, but I won't fulfill your wish!"

Just as the last syllable fell, a soul body around Ji Lan suddenly exploded, and the overwhelming soul power surged like a hurricane!

Under this wave of soul explosion, Ji Lan's figure flew away like a rag. He felt a sweetness in his throat and opened his mouth to spit out a pool of scarlet blood.

However, this is just the beginning.

Under Ji Xuanye's control, the souls of those heavenly kings exploded one after another, giving Ji Lan no chance to breathe at all!

 In the midst of these almost crazy explosions, Ji Lan also fell into a state of serious injury and dying, and even his consciousness began to gradually blur.

The distance between Lin Longshou and Ji Lan was too far, so even if he wanted to rescue him, he would be powerless.

Ji Lan opened her eyes with difficulty, her eyes filled with blood.

 He saw, among the scarlet, a gray-black soul body, standing indifferently in front of him.

That is the soul of his father Ji Nanting.

 In a moment, Ji Lan suddenly understood, and felt a heartfelt bitterness in his heart.

 Of course he understood what Ji Xuanye wanted to do.

This demon just wanted him to be killed by his father’s soul!

 Because only in this way can the devil feel the joy of revenge...

 (End of this chapter)

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