Chapter 352 Believe me!


Before Ji Lan had time to think more, the soul in front of him had already taken action.

I saw that his right hand was bent like an animal's claw, and it was directly grabbed into his chest!

The next second, a dull pain came from having his heart pinched in someone's hand, making Ji Lan couldn't help but open his mouth and let out a shrill wail!

 In the face of pain and death, everyone is equal.

After taking out Ji Lan's heart, the soul body in front of him didn't hesitate at all. He suddenly exerted force with his right hand and pinched his heart until it exploded, and a cloud of blood mist exploded in the air!

 After losing his heart, even the King of Heaven can no longer maintain his body functions.

Ji Lan’s vitality was passing by quickly like gravel blown away by the wind.

 At this moment, the soul body in front of him suddenly spoke.

"I could have annihilated your soul directly, but I didn't choose to do so. Since you and I are still somewhat connected by blood, I can allow you to leave a few last words."

It was obviously Ji Nanting's soul body, but after he opened his mouth, it was Ji Xuanye's voice that came out.

Ji Lan quickly understood that in addition to having absolute control over these soul bodies, Ji Xuanye could even attach his own consciousness to these soul bodies.

Ji Lan couldn't help laughing when she thought of this.

"Last words? Hahahaha... I don't have any last words. I just didn't expect that I would die in your hands in such a way."

"Ji Xuanye, if there really is **** in the world, I swear I will wait for you in the eighteenth level of hell! Listen carefully, I want you to die a bad death and never be reincarnated forever!"

  After Ji Lan said the last words, his life force also flowed to the end, but his eyes were still wide open with anger, like an evil ghost who refused to rest in peace!

 The next second, Ji Nanting's soul body suddenly exploded, taking Ji Lan's body with it and being annihilated into nothingness.

In front of Ji Xuanye, Lin Longshou was still attacking crazily. He had no time to care about the lives of others. His only purpose now was to kill Ji Xuanye!

Lin Longshou’s determination was extremely firm.

Today, even if the Ji family is destroyed, Ji Xuanye must die here!

Now, with the death of Ji Lan, all the heavenly kings are suffering deeply from the soul-devouring realm, and the star-destroying dragon-locking formation has completely fallen apart.

 The only people Ji Xuanye really needs to face now are Lin Longshou, Wang Zhanlin and Lin Yuan!

However, the previous battle was not without consumption for Ji Xuanye.

 At the very least, Ji Xuanye is already showing a bit of fatigue under Lin Longshou's suppression.

 “When necessary, I can use the sword.”

Wang Zhanlin said in a deep voice.

He and Lin Longshou, one on the left and one on the right, formed a trap to attack Ji Xuanye!

The "sword" mentioned by Wang Zhanlin naturally refers to the sword that he has raised for seven years!

Nanyun Jingdu has lamented many times that if Wang Zhanlin's sword was unsheathed, it would probably have the power to shake the world and weep the ghosts and gods!

You must know that in the past seven years, Wang Zhanlin has encountered many life and death crises. His ability to maintain the sword for so long is entirely due to his extraordinary obsession!

The sword is a weapon that has been refined over time.

 Only those who are persistent can develop the most powerful sword! However, for Wang Zhanlin, the safety of Yanjing City is more important than the knife he has been raising for nearly seven years!

Of course Wang Zhanlin understood that only by killing Ji Xuanye as soon as possible could he free Lin Longshou and go to the border to suppress the beast tide!

After Wang Zhanlin made this suggestion, Lin Longshou's eyes flickered for a while, but he did not answer immediately.

Based on his nature, if he had the confidence to kill Ji Xuanye, he would never let anyone help him, let alone Wang Zhanlin.

 But the problem is that Ji Xuanye's indeed beyond his imagination.

You must know that Ji Xuanye already had considerable strength, and after receiving the blessing of the dark divine blood, he achieved a qualitative leap.

In addition, during this period of time, Ji Xuanye also slaughtered countless heavenly kings and devoured their souls. In this way, he raised the upper limit of his strength again!

In Lin Longshou's view, he was indeed a little overconfident before.

Even if he could defeat Ji Xuanye, he would never be able to kill him in just a quarter of an hour!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Longshou hesitated whether to let Wang Zhanlin make that sword strike!

However, before Lin Longshou could think about the outcome, Lin Yuan's voice suddenly rang in their ears: "I say, principal, you'd better save that knife until a more critical moment. Kill it."

Then, Lin Yuan turned his head, looked at Lin Longshou, and said solemnly: "Senior Longshou, this time... I will create opportunities for you."

“However, you only have one chance to kill Ji Xuanye, you must seize it!”

Lin Longshou was slightly startled, because he had no idea where Lin Yuan had the confidence to say such a thing.

It's not that Lin Longshou doesn't trust Lin Yuan, but Ji Xuanye's strength is too strong. Even Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin, the two veteran kings, may not be able to help. Lin Longshou really can't think of anything. What can Lin Yuan do?

However, after Lin Yuan finished speaking, Wang Zhanlin laughed: "Long Shou, I think you can trust him once. Although this kid seems unreliable, he can always bring unexpected surprises to people. "

Lin Longshou was silent for a long time, and then nodded heavily: "Okay, I will cooperate with you!"

After Lin Longshou agreed, Lin Yuan turned directly to Ji Xuanye, grinned and said: "Hey, friend, your death has come."

As soon as Lin Yuan said these words, even Ji Xuanye couldn't help but show an expression of astonishment.

 Afterwards, he sneered without any concealment: "The time of death has come? Are you talking about me?"

“Hahahaha... I really don’t know where you got your confidence from. Let me tell you, the reason why you haven’t died is just because I have more important things to do and am too lazy to kill you.”

 At this point, Ji Xuanye narrowed his eyes coldly: "But don't regard my tolerance and kindness as capital for your wantonness!"

 “If you dare to say another word, I will make you die a happy death!”

Faced with Ji Xuanye's threat, Lin Yuan took the initiative to take a step forward and said with a smile: "Really? I'm right here, come and try to kill me."

 (End of this chapter)

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