Chapter 358 Death of Paine!

“Let’s go, there’s no use staying here anyway, why not follow us and have a look?”

After Lin Longshou slaughtered all the strange beasts within a kilometer radius, Lin Yuan directly winked at Wang Zhanlin and suggested.

Wang Zhanlin was originally in a daze looking at the corpses of strange beasts in front of him. After hearing what Lin Yuan said, he immediately reacted: "What about our bet? Is it cancelled?"

Lin Yuan said with a smile: "Principal, you may not be handsome, but you think you are quite beautiful. Of course, I will win."

“Let’s stop now. At least you can lose less ugly.”

Wang Zhanlin was short of breath for a moment and couldn't find anything to say to refute Lin Yuan. Who made him just jump into this kid's pit?

He waved his hand and said helplessly: "Okay, let's do what you said. It's only 100 million anyway. It's not like I can't come up with this little money. I have money!"

Lin Yuan chuckled, then held up his hands and flattered him: "As expected of the principal of Mowu, he is rich and powerful!"

Wang Zhanlin said angrily: "Okay, stop bragging and follow me quickly!"


It has to be said that the supernatural beings that Li Guohua found for Lin Longshou each had their own abilities and extremely strong hunting abilities. Within a short time, they were positioned behind the scenes behind the beast tide. Where the breath of man lies!

Of course, this must also be attributed to Lin Longshou.

If it weren't for his presence, those superpowers would never have experienced the feeling of freely moving in and out of a hundred thousand beasts.

 Since the opponent's position is locked, everything will be easy to handle.

In less than thirty breaths, Lin Longshou forced his way through the entire beast tide and found the mastermind behind the beast tide's rebellion!

However, the scene in front of them made everyone slightly surprised.

 Because what appeared in front of them was a dying person!

 " still...found me...ahem..."

Paine, who was on the verge of death, leaned on a dark brown rock with a bright smile on his face: "It's a pity... you are still a little late, ahem... because even if you don't come, I will die soon." ”

 “This is the fate of receiving divine power as a mortal.”

Paine spoke intermittently while coughing out blood, but even the color of his blood was no longer the normal scarlet, but turned into a shocking black.

 However, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frowned.

 Because he didn't quite understand what the phrase "to bear divine power in a mortal body" meant.

 What is the so-called ‘divine power’?

While Lin Yuan was struggling with this matter, Lin Longshou spoke first: "Did you cause the riot of beasts?"

Paine nodded hard, smiled and said, "Yeah."

Lin Longshou frowned and asked, "Why?"

Pan En was still smiling: "Of course it is so that Sir Ji Xuanye can realize his long-cherished wish! Don't you have an old saying in China? It's called 'A scholar dies for his confidant'! It is my honor to die for Mr. Ji Xuanye." "

Lin Longshou pursed his lips and already defined Pan En as a dead soldier trained by Ji Xuanye.

Then, he asked again: "Then why did you end up like this? Also, after you die...will the beast tide subside?" Lin Longshou was most concerned about the latter point.

If killing him can't quell the beast tide, then I'm afraid the military department will really have to start an emergency plan.

 But this time, Pan En did not answer Lin Longshou's question.

 He raised his head and said calmly: "You have too many questions. Now it's my turn to ask."

Lin Longshou was slightly stunned at first, and then said calmly: "Okay, what do you want to ask?"

Pan said: "I know who you are, and I want to ask you, how is Mr. Ji Xuanye doing now?"

Lin Longshou obviously had no intention of hiding it, and said straightforwardly: "He's dead. I killed him with my own hands."

 For a moment, Paine's eyes dimmed instantly. Although he was already a dying man, at that moment, his eyes seemed to have lost all their expression.

After a long silence, Paine asked softly again: "What about the Ji family? Has it been destroyed?"

Lin Longshou nodded: "We didn't stop Ji Xuanye, the Ji family members... are almost dead."

After hearing Lin Longshou's words, Pan's eyes regained some color again, and he burst out laughing: "I knew Lord Ji Xuanye would be able to do it, because that's the kind of person he is! "

 Listening to Pan's loud laughter, Lin Yuan suddenly felt a burst of sadness from the bottom of his heart.

The man in front of him pinned his life on the long-cherished wishes of others, but maybe Ji Xuanye didn't take him to heart from the beginning to the end, and just used him as a tool.

 Such a life can only be described as sad.

After hearing that the Ji family was destroyed, Pan En seemed to be in a good mood. Before Lin Longshou could ask again, he spoke first: "After I die, my powers will disappear, the beasts will wake up from their violent state, and the beast tide will naturally It will calm down."

After hearing this, the several superpowers responsible for the search glanced at each other subconsciously, and they all saw a hint of joy in each other's eyes.

 If this is the case, it would be great.

The violent beast tide is the most terrifying thing, because they have completely lost their fear and become a ferocious creature that only knows killing.

Once the alien beasts wake up from their violent state, the military department only needs to suppress and guide them, and can easily solve the scourge of the beast tide, without having to spend a lot of time to completely eliminate this hundred thousand beast tide!

"As for why I became what I am's naturally because of God's gift." Paine grinned, his smile was extremely weird: "That's the supreme Lord God. Even the blood is so extraordinary. He gave the blood to Master Ji Xuanye, and what I got is just a part of it!"

“Because my body can’t bear the divine blood, that’s why I’m like this.”

“Perhaps people like me are not worthy of God’s gift at all. Only by sacrificing one’s own life as a price can one be worthy of stimulating the power of God’s blood...”

 At this point, Paine laughed at himself and stopped talking.

But the three people in front of them, Lin Longshou, Wang Zhanlin, and Lin Yuan, frowned one after another.

Although it was just a vague feeling, they did vaguely touch on the real secret behind the Dark Parliament from Paine's words!

 (End of this chapter)

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