Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 359: Advanced power: Twin Shadows!

Chapter 359 Advanced Power: Twin Shadows!

Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but step forward and asked: "Who do you mean by the 'god' in your mouth?!"

Paine glanced at him contemptuously, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Believe me, you will know soon..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the vitality in Paine's eyes completely dissipated, and his pupils became gray and dilapidated, losing all color.

Lin Longshou glanced at him and said calmly: "This guy is already dead. He should have endured a power that was not his own and overextended his life."

"Everyone is dead and our mission is completed. Let's go. It's time to go back and do the finishing work."


 After Paine's death, the effects of his powers naturally disappeared.

 All the strange beasts woke up from their violent state and no longer rushed towards the direction of Yanjing City.

As long as the Ministry of Military Affairs provides guidance, it won't take long before the beast tide can be calmed down smoothly.

Although the scourge of the beast tide has been solved, Lin Longshou, Wang Zhanlin, and Lin Yuan did not feel the slightest bit happy.

 Because all signs indicate that behind the Dark Parliament, there is a deeper hidden mastermind.

 In Paine's mouth, He was respectfully called "God".

According to Ji Xuanye, this **** of the Dark Council even has the power to destroy the world and rewrite order.

Listening to their words, even Lin Yuan felt a little frightened.

 Is there really such a thing...hiding in the dark?

 If this is really the case, it would be too terrifying.

 An existence capable of destroying the world, but it has been hiding in the dark and has not been noticed by the human parliament.

It seems that if this threat is not completely eliminated, then the whole world may not be able to usher in a peaceful life.


 Under the suppression and guidance of the Ministry of Armed Forces, the beast tide was quickly quelled.

This day full of ups and downs has finally come to an end.

Lin Yuan sat exhausted on the wooden chair in the meeting room of the Ministry of Armed Forces, listening to the head of the Ministry of Armed Forces summarizing the actions.

Although this operation was led by Luo Hou, he went back to rest directly after the beast tide subsided, citing physical discomfort.

This guy has such a temperament that only fighting and killing can arouse his interest.

 Everything other than this can only be described as ‘boring’.

What Lin Yuan didn't expect was that Wang Zhanlin also ran away midway. Before leaving, the old boy pushed Lin Yuan out and said that Lin Yuan was his agent and that if he had anything to do, he could just tell Lin Yuan.

I have to say, Jiang is really old and spicy... In this way, Lin Yuan would not be able to not participate in the meeting even if he wanted to.

Although warriors rarely need sleep after breaking through to the Heavenly King Realm, Lin Yuan, who is now exhausted both physically and mentally, just wants to have a good sleep.

 In the battle with Ji Xuanye, his energy consumption was too great.

Comparing to his dejection, Lin Longshou on the side looked energetic. The content of the meeting was not important, so Lin Yuan simply closed his eyes, and with a thought, he directly called up the system panel.

  The beast tide has been successfully quelled, and the system awarded him 60,000 points of vitality and 60,000 HP as a reward based on his contribution.

Although the reward is not huge, it is better than nothing.

Furthermore, in Lin Yuan's system space, there is an extra power upgrade card and a high-level power card, waiting for him to use.

These two cards were the rewards given by the system after he assisted Lin Longshou in killing Ji Xuanye.

“There’s nothing else to do anyway, so just use these two cards.”

 Lin Yuan directly took out these two cards and cast his eyes on the high-level ability card first. Then with a thought in his mind, he chose to use it without hesitation!

Although Lin Yuan has mastered many superpowers before, there are really only a few that can be called advanced superpowers. He has enhanced the effects of those superpowers through superpower fusion cards. of.

Lin Yuan was full of expectations as to what kind of abilities this high-level power card could produce.

With a flash of light, the high-level ability card in Lin Yuan's hand suddenly turned into little bits of light and merged into his body.

At the same time, the system's prompt tone also sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully using the advanced ability card and obtaining the advanced ability ‘Twin Shadows’!”

 “Twin Shadows? What kind of power is this?”

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned at first, and then quickly began to study the function of this power.

It has to be said that Lin Yuan's learning ability is still very strong. In less than a cup of tea, he has completely mastered his newly acquired power.

The so-called 'Twin Shadow', as the name suggests, allows him to use his own shadow as a medium to create a shadow clone that is completely connected to his mind!

However, this ability is not without any limitations.

 Among them, the biggest limitation is that before summoning the shadow clone, the host must consume half of its own mental power!

 The more mental power is consumed, the stronger the shadow clone will be, but at most it can only have 70% of the strength of the original body.

Although the power of 'Twin Shadows' has so many limitations, it is still a great help to Lin Yuan now.

To put it more exaggeratedly, this ability can even be said to be the most practical ability that Lin Yuan has obtained so far!

 At the very least, Lin Yuan himself was very satisfied.

After using the advanced power card to obtain the ‘Twin Shadows’, Lin Yuan turned his attention to another power upgrade card!

There are three abilities that he can upgrade now, 'Curse Thorns', 'Hidden' and 'Twin Shadows'!

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment and said silently in his heart: "I choose to upgrade the 'Twin Shadows'!"

The reason why Lin Yuan made such a choice is naturally because this ability is the most practical for him now!

It would be great if after upgrading, some losses could be reduced, or the upper limit of the shadow clone's strength could be increased a bit.

  However, after he made his choice, the system prompt sounded in his ears: "This ability is a special ability and cannot be fused, upgraded, etc."

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned for a moment, and then quickly came to his senses.

He obviously did not expect that the power of Twin Shadows was so special that it could not even be upgraded.

In this way, the only two abilities left for you to upgrade are ‘cursed thorns’ and ‘hidden’.

 (End of this chapter)

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