Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 360: Xiyin upgrades, Shenyin!

Chapter 360 Xiyin upgrades, Shenyin!

 “I upgrade ‘Xiyin’!”

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, and finally made a decision in his heart.

 For him, Cursed Thorns is more like an auxiliary ability that limits enemies. As long as it can play the corresponding role, there is no need to continue to upgrade it.

On the contrary, the ability of Xiyin has helped Lin Yuan escape from death several times, and it is extremely effective.

However, as Lin Yuan becomes stronger and stronger now, the opportunities for him to use "Xiyin" are becoming less and less.

More importantly, Xi Yin is not a particularly powerful power. At the Heavenly King Realm, everyone has more or less their own methods. When he is not sure whether the other party can see through Xi Yin, Lin Yuan I simply don't dare to use this ability at will.

So, rather than upgrading the ‘Curse Thorn’, Lin Yuan wanted to see if ‘Xiyin’ could bring some surprises to him after upgrading.

 After he made his choice, the power upgrade card also turned into a stream of light and integrated into Lin Yuan's body.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading the ability ‘Xiyin’ to the ability ‘Shenyin’!”

Lin Yuan checked it and found that although there was only one word difference between 'Xiyin' and 'Shenyin', the effect had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The most significant change is that Xiyin can only be activated when Lin Yuan is holding his breath, and there are no requirements for entering the Shenyin state.

The only limitation is that each time the divine concealment is activated, it can only last for five minutes, and this ability cannot be activated continuously, and each activation requires an interval of three days!

 Judging from this restriction, Shenyin seems to have been weakened.

 But in fact, after the power upgrade, Shenyin was strengthened because of its hiding ability!

 The previous "Xiyin" is more similar to invisibility. The effect of hiding the breath is limited. Facing an enemy who is stronger than oneself, it can be easily seen through.

The concealment effect of ‘Shen Yin’ has made a qualitative leap, and is no longer limited by strength. No matter how high the opponent’s level is, without special means, it is impossible to see through Lin Yuan in the state of Shen Yin.

 From a literal sense, the so-called "divine concealment" means that one can hide something from the gods!

 This effect is exactly what Lin Yuan needs most now!

 After using two cards one after another, Lin Yuan also opened his attribute panel.

Host: Lin Yuan

Level: Mid-9th level [Heavenly King Realm]

 Qi and blood: 663714 points

  Mental power: 678273 Hz

 Star power: 4213 points

 Practice Kung Fu: Star Strengthening Technique

Powers: Divine Invisibility, Cursed Thorns, Twin Shadows

 Devil Fruit: Thunder Fruit【Awakened】

 Special ability: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan

 Field: Thunder Realm

 Comprehensive evaluation: Slight success

Looking at the attribute panel in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and nodded with satisfaction.

A king sitting next to him glanced at him and moved his chair a little bit with a strange look on his face. In the eyes of this heavenly king, Lin Yuan, who was sitting next to him, was definitely not in a normal state of mind. He would close his eyes and open them for a while, and sometimes he would actually laugh on his own. It was so scary...


 Five days later.

Modu Wuhan University.

A pretty girl with a long ponytail, holding a few books, was walking on the pine forest path of Mowu. She must have just returned from get out of class.

The sunlight shines through the gaps between the leaves and shines on the girl's face, making her look pure and beautiful, making her look like an transcendent fairy in the sky.

Since it was summer, she didn't wear much, just a simple white dress, paired with navy blue canvas shoes, revealing a small section of her clean and white calves, giving her a feeling of first love.

Such a beautiful and beautiful girl, even if she is just walking quietly and silently on the road, she will become the focus of everyone's attention.

 Everyone’s eyes will be involuntarily attracted to her.

Several freshmen who were originally gathered outside the teaching building to chat and laugh, when they saw Chu Yu approaching, they immediately stopped talking and looked straight at her.

After staring for several seconds, someone finally couldn't help but speak: "She's so beautiful. Senior Sister Chu Yu should be considered one of the top beauties in our school, right?"

After this person finished speaking, someone immediately retorted: "What does it mean to be one of the best? It's not an exaggeration to say that she is the school beauty of our Mowu. She is also strong, beautiful and sassy, ​​and she is not just something to look at." vase."

“Yes, if you can marry such a fairy home, it will be a blessing that you have cultivated for several lifetimes!”

"Tsk, tsk, you people don't have much culture at first glance. When it comes to praising others, you only talk about a beautiful woman, a school beauty, and someone you want to marry back as your wife. Isn't that vulgar? Do you know what 'Choi Yue' means? He's too careless and careless. "Quickly put away your filthy thoughts. Is this a fairy-like person you can care about?"

After the last person spoke, the others silenced themselves. After a moment of silence, someone suddenly asked: "By the way, Senior Chu Yu is so pretty, why doesn't anyone in our school chase her? ?”

“You don’t know, right? Senior Chu Yu has a boyfriend.”

Upon hearing this, the other people's eyes widened: "How is that possible? I think Senior Chu Yu usually lives alone, so there is no way she would have a boyfriend."

“I don’t know about this. Anyway, Senior Sister Chu Yu said it herself. I don’t know whether it is true or false.”

The person who spoke shrugged and said helplessly: "And even if she doesn't have a boyfriend, no one may dare to pursue her."

"Isn't it last time? A senior senior student, relying on his considerable strength and fairly prominent family background, pestered Senior Chu Yu for a whole week, and finally confessed his feelings in public, and displayed it all over the floor. The candles and the roses, the battle... it was really big.”

"Then what?"

"Then..." The person who spoke paused for a moment and said meaningfully: "Then his legs were broken and he was thrown into Yingxue Lake in Mowu."

As soon as he finished speaking, those people immediately exploded.

 “Holy shit, is it really fake? So exciting?!”

“Who did it? So cruel?”

“You dare to mess with even a senior, so the person who did it must be Senior Chu Yu’s boyfriend, right?”

However, the person who spoke shook his head and said mysteriously: "Your guess is wrong. The person who helped senior Chu Yu stand out was not her boyfriend... but he was also a sophomore named Shen Xiao. !”

 (End of this chapter)

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