Chapter 365 Crisis is coming!

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned, obviously not expecting Wang Zhanlin to ask such a question, and subconsciously asked: "Why do you ask this?"

Wang Zhanlin said: "I just suddenly thought of it and wanted to ask you about your future plans."

 Lin Yuan rubbed his temples and replied: "When will I marry Chu Yu? I really haven't thought about this..."

“Haha, I was indeed right about you. You really have the potential to be a scumbag.”

Wang Zhanlin laughed twice, his eyes narrowing.

 “Get out of here, I don’t have time to think about these things, okay?”

Lin Yuan almost laughed out of anger at Wang Zhanlin.

 The reason why he has not considered marrying Chu Yu is mainly because he has always focused on martial arts practice and has no time to care about it.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan pondered seriously for a moment and said: "If we want to get married, we have to wait until Chu Yu graduates first. It will take at least two or three years, but I can also get engaged to her first." ”

“If this is true, maybe Principal Wang, your wedding date will be closer.”

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at Wang Zhanlin sincerely.

Wang Zhanlin glared at him and said angrily: "Get out of here, you kid won't open any pot!"

Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "Principal, you have to work hard. After drinking your and Teacher Li Fengyou's wedding wine, I'm still waiting to drink your son's full moon wine!"

Ever since Li Fenyou returned from the secret realm of the Abyss Realm, she has officially established a relationship with Wang Zhanlin.

In Lin Yuan's eyes, Teacher Li Fengyou can be regarded as a benchmark example of licking the dog until the end.

 In fact, Wang Zhanlin has always had a good impression of Li Fengyou. After all, what man doesn’t like Yu Jie with long legs and big waves?

Other than his somewhat aggressive personality, there are almost no flaws in Li Fenyou's body.

 It’s just that Wang Zhanlin belongs to the type of straight man. Although he can kill thousands of enemies on the battlefield, he is a novice who knows nothing about emotions.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Zhanlin has been trying every means to deliberately avoid Li Fengyou's feelings.

 Fortunately, Li Fenyou finally waited until the day when all the hardships came to an end.

 Furthermore, it was rumored that Li Fenyou was in a good mood after he formally established his relationship with Wang Zhanlin, and he took the final step that day and broke through to the ninth-level Heavenly King realm.

When Lin Yuan learned the news, his only thought was - is there still such an operation? !

 Women are indeed terrible creatures.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. What are your plans next?”

Wang Zhanlin obviously did not intend to continue hurting each other with Lin Yuan, so he changed the topic very cleverly.

“Hmm… My plan is to stay in Mowu for a while first, get along with Chu Yu for a while, and meet up with old friends.”

 Lin Yuan said: "If there is still time, I would like to go back to Zhenhai City to spend time with my parents."

“I’ve been out for so long, and the time I’ve spent with them has only been a few days.”

Wang Zhanlin nodded: "Your idea is not bad."

Lin Yuan asked: "Is there any news from the Human Parliament?"

 “Not so far.”

Wang Zhanlin shook his head and said: "During this period, the Human Parliament has been thoroughly investigating the real messenger hidden behind the Dark Parliament, which is the 'god' mentioned by Ji Xuanye and Pan En."

“Unfortunately, nothing has been found so far.”

Lin Yuan smiled: "This is not a bad thing. At least it means that we can have a peaceful life."

“Who says it’s not, but you still have to worry after all.”

Wang Zhanlin smiled helplessly, and then sighed slightly. It's like having a time bomb placed in your room, but you can't find it and don't know when it will explode.

"Take it one step at a time." Lin Yuan said calmly: "If it doesn't work, we can only block it with soldiers, and the water will cover us."

Wang Zhanlin nodded: "You are right, this is the only thing we can do now."


 The days that followed were surprisingly peaceful and calm.

During this period, Lin Yuan's daily life was to accompany Chu Yu to class, occasionally go shopping, eat hot pot, and do things that campus lovers should do.

Although it sounds cliché, that’s how love often works.

The really interesting thing is often not the thing itself, but who you do it with.

There happened to be a long vacation in the middle, so Lin Yuan took Chu Yu back to Zhenhai City and took her to meet his parents.

In Lin Yuan's words, "An ugly daughter-in-law always has to see her parents-in-law." For this reason, she even suffered a severe beating from Chu Yu.

However, Father Lin and Mother Lin are quite satisfied with Chu Yu. After all, Chu Yu is good-looking and has an outstanding temperament. Even her personality is gentle, gentle, well-behaved and sensible. She is simply a standard daughter-in-law template.

During this period, Lin Yuan also mentioned that he wanted to bring the two of them to Shanghai to live together.

After all, compared to a small place like Zhenhai City, the Magic City is superior in terms of prosperity and infrastructure.

But Lin’s father and Lin’s mother didn’t seem to be willing. The older generation always had some nostalgia for their hometown. Compared to the prosperous Magic City, they seemed to prefer to settle down in Zhenhai City.

After understanding his parents' thoughts, Lin Yuan no longer pressed him, but secretly told himself that he must take time to spend more time with them in the future.

On the way back, Lin Yuan did not choose to fly in the air, but boarded the train to the Magic City with Chu Yu.

“Speaking of which, it seems like you haven’t been on a train for a long time, right?”

Chu Yu sat by the window, looking at the changing scene outside, and asked softly.

“Yes, I have hardly ridden on trains since I was able to fly in the sky, but to be honest, it doesn’t seem to have been that long.”

 Lin Yuan sat next to Chu Yu, also looking at the scene outside the window, and said softly: "I still remember that when I first came to Mowu to report in my freshman year, I took such a train."

Chu Yu turned his head to look at him, and suddenly laughed to himself.

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then asked in confusion, "What are you laughing at?"

Chu Yu raised the corner of his mouth, chuckled and said, "I just suddenly thought that I can take the train and travel to many places with you in the future. I feel very happy just thinking about it."

Lin Yuan scratched the bridge of her nose, smiled and said, "What a silly girl."


While Lin Yuan was conversing with Chu Yu, the transmitter on his waist rang at an inappropriate time.

Hearing this urgent voice, Lin Yuan's heart sank slightly.

You must know that this is a special transmitter made by the Ministry of Armed Forces. Only a few people can contact him through the transmitter.

 If someone came to him at this time, it was probably because of some special situation.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan no longer hesitated and took off the transmitter from his waist. After pressing the answer button, he put it next to his ear.

Wang Zhanlin's familiar voice soon came from the other end of the transmitter.

“Hello, is this Lin Yuan?”

"Something happened. Come to Mowu now. No, don't go back to Mowu. Go directly to New York! Listen, leave for New York now, the sooner the better!"

 (End of this chapter)

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