Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 366: New York is destroyed!

Chapter 366 The destruction of New York!

You must know that in Lin Yuan's impression, Wang Zhanlin has always been a steady person, and he rarely shows such an irritable tone like now.

So, even just from Wang Zhanlin's tone, Lin Yuan could already hear the urgency of this incident!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan frowned and asked, "Principal, what happened?"

Wang Zhanlin said: "I won't be able to explain it for a while. I have other things to deal with now. You should leave immediately and enable location sharing with me. After I meet you, I will explain the situation to you!"


In the absence of a direct answer from Wang Zhanlin, Lin Yuan was not pretentious. After responding, he directly chose to hang up the transmitter.

 “Are you leaving?”

Chu Yu looked at him and asked softly, his eyes as pure as a deer.

“Well, something happened suddenly, and Principal Wang told me to rush to New York now.”

 Lin Yuan said calmly: "I'm sorry, I may have to go back to the Magic City alone, and I can't continue to accompany you."

"Idiot, what's there to be sorry for? You're worried that I'll get lost alone."

Chu Yu opened his deer-like eyes and said with a smile: "Besides, you have been with me for so long, and I am already very satisfied."

“But when you finish all the things you are doing, remember to come back and see me!”

“If you dare to meet other girls outside, see if I don’t break your legs when I come back!”

“Okay, I won’t tell you so much, go quickly! Remember to be careful, I will pray for you in my heart!”

Listening to Chu Yu talking in his ear, Lin Yuan's heart suddenly trembled slightly.

In Chu Yu's eyes, he didn't seem to be a powerful person in the Heavenly King realm at all, nor was he the youngest martial arts prodigy in China.

No matter how dazzling Lin Yuan is, or how successful he is, in the eyes of this little girl, he is still the boy he was before, the boy who would protect her, the boy who belongs to her alone.

 She didn't know, nor did she care, what she was going to do.

The only thing she could do was to pray for him silently in her heart when he left, hoping for his safe return.

It's really...thank you for her hard work.

"I love you."

Lin Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and placed a gentle kiss on Chu Yu's forehead, which was as smooth as jade.

 Then, he turned around, opened the window of the train, and flew out like a light swallow.

Lin Yuan's speed was so fast that his figure was like a thunder shadow. It only flickered and disappeared at the edge of the distant sky.

Chu Yu looked at Lin Yuan's retreating figure, couldn't help but touch his forehead, smiled a little charmingly, and murmured in a low voice in a voice that only he could hear: "I love you too. "


 North America, West Coast.

 Lin Yuan didn't waste a moment. After bidding farewell to Chu Yu, he flew all the way in the air and arrived here at the fastest speed.

Wang Zhanlin also met him here as he said and told him the general story of the matter.

Lin Yuan looked solemn and asked in a deep voice: "Is everything you said true?" Wang Zhanlin nodded and said calmly: "It is indeed hard to believe, but it did happen. The entire New York City, They have all been almost completely destroyed.”

“Now, all the kings of the human parliament have received corresponding instructions to rush to the aid of New York City and control the battlefield within New York City at all costs!”

“Okay, let’s not talk so much now. Let’s get there first and then talk about it.”

“The faster we can get together, the less pressure they can bear.”

Lin Yuan nodded and responded: "Okay!"


The speed of flying in the air of Heavenly King realm warriors is not slow, not to mention that Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin are both warriors known for their speed.

Within an hour, they arrived near New York City.

Although Lin Yuan has never been here before, he has heard of the famous name of New York City.

  After all, before the advent of the energy era, New York was one of the most populous and prosperous cities in the United States and even the world. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a ‘world-class’ city.

Even some people think that New York is like the capital of the world.

Even after experiencing an explosion of source energy, New York's status as a city has not been affected. It is still one of the most prosperous cities in North America, and has even attracted many king-level warriors to settle here.

However, the New York City in front of him was completely different from the prosperous world-famous city in Lin Yuan's impression.

 Gloomy and dilapidated, with fires rising into the sky everywhere.

Wails, screams, and screams of fear all came together.

Even Lin Yuan smelled a strong smell of blood in the air.

The New York City in front of you, where there is not even half a shadow of the capital of the world, is clearly a human purgatory spreading terror!

 “How did it become like this?”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan murmured to himself subconsciously.

Wang Zhanlin glanced at him, then handed over a mobile phone and said calmly: "This is the video sent back by the Ministry of Military Affairs from the front line as soon as possible. You can take a look."

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then took the phone directly and clicked the play button in the center of the video.

The video was quite clear, and the sky above New York City was clear.

However, at this moment, the blue sky suddenly became violently twisted, as if a clean blue cloth had been violently kneaded into a ball.

With the distortion of space, a dark black spaceship jumped out of the distorted space and appeared in the sky above New York City.

This vision soon attracted the attention of New York City.

The moment the black battleship appeared, New York City's defense system was instantly activated!

The pale blue light curtain suddenly spread out in an arc shape, enveloping the entire New York City.

This blue light curtain is New York City’s defense system, the ‘sky’!

In terms of defense capabilities, the defense capabilities of ‘Tian Qiong’ are even higher than Yanjing City’s defense system ‘Xuanwu’!

Someone once asserted that without the cooperation of hundreds of powerful men above the Heavenly King Realm, it would be impossible to break through the "sky dome" of New York City.

It has to be said that New York City is indeed a famous city. After the mysterious black battleship appeared, its response speed was quite fast. It almost didn't waste any time and made an instant decision, using the 'sky dome' to block the black battleship. Beyond the barrier!

 (End of this chapter)

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