Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 367: I'm here to conquer you

Chapter 367 I’m here to conquer you

After the ‘Sky Dome’ was propped up, several Heavenly King Realm powerhouses also rose into the air one after another and flew towards the black battleship hovering over New York City.

After all, no one knew the origin of this black battleship. It was as if someone had driven it out of nothingness.

These kings are all part of New York City’s defense system.

 They must first define the threat level of the black battleship in front of them before they can choose to adopt the corresponding strategy!

These kings were quite cautious, because the closer they got to the black battleship, the more they felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

“Could it be that other countries are preparing to attack us? Even strategic-level things like battleships are used.”

A handsome man with curly chestnut hair spoke softly, his eyes full of vigilance.

 “This possibility is unlikely.”

After the chestnut-haired man asked, another middle-aged man with an aquiline nose shook his head and explained: "In the era of source energy, it is almost impossible for a war to break out. After all, in this era, human beings are not yet truly established. on this world."

 Before the Age of Source Energy, mankind had indeed broken out countless wars.

 But the essence of those wars is mostly to compete for resources.

 After the arrival of the Source Energy Era, the whole world experienced the baptism of the catastrophe.

 After the reestablishment of order, human beings themselves have become the scarcest resource on the earth.

 When humans fell from the altar of the Lord, rampant alien beasts became the common enemy of all humans.

Under such circumstances, regardless of whether the country still has the national power to launch a war, if a country takes the lead in provoking a war, it will inevitably become the target of public criticism and be condemned by all mankind!

 “Whatever it is, don’t you know if you go over and take a look?”

A young king dressed as a hippie and with dreadlocks chewed gum and spoke nonchalantly.

The hook-nosed man said sternly: "No matter what, it's better to be careful. I always feel that the person coming here is not good."

While talking, these kings belonging to the New York defense system surrounded the black battleship in front of them.

 However, the black battleship in front of him was like a dead thing, without any reaction.

 Time passes by minute by minute.

Under such circumstances, no one among the kings present dared to act rashly.

However, as time passed, someone finally lost his composure. The king with dreadlocks took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Let me test the water."

  Continuing to delay like this will be detrimental to them.

 Because every additional second the ‘Sky Dome’ defense shield is maintained requires a large amount of New York City’s energy reserves.

 The next second, the hand of the dreadlocked king suddenly ignited a huge ball of flame that was as hot as the blazing sun!

His name is ‘Alex’, he is not only a ninth-level telepathic person, but also a fire power user!

This ball of blazing sun flames in his hand was condensed and formed by using his own fire control ability, and its power is quite extraordinary.

Although Alex looks young, his strength can rank among the top three among the people in front of him!


The huge flame ball came out of his hand and blasted towards the black battleship in front of him like a hot flame bomb!

However, although Alex's attack seemed terrifying, it did not show the effect as imagined. When it was still nearly ten meters away from the black battleship, the flame ball seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier.

Followed by a ripple like water ripples, the flame ball formed by Alex was directly annihilated in the ripples!

Alex's face darkened, and he said calmly: "It seems that this thing is also equipped with a turtle shell. If you want to attack the battleship itself, you must first break the shell."

His implication is for everyone to join forces and focus fire on the black battleship!

 However, at this moment, the hatch of the black battleship slowly opened automatically.

 A figure nearly two meters tall slowly walked out and appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this how you 'Earthlings' treat guests by attacking other people's warships without permission? It seems like a barbaric place."

 The figure who walked out of the battleship looked around at everyone and then slowly spoke.

 After seeing the face of this figure clearly, everyone present could not help but frown.

  Because, the man in front of me... no, this guy can't even be described as a 'human', because his appearance has completely transcended the category of human beings.

Under the sunlight, this guy's skin turned out to be a strange purple color, and even had a translucent feel, allowing them to clearly see the purple blood flowing under his skin.

In addition, his head is also very different from that of humans. It is in the shape of an inverted triangle. There seem to be two protruding bones above the two forehead corners, and the lower jaw is equipped with countless tentacles like octopus tentacles. Looking extremely unwell.

If judged according to the aesthetic standards of people on earth, the guy in front of you is a completely ugly monster!

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the way the other party calls them is also extremely weird.

 He actually called them... Earthlings.

Is this guy an alien creature?

 For a moment, all the heavenly kings present were filled with awe.

Alex was the first to speak. He sneered and said, "Wild land? If we remember correctly, no one seems to have invited you here, right?"

"I advise you to explain your identity and origin immediately, otherwise... I will never mind smashing your octopus face with my own hands."

The other party raised his head, glanced at him lightly, and said calmly: "Invitation? Of course not."

 “For we have come to conquer you.”

“To be more precise, I’m here to conquer your planet.”

"Conquer our planet?" Alex held his stomach and laughed exaggeratedly: "Brother, is your brain burned out to say such nonsense?"

 “Conquer the earth? Hahahaha...I want to see what you can use to conquer it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a stern look suddenly flashed across Alex's face.

The next second, he directly raised his arms, and two flame **** like the red sun condensed into shape in an instant. The raging fire almost steamed the surrounding air and heated it up!

 (End of this chapter)

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