Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 368: Start destroying this city first

Chapter 368: Start destroying this city first

 “I’m going to burn that annoying octopus face of yours to ashes!”

 Alex roared low, and two extremely hot flame **** suddenly blasted towards each other, setting off two heat waves out of thin air!

 “How grumpy.”

Facing Alex’s menacing attack, the other party did not show any fear and just raised his hands.

Normal people's fingers usually only have three knuckles, but the fingers of the guy in front of me have five knuckles. They look extremely long and slender, but are as skinny as dead wood.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is 'Angelo', and I am the chief servant under the Lord of Darkness."

Angelou laughed: "Because the master is still asleep, I can only take care of you trash first."

He raised his finger, and countless purple energy particles suddenly condensed from his fingertips, forming an energy ball the size of a fingernail.


 The next second, Angelou calmly uttered two words.

The energy ball at his fingertips instantly turned into two purple energy beams, and suddenly shot towards the flame ball in front of him!

 “Chi, chi!”

With two soft sounds, the hot flame ball in front of you was instantly penetrated by the purple beam!

The energy of the beam spread from the inside of the flame ball, quickly annihilating the hot flame ball into ashes!

 Alex's offensive was instantly resolved by Angelou.

“As an indigenous planet that has not yet entered the cosmic era, it is really not easy for so many planet-level cultivators to appear.”

Angelou said calmly: "I consider myself a kind person, so I am willing to give you a chance to choose, surrender, or die."

"Practice is not easy, and life is even more precious, so I advise you... to think about it carefully."

 “Don’t think about it! Get out of New York!”

Hearing the condescending tone of the other party, Alex finally broke out completely. Flames suddenly ignited around him, and his body turned into a blaze of fire, charging towards Angelo!


Angelou shook his head calmly, and with a movement of his body, he instantly ducked behind Alex.

Such a fast speed even frightened Alex!

“Let me tell you, even between planet-level and planet-level, there can be a huge difference in strength.”

“Carbon-based life forms on indigenous planets like you are simply incomparable to me. Even if I want to kill you all, it’s just a thought on my part.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a row of sharp purple scales suddenly grew on Angelou's palm, which looked like saw teeth!

Before Alex could react, Angelou's right palm slashed out like a blade!


The speed of his attack was so fast that the tip of his palm turned into a purple afterimage and passed by Alex's neck!

With a soft sound, Alex's head fell to the ground, with his eyes wide open before he died.

In just a flash of lightning, Angelou killed a king!

The expressions of the other people turned extremely gloomy for a moment.

You must know that in terms of strength, Alex is definitely the best among them.

 But in front of Angel, Alex was like a child, unable to fight back!

 They finally realized that this time the enemy's strength... was probably far beyond their imagination! "Don't hesitate, come together! Don't give him a chance to defeat each one!"

 Alex's death sounded the alarm for the remaining kings. The hook-nosed man looked solemn and immediately issued an order for everyone to join forces to face the enemy!

Facing Angelou, a group of kings opened their respective fields one after another!

Suddenly, in the same space, the power of multiple fields spread one after another, almost overlapping, covering the entire space!

As if feeling the power of the surrounding fields, Angelou raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said calmly: "Is this how you use your power? Although it is a bit rough, it is still interesting."

“It’s a pity that if you don’t want to surrender, then you have no choice but to die.”

Angelou opened his arms, and a huge shadow like a sea monster appeared behind him out of thin air!

 This is his ability, and it is also the way in which his power is manifested.

In front of everyone's eyes, the huge sea monster's shadow was like a devil coming from the abyss, waving its thick purple tentacles crazily!

Just because of its huge size and the energy fluctuations it emits, it brings a great sense of oppression to everyone in front of it.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you. Although I am also a planet-level cultivator, I shouldn’t be far away from breaking through to the star-level.”

“Using your realm classification on earth, I am now...equal to the heavenly king warrior at the ultimate realm.”

Angelou looked at the people in front of him with a half-smile, and said calmly: " you still think you can beat me?"


 Fifteen of an hour later.

 Angelou reached out his hand and gently wiped away the blood on his face.

Even after a great battle, there was no sign of fatigue on his face.

The kings who surrounded him have been killed by him one after another, and even their heads are like trophies, hanging on the tentacles of the demonic shadow behind him.

I have to say that facing ordinary kings, the ultimate kings have almost crushing strength.

In front of Angelou, these kings who are part of the defense system are just cattle and sheep to be slaughtered.

“Now that the appetizers are finished, it’s time to enjoy the main meal.”

Angelou lowered his head and looked at New York City below, which was shrouded airtight by the 'Sky Dome' defense cover, and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

 Those who do not have fear in their hearts will never know how to be in awe.

 And all he needs to do is bring pain and fear to the world!

Only in this way will they surrender under fear!

Angrew's idea is very simple. Before the Lord of Darkness awakens, he must deal with all the trivial matters as much as possible, so that he can be more appreciated by the Lord of Darkness.

“Then… let’s start with the destruction of this city.”

Angelou looked down and spoke softly.

With just one sentence, he decided the fate of the entire city of New York.

 Then, he turned around and returned directly to the black battleship.

 (End of this chapter)

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