Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 369: The resurrection of the dead!

Chapter 369 Resurrection of the Dead!

At this moment, the staff within the New York City defense system did not know that the king they sent out to investigate the situation had been killed by Angelou.

While maintaining the energy consumption of the ‘Sky Vault’, they were waiting for the King of Heaven on the front line to pass back the information.

 At the same time, they have been monitoring the black battleship's every move from a distance through the monitor screen.

 No one knows what will happen next.

 For them, everything is unknown!

However, at this moment, the black battleship, which had always been like a dead thing, finally made some movement!

I saw countless bright lines lighting up on the hull of this battleship, as if it was charging!

 For a moment, the faces of the staff of the New York City defense system showed nervousness.

 “What does this battleship want to do?!”

“The defense system detected extremely violent energy fluctuations!”

 “Damn it, he is trying to break through our ‘sky’ by force!”

 “Where is the Heavenly King Warrior we sent out?! Why didn’t anyone stop it?!”

“Raise the defense index of ‘Sky Dome’ to the highest level! Immediately, immediately! Don’t worry about the energy consumption! We must defend this attack no matter what!”


 The whole defense system immediately became noisy and turned into a pot of porridge.

And the energy of the black battleship finally condensed and formed on the black muzzle, exuding unprecedented destructive waves.

The next second, a black beam of light like thunder suddenly crashed down towards the sky below, as if God's punishment was coming to the world!

Under the black beam of light in front of him, New York City's defense system, the Sky Dome, only lasted for less than five breaths before it suddenly shattered, cracking like a mirror that had been thrown heavily to the ground. Then it shattered!

The remaining energy beams poured into the center of New York City, destroying all the buildings with a devastating force, leaving only a huge black pit.

 At least tens of thousands of lives were annihilated in the fluctuations of the energy beam!

The entire residents of New York City have witnessed this vision with their own eyes. There are even fanatical religious believers who believe that the scene in front of them is a punishment sent by God!

 Panic, fear, panic, riots...all kinds of negative emotions broke out in New York City almost instantly!

However, no one knows that this is just the beginning.


 Black battleship, control room.

 Angelou looked at the scene on the screen, and his face couldn't help but show a bit of satisfaction.

The main gun that launched the attack just now was the main gun of the "Dark Star". After completing the charge, it can even explode with a full force comparable to that of a star-level powerhouse. How can it be achieved by the defense system on earth? blocked.

“Now that the greetings are over, it’s time to take action.”

Angelo grinned, turned and left the control room, and came to another main cabin on the battleship.

The area here is very large, covering three to four hundred square meters, and it looks extremely vast.

 But in such an open main cabin, there are layers of nutrition cabins arranged like freezers. Each nutrition cabin is filled with bodies of different shapes.

In these nutrition cabins, there are green-skinned dwarfs as stooped as goblins; Cyclops with dark brown skin; beauties with devil horns and charming faces like succubus; and even some like Angel Like this, a demon with octopus tentacles on its lower jaw and purple blood flowing under its skin...

Without exception, these bodies in the nutrition cabin are all the corpses of alien warriors purchased by the Lord of Darkness at a high price.

 In order to prevent the corpses from decomposing, they were all stored in the nutrition cabin.

 For the Lord of Darkness, he naturally had his own motives for spending a large sum of money to acquire the bodies of these alien warriors.

Long before they arrived on Earth, the Dark Lord had already used secret techniques to inject new souls into the corpses of these alien warriors!

 When the body and soul merge with each other, life is reborn in a new form!

As for where these souls come from, naturally they all come from the believers who believed in the Dark Parliament!

Long before the official war between the Human Parliament and the Dark Parliament, the Dark Lord had promised them that he would give new life to all those who believed in it.

To this end, the Dark Lord also harvested a part of the souls from each of them.

I'm afraid no one can imagine that the way for them to regain their lives is to place their souls on the bodies of these alien warriors!

"Wake up, the most loyal warriors of the Lord of God! You will be reborn with a new look! You will conquer the four fields for the Lord of God with the most loyal will and become the new ruler of this planet!"

After speaking impassionedly, Angelou directly pressed the switch next to him. In the next second, all the nutrition cabins were forcibly activated!

 Prior to this, the nutrition cabin has been in a dormant state with the lowest performance. Under this condition, it can only maintain the minimum nutritional requirements of the body's dormant body.

 This is why, after being injected with souls, these ‘corpses’ still did not wake up immediately.

 After completing the activation, the doors of all nutrition cabins were opened at the same time!

Soon, people began to wake up one after another.

“That’s weird. Wasn’t I killed by Luo Hou? How come I’m here? Wait, there’s something wrong with my body... too!”

A Cyclops with a strong stature, who seemed to contain explosive power, slowly sat up from the nutrition cabin and looked at his brand new body with a blank look on his face.

 He is none other than Wrath among the Seven Deadly Sins!

 The Dark Lord injected his soul into the body of this Cyclops, thus giving him a new life!

In his memory during his lifetime, the last scene was that Luo Hou was in the killing field filled with blood and mist, holding a black knife and forcibly cutting off his head!

 He still clearly remembered Luo Hou’s almost contemptuous look in his eyes when he was killing him, as if he was mocking him for not overestimating his abilities.


  When I thought of this, I couldn't help but clenched my fists in anger.

 After regaining his new life, what he wanted to do most was to fight Luo Hou again!

 Hurry felt that within this brand new body, there was terrifying and astonishing power!

 This time, he must use his fists to smash the latter's head to pieces!

 (End of this chapter)

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