Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 370: person who rose from the dead

Chapter 370 The man who came back from the dead

Following the rage, other people woke up from the nutrition cabin one after another.

A curvaceous succubus gently touched her body, and a charming smile burst out on her face: "Is this my new body? It's really... quite tempting."

 The one who was put into the body of the succubus was also another one of the Seven Sins, Lust!

 Following this, the arrogance among the Seven Sins also revived.

His new body is tall and handsome, and its surface is embedded with blue crystals. It is extremely hard, even several levels stronger than diamond. Even compared with the jade in his previous jade field, it is It's worse than anything else.

 Haughty is quite satisfied with this new body.

What he didn’t know was that what he inherited was the body of a Blue Star warrior.

This race is extremely talented. After the tribesmen reach adulthood, they can rely on their tough skin covered with blue crystals to possess planet-level combat effectiveness.

 Obviously, the Lord of Darkness also put a lot of thought into preparing new bodies for them.

 Everyone gets a body that fits themselves.

However, this secret technique of reincarnation does not come without any price.

 Among them, the most expensive price is that after reincarnation, due to the inability of the soul and the body to perfectly fit together, 99% of the reincarnated people's strength will remain stagnant forever, and they will not be able to continue to improve through practice.

Of course, not everyone can accept this method of reincarnation calmly.

In the corner of the main cabin, a figure with dark green skin slowly woke up. His face was gloomy and cold. Although his facial features looked similar to those of humans, the skin all over his body seemed to have been poisoned by acid. Corrosion has been soaked in general, and the pits are uneven.

 “Am I…reborn?”

On the face of that figure, a trace of confusion flashed slightly.

It seems that the Lord of Darkness can be considered a person who keeps his promises.

 “This new body is really ugly.”

He smiled and closed his eyes calmly, as if whispering to himself: "Now that the Ji family has been destroyed, our hatred is over. Even if we live another life, it is meaningless, so why should we covet the world?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and gave it a heavy twist on his neck.

With a soft "click" sound, the man actually forcibly broke his own neck and committed suicide, dying in the nutrition cabin.

There is no doubt that it is Ji Xuanye’s soul that was reborn in this body.

 It's just that he has destroyed the Ji family with his own hands and fulfilled his long-cherished wish throughout his life.

 For him, there was no need to live another life, so he simply ended his life.

I have to say that Ji Xuanye... indeed has courage that ordinary people cannot match.

If he didn't carry the hatred in his heart, he would probably become a legend like Lin Longshou.


"very good."

Angelou looked around at the people around him and said calmly: "I believe you all understand that it is the great Lord God who has given you a second chance at life."

"And I... also hope that you can prove your loyalty with your own actions!"

“Right now, you are on the ‘Dark Star’, and below the battleship is your New York City on Earth!”

 At this moment, Lust, who had been reincarnated into a succubus, spoke.

She licked her lips coquettishly and asked softly: "I wonder what Lord Angelo needs us to do?"

 “Very good, I like to deal with smart people.”

Angelou laughed and said calmly: "I need you to capture New York and occupy this famous city for the Lord God!"

"I'm happy to oblige." The succubus giggled lustfully and took the lead in kneeling down on one knee to show her loyalty.

Beside her, everyone else knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice: "I am happy to help!"

 “Then go!”

Angelou smiled and took a step back, letting the hatch open: "I have manipulated the Dark Star's main gun to completely smash the defense system of New York City. All you have to do is to completely destroy this city." Cities make people all over the planet feel fear and tremble.”

 “You want everyone to know, surrender or die!”

“However, destruction is rebirth. After the old order is destroyed, new rules and order will be re-established on this planet on top of the ruins!”


Countless figures emerged from the bottom hatch of the Dark Star, like a swarm of bees emerging from the nest!

 Their purpose is very direct and simple, that is to kill!

 Only killing is the most terrifying thing!

The Dark Council... This organization that has been hiding in the shadows has finally officially revealed its ferocious side to the world!

 So far, no one has realized the level of the enemy they are facing.

 This time, it is destined to be a catastrophe for the entire world!


Lin Yuan silently finished watching the video content on his mobile phone.

What he saw was the arrival of the black battleship, New York City's 'Sky Dome' defense cover shattering under the bombardment of the dark beam, and then countless black shadows emerged from underneath the battleship.

“What exactly is flying out of that black battleship? An alien creature?”

Lin Yuan turned his head and asked in a deep voice.

Although the video footage was still far away from the black battleship, Lin Yuan could still tell that the creatures emerging from the battleship were not human beings at all!

 “Alien creatures? Maybe.”

Wang Zhanlin said calmly: "After all, these monsters do not look like any human features."

“It’s just that things are not as simple as you think.”

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned and asked: "What do you mean?"

Wang Zhanlin pointed to the mobile phone in his hand and said, "You can look at the second video on the mobile phone."

  “And there’s a video?”

Lin Yuan frowned and quickly found another video on his phone.

 After clicking play, the picture quickly appeared in front of his eyes.

 Compared with the first long-range video, the second one is a close-up battle video!

 The battle took place on the streets of New York City.

 The two sides fighting are an exotic king and a tall Cyclops!

 Speaking of which, that foreign king actually seemed familiar to Lin Yuan!

 After recalling it carefully, he quickly remembered the identity of the other party!

 "Master of Magic", Kaldis!

This guy is also a veteran king in North America. He is a ninth-level psychic who is good at attaching his own mental power to cards to fight.

 Even around the world, Kaldis is renowned.

However, what Lin Yuan did not expect was that in his battle with the Cyclops, Kaldis would actually fall into a disadvantage!

 “This one-eyed monster... seems quite strong.”

Lin Yuan looked at the picture on the video and couldn't help but frowned.

 The power displayed by the opponent is at least equivalent to that of a Heavenly King Realm warrior with a blood value of over 800,000!

Even if it were Lin Yuan, using only his physical strength, he would definitely not be a match for the one-eyed monster in front of him.

 (End of this chapter)

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