Chapter 374 Lin Yuan VS Fury!

“What a shameless brat. Since I can’t wait for Luo Hou, I might as well have you stabbed first!”

Angry turned his head and looked at Wang Zhanlin at the side with cold eyes: "I can allow you to join forces. Anyway, I don't mind killing one more person."

Lin Yuan turned around, smiled and said to Wang Zhanlin: "Have you heard that, principal? We have been given permission to fight two against one, so let's resolve the battle as soon as possible. There are other Seven Sins waiting for us to deal with."

Wang Zhanlin nodded and said with a smile: "It's exactly what I want."

Lin Yuan naturally has no burden of being a strong man. In his eyes, the faster the battle can be resolved, the better.

With his furious arrogance, he didn't care at all about the two joining forces.

 “Let’s fight!”

​ He roared angrily before his right leg suddenly exerted force, and he kicked off the ground with all his strength, completely exploding in speed!

Lin Yuan's face was stern, and he also chose to take action without hesitation!

Countless black thorns suddenly burst out of the cement beneath their feet, and instantly wrapped around the furious ankles!

What Lin Yuan used was his superpower, Cursed Thorns!

Angry has never fought against Lin Yuan, so he doesn't know the latter's details. He was caught off guard and was directly entangled by the cursed thorns!


Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he directly controlled Susanoo to rush forward and hit the furious face with a heavy punch!

This powerful and heavy punch directly sent Fury flying more than ten meters away, and slammed into a nearby building!

 “Okay, very good...that’s what you’re talking about.”

 In the spreading smoke and dust, the furious figure slowly stood up, and his one eye, as if filled with blood, turned into blood-like scarlet!

 The next second, his body began to expand, and his tangled muscles were filled with explosive power!


With the sound of a sonic boom, the furious figure suddenly turned into a blood-red afterimage, shooting towards Lin Yuan like a sharp arrow that had taken off its string!

 “Curse the thorn!”

 The latter did not hesitate and launched the cursed thorns again!

 “Still want to do the same thing again?!”

Roared furiously, and before the cursed thorns had time to grow and spread, he was torn into pieces with his hands!

 “Then try this again.”

Lin Yuan took out the Black Thunder Purple Pearl from the system space with his backhand and poured his own thunder power into it!

 Purple Thunder Divine Punishment!

In the next moment, the power of Xuan Lei Purple Pearl was fully activated. The surging power of thunder suddenly condensed and formed above Fury. The purple thunder suddenly crashed towards Fury with an extremely violent attitude. Come down!


 Thunder surges and thunder roars!

Wrath's whole body twitched, and he felt a sense of paralysis that suddenly spread throughout his body.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

I have to say that the violent physical condition was beyond his expectation.

If he were an ordinary king, he would have perished under this purple thunder long ago!

But the purple thunder, which was so terrifyingly powerful, only left a scorched black mark on Fury's body.

 Fortunately, the numbness caused by thunder will not dissipate in a short time. The opportunity was right in front of him. Wang Zhanlin didn't even need Lin Yuan to remind him, so he chose to take action without hesitation!

 “Tian Jue Slash!”

Wang Zhanlin's energy and blood exploded, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed forward. The sword was compressed and condensed to the extreme, and it slashed away in the direction of the rage!


With a soft sound, the furious left arm was cut off by Wang Zhanlin's knife, and smelly yellow-brown blood spurted out directly from the wound!

"it's useless!"

Angry finally woke up from his paralysis. He roared, and a brand new right arm grew out of the fracture again, as if it had never been severed at all!

Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin looked at each other, and both saw a look of shock in the other's eyes.

I have to say that this guy's self-healing ability is quite astonishing.

 It seems that after getting a new body, the strength of these people has indeed made a qualitative leap!

Just as the two were looking at each other, Fury rushed in front of Wang Zhanlin and punched him down with a sudden punch!

Wang Zhanlin did not dare to hesitate and directly raised his sword to block!

This punch landed heavily on the scabbard, and the powerful impact directly tore Wang Zhanlin's jaws apart!

He staggered back a few steps, and before he could fight back, he chased after him angrily and punched him again!

After connecting two punches, even Wang Zhanlin could no longer hold on. He only felt the blood and blood in his chest churning, and his throat also felt fishy and sweet.

"Lin Yuan, if you don't show some real skills, I will really have to answer here!"

At this critical moment, Wang Zhanlin didn't care about his own face and shouted directly to Lin Yuan for help.

After Wang Zhanlin spoke, Fury subconsciously looked in the direction of Lin Yuan.

 However, the latter seemed to have evaporated and disappeared from his sight.

Where did that kid... go? !

Fury felt terrified because he couldn't even sense Lin Yuan's breath!

Of course he knew that Lin Yuan must have been forcibly hidden through some means, but this special method that could hide all the aura made even Fury feel slightly frightened!

 “Get out of here!”

Although Fury may seem reckless, he is not a mindless person at all.

After Lin Yuan hid himself, Fury quickly made a judgment based on his own combat experience, and punched the ground directly under his feet!

 For a moment, the gravel flew away, and the broken stone flakes were like blades, flying in all directions!

 Obviously, Fury wanted to determine Lin Yuan's location in this way!

However, at this moment, Lin Yuan's chuckle suddenly sounded in his ears.

“Wouldn’t it be too much to underestimate me if you want to find me in this way?”

 Hurry's face condensed, and he immediately raised his head and looked up!

 Because Lin Yuan's voice came from above his head!

 The gravel was splashed in all directions, but the top of his head was exactly in the blind spot!

Just when the rage reared its head, Lin Yuan chose to take action without hesitation!

The scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan, as red as blood, suddenly flowed in his eyes!

 “Divine power!”

Lin Yuan looked at Fury and spat out these two words coldly and forcefully!

 (End of this chapter)

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