Chapter 375: Died in rage!

The ability that Lin Yuan used before was naturally the upgraded Shenyin!

 As an upgraded version of Xiyin, Shenyin has a hiding ability that far exceeds that of the former, so naturally it will not be easily seen through by Fury.

 Under the influence of divine power, the space next to the furious head began to distort out of thin air!

 The huge twisting force actually squeezed his head so hard that it exploded out of position!

 After the head cracked, countless smelly yellow-brown blood spurted out!

However, Lin Yuan did not relax his vigilance at all.

 Because before his eyes, the furious figure has not yet fallen!

Sure enough, with a strange squirming sound, a brand new head grew out of the break in Fury's neck!

"Do you really think that blasting my head can kill me completely? Boy, don't be so naive!"

He laughed furiously and wildly: "I'm telling you, my body has no weakness or lifeline at all. No matter if you blow my head off or pierce my heart, I can recover instantly!"

"So...I advise you to do less useless work and die obediently!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fury suddenly grabbed a boulder next to him and threw it towards Lin Yuan with great force, obviously intending to force the latter down!

However, before the boulder could be thrown in front of Lin Yuan, he was instantly strangled into countless pieces by a burst of violent lightning!

However, this time, Lin Yuan did not use Shenyin again.

 As a sneak attack, one use is enough.

 Furthermore, facts have proven to him that it is impossible to completely kill Fury with sneak attacks alone.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan turned directly to Wang Zhanlin and asked calmly: "Principal, are you sure you can chop him into countless pieces with one knife?"

Wang Zhanlin hesitated for a moment, then asked hesitantly: "Are you sure he won't recover again after being cut into countless pieces?"

Lin Yuan said without hesitation: "Leave this to me."

Seeing Lin Yuan so decisive, Wang Zhanlin no longer hesitated and nodded heavily towards him.

 “You two, still refuse to accept your fate?!”

  "Perish in my hands obediently! I will give your heads as a gift to Luo Hou!"

The furious speed was extremely fast. After the thrown boulder was blocked, he rushed in front of Lin Yuan almost instantly, and his fists fell like a violent storm!

 Power and speed are perfectly combined in Rage.

Not only did this guy punch extremely fast, but his power was also extremely shocking. Faced with the furious attack, Lin Yuan had almost no room to fight back.

With no choice but to do so, Lin Yuan had no choice but to combine the power of his own thunder with the power of the stars, condensing a thick star thunder shield in front of him!

Despite this, under the furious fists that were like a shower, the star thunder shield was trembling all the time, and countless cracks spread on the shield surface!

 At this rate, it will only be a matter of time before the Star Thunder Shield completely collapses.

However, there was no fear at all on Lin Yuan's face.

 Because...he has taken out the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter from the system space and held it tightly in his hand!

 After seeing Lin Yuan’s actions, Wang Zhanlin finally understood what he wanted to do!

His Seven-Yao Divine Scepter can even seal Ji Xuanye, who is the Supreme Heavenly King. He can seal only a few angry people, so naturally it is not a problem. “Burn my blood, sacrifice my spirit, sacrifice my soul!”

Lin Yuan held the Qiyao Conferring Divine Staff and began to convert his own power into the power of the seal without hesitation!

However, after all, Fury is not an enemy of Ji Xuanye's level, so Lin Yuan did not choose to exhaust his blood, mental power and soul power, but only used part of his power to seal Fury!

After feeling this power, his furious eyes changed. He stared straight at the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter in Lin Yuan's hand and asked in a cold voice: "What do you want to do?!"

 “Of course I’ll kill you!”

"seal up!"

Lin Yuan wasted no time and pointed directly at Fury with the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter in his hand!

 The next second, the power of the seal surged out like a tide, like an invisible chain, sealing it on the furious body, preventing him from moving at all!

 “Do it!”

Lin Yuan shouted in a deep voice, and Wang Zhanlin understood immediately, holding a sword in hand, and slashed away at the rage in front of him!


Wang Zhanlin drew the sword very fast, and the power of the sword was even more powerful. The sword split into thousands in the air, and it headed towards the furious body!

“How many times do I have to tell you that an attack of this level cannot kill me!”

Even though his body was forcibly sealed and he had to face Wang Zhanlin's sword, there was still no trace of fear on his furious face.

His extremely powerful self-healing ability is his greatest confidence!

From his point of view, even if Wang Zhanlin's sword cut his figure into thousands of pieces, he would still not die!

 “Chi chi chi chi—”

The extremely sharp knife cut open the furious body in an instant, and flesh and blood fell like rain. However, the latter's face changed from arrogance at first, to shock, and finally to fear!

 Because he felt...his life force was passing away rapidly!

His proud self-healing ability has no effect at all.

 “How is it possible?! No, it’s impossible!”

The rage finally couldn't be restrained anymore. His eyes widened in horror, and he roared in extreme fear.

  The last time he was killed by Luo Hou, he was so furious that he was never as frightened as this time.

 After all, when he died last time, he believed extremely deeply that the Lord of Darkness could bring him back to life.

 But if he is killed now, he is really dead!

 “Don’t worry, you won’t survive.”

Lin Yuan's voice rang faintly in his ears: "What is sealed by the Qiyao Divine Scepter is not just your body."

"The sealing power generated by the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter, together with your self-healing ability, has also been sealed."

Lin Yuan calmly explained to Fury the reason why he couldn't heal himself, but the latter could no longer respond to him because he had been strangled into a pile of minced meat by Wang Zhanlin's sword!

As one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Fury died in the hands of Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin, completely cutting off his life.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing one of the Seven Sins God Envoys. You will be rewarded with 50,000 blood points, 50,000 spiritual power points, and 300 star power points!”

 (End of this chapter)

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