Chapter 376: Arrogance, lust!

Although the strength of the seven sinners has been qualitatively improved after their rebirth, Lin Yuan's strength is no longer what it used to be.

 Now, he is completely able to kill the Seven Sins more easily than before!

After they died in a rage, the eyes of those foreign kings looked at Lin Yuan completely different, full of awe, as if they regarded him as a god!

 After all, no one knows the strength of Fury better than them.

But the black-haired Chinese youth in front of him easily killed Fury in less than five minutes!

 This kind of strength is really shocking!

 “Thank you very much!”

The foreign king who reminded Lin Yuan before walked directly in front of them and thanked them very sincerely: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would all die here today."

 “It’s just a matter of effort, you’re welcome.”

Lin Yuan responded with a smile. He had a good impression of the foreign king in front of him. After all, he had risked being killed in a rage to remind them.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan spoke again and reminded: "You all seem to be seriously injured and are no longer suitable to continue fighting. It's better to leave New York City as soon as possible."

"If necessary, we can also **** you for a while. It won't take long anyway."

The foreign king waved his hand, shook his head and said: "No, although several of us are injured, we are still capable of protecting ourselves, so I won't bother you two. I would like to thank you again for your life-saving grace."

After finishing speaking, the foreign king bowed deeply towards Lin Yuan to express his gratitude.

Since the other party insisted, Lin Yuan simply stopped insisting and changed his words: "Okay, then I will plan a relatively safer route for you. You just need to follow the route."

 After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan directly turned on the detection radar attached to the system mission.

 The foreign kings gathered in front of them did have a strong ability to protect themselves, but the prerequisite was that they did not encounter enemies at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins.

 Lin Yuan happened to be able to determine the locations of all the Seven Sins through the detection radar attached to the system.

As long as we plan a relatively safe route and avoid enemies at the level of the Seven Sins, these foreign kings can successfully leave New York City.

However, just when Lin Yuan's eyes fell on the detection radar, his pupils suddenly tightened.

 Because he saw two spots of light right next to him, almost a stone's throw away!

  In other words, there are two Seven Sins beside him!


After receiving this information, Lin Yuan turned his head directly and reminded Wang Zhanlin.

Just as he finished speaking, a familiar voice rang in their ears.

 “Others can go, I have no problem with it.”

 “But you two must stay.”

“After all, when old friends meet, they have to catch up, right?”

 Lin Yuan looked in the direction of the sound and found a tall man whose skin was covered with blue crystals, looking at him with a smile.

  Although the other party's appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes, Lin Yuan could still judge the identity of the person from the other party's arrogant voice.

 One of the seven sinners, arrogance!

The tall man in front of him, covered with blue crystals, was the arrogant man who died at the hands of him and Wang Zhanlin before!

Now, after being reborn, the other party came to them again!

Furthermore, Lin Yuan knew that in addition to arrogance, there was also an envoy of the Seven Sins who was secretly watching them!

 “You’re already here, let’s just show up together.”

Lin Yuan said calmly: "It would be pointless to hide in the dark." "Giggle, giggle..."

With a charming chuckle like a silver bell, a tall figure walked out of the shadows and came to Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin.

“Little handsome boy, your perception is quite keen. My sister is very interested in you.”

This voice is numb to the bones, and even makes people feel slightly confused.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan's mental power was strong enough and he was not affected by it. He smiled and said: "Looking at you, you should be the 'Lust' among the Seven Sins, right?"

“Hehe, brother, you are so smart. Sister, I really like you more and more.”

Lust had a charming smile on her face, fully displaying the characteristics of the succubus. Even Wang Zhanlin on the side was slightly absent-minded. After lightly biting the tip of his tongue, he calmed down.

While Lin Yuan was talking to the other party, Wang Zhanlin winked directly at the foreign kings behind him, signaling them to leave as soon as possible.

 The latter understood immediately and chose to leave without hesitation.

They all know that a battle of this level is definitely not something they can get involved in.

 If they continue to stay here, they will only become a burden to Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin.

Although Arrogance and Lust also noticed the movements of these people, they did not stop them.

 After all, their hunting targets were Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin.

 These few miscellaneous fish will not cause any harm even if they escape.

“I really didn’t expect that I was just a little late, and Fury had already died in your hands.”

Haughty turned his head, glanced at Fury's corpse that had become a pile of minced meat, and said with a sneer: "This guy is really a brainless fool."

Lin Yuan said calmly: "It's okay. You can keep it until you go to Huangquan Road and tell him face to face. Anyway, I will send you there soon."

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, I haven’t seen you for a long time, your tone is quite crazy.”

The arrogant face gradually turned cold, and the conversation suddenly changed: "Then let me see if you are good at what you do!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the power of the domain suddenly spread out around the arrogant body with the arrogant body as the center!

Countless azure crystals, like stars in the vast universe, are suspended within the realm, so beautiful that it makes people enchanted.

However, Lin Yuan was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of him. Instead, he frowned deeply.

 Compared with the last time when he encountered Arrogance, the opponent's "jade domain" seems to have undergone great changes!

“The body that the Lord God chose for me really suits me like never before! The person I am today is no longer what I used to be!”

Haughtiness opened his arms and laughed wildly.

Then, his cold eyes were locked on Lin Yuan: "Of course, I am also a person who knows how to repay kindness. In order to thank the Lord God for his kindness...I will offer your heads to show my loyalty. ”

 (End of this chapter)

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