Chapter 383 is what the Lord God means

 Taken together, Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin have experienced three rounds of battles since arriving in New York City.

Such a high-frequency battle frequency, even if the two of them are king-level warriors, they can't handle it after all.

Especially Lin Yuan, after using the Twin Shadows and the God of Destiny twice in succession, his mental power was almost completely exhausted.

 “Okay, let’s stay here and rest for a while.”

Wang Zhanlin nodded, and immediately took out the special medicine for treating trauma directly from the space ring, and sprayed it on his right shoulder.

As a warrior in the Heavenly King Realm, although the body's self-healing ability has been strengthened to a certain extent, if you want to heal as quickly as possible, you still have to rely on specific medicines.

Lin Yuan on the side was not idle either. He sat down against a big green tree, took out a bottle of mental recovery potion from the system space, drank it and then closed his eyes to rest.

His mental strength is recovering very quickly now. Without being disturbed by others, he can fully recover in less than half a day.

However, before Lin Yuan could rest for a quarter of an hour, he opened his eyes with great vigilance!

Wang Zhanlin obviously noticed something strange about Lin Yuan, and subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Yuan frowned and said in a deep voice: "Be careful, hold your breath!"

Wang Zhanlin was slightly stunned, but he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he silently restrained his aura and hid behind the trunk of a big tree in the sky.

Not long after, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

After feeling the opponent's energy, Wang Zhanlin glanced at Lin Yuan who was hiding behind another tree trunk with complicated eyes.

This guy's ability to predict the unknown is really getting stronger and stronger. He can even predict in advance when someone is coming.

 “Arrogant? How come you are with Gluttony?”

 The visitor looked at Arrogance and Gluttony in surprise, with a bit of suspicion in his eyes.

After the other party asked the question, Arrogance said coldly: "Greed, I'm afraid you don't have to worry about who I stay with, right?"

Although Arrogance is in a state of being controlled by other gods, it has only implanted the consciousness of absolute loyalty to Lin Yuan in his subconscious.

When Lin Yuan is not giving instructions, he still has his previous memory and independent consciousness.

 After Arrogance spoke, Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin finally knew the identity of the visitor.

The person in front of me is none other than Greed, one of the Seven Sins!

In terms of appearance, the 'Greed' in front of me is probably the most normal among the Seven Sins. He looks exactly like an ordinary young man in his twenties or seventies, except that his skin is a little paler.

“Who you choose to hang out with is of course none of my business.”

Greedy smiled and immediately said: "I came here to see you, of course there is something important."

He raised his arrogant eyebrows and asked, "What's the important matter?"

Greedy said calmly: "I don't know what the specific matter is now, but this is the order of Lord 'Angelo'. He asked us to return to the 'Dark Star' immediately to gather."

After hearing what Greedy said, Lin Yuan also got a lot of information from it.

  First of all, what is certain is that the ‘Dark Star’ he mentioned should be the black battleship that descended on New York City.

As for who ‘Angru’ is, and whether he is the ‘god’ that the Dark Council believes in, Lin Yuan is not sure yet. Just as Lin Yuan was deep in thought, Arrogance spoke again: "Since it is Lord Angelou's wish, then of course I dare not disobey. I will go back with you."


Greedy nodded, and then his eyes glanced back and forth between Arrogance and Gluttony for a while, and he asked with great confusion: "It's strange, why are your breaths so weak? Did you two just finish a fight?"

 “Your observation skills are quite keen.”

Smiled arrogantly and noncommittally, then his body suddenly rose up, and a long blue crystal sword condensed in his hand, and he pierced through him with extremely fierce force!

Seeing Arrogance attacking him, Greed didn't even have time to react before he was stabbed in the chest by the former with a sword!

"Damn it, you are arrogant. We are both members of the Seven Sins, and you actually attack me? Aren't you afraid that the Lord God will punish you?!"

  After being pierced through the heart by this sword, Greed finally reacted, his eyes filled with anger!

 However, Lin Yuan, who was hiding in the darkness, could not help but frown.

This guy actually survived even after being pierced through the heart with a sword. He is indeed something extraordinary!

As expected, in the next second, Greedy's figure suddenly dispersed into a black mist.

 Obviously, this is his true identity!

"Killing you is exactly what the Lord God wants!"

Under Lin Yuan's instructions, arrogant lies can be said to come out of his mouth.


After hearing the words of Arrogance, Greed was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He immediately screamed loudly: "I have always been loyal to the Lord God. What reason does he have to kill me?!"

 “You will understand after you go to hell!”

Haughtiness obviously didn't want to explain more. After snorting coldly, he struck the black mist with another sword!

 A wisp of black mist was instantly annihilated under the arrogant sword!

 Obviously, the greed under the black fog state is not invincible.

 As long as all the black mist in which it lives is cut off, the latter's life will also come to an end!

 At the same time, Gluttony beside Pride also chose to attack Greed!

 I saw it open its **** mouth, swallowing large tracts of black mist into its mouth like a whale drinking water!

 “Damn it! Gluttony, are you going to help others do evil?!”

Greedy's face turned cold at first, and then his eyes showed a bit of confusion, and he murmured to himself as if he was absent-minded: "Could it be that... the Lord God really wants me to die?!"

If it was just arrogance that attacked him, there might be other reasons to explain it.

 But now, even Gluttony has begun to attack him!

You must know that Gluttony is the most special being among the Seven Sins.

 Because he has no thoughts and consciousness of his own at all, and is not driven by anyone except obeying the orders of the Lord of Darkness and devouring the living creatures in front of him.

Thinking of this, a look of ferocity flashed across Greedy's eyes.

 Finally relived his life. No one can control his life and death. Even if the Lord of Darkness wants him to die, he will never give in!

 No matter must survive!

 (End of this chapter)

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