Chapter 384: Kill the rebels!

 “You can’t kill me!”

Greedy roared, and the black mist suddenly spread in all directions!

 Obviously, this guy... wants to escape!

  Not that he is not a rival to Pride and Gluttony.

It’s just that, in the situation where the Lord God wants to kill him, Greedy’s best choice is to leave here as soon as possible, and leave New York City as soon as possible!

At this moment, Wang Zhanlin, who was hiding on the other side, was almost laughing his head off.

This guy Lin Yuan is too bad.

Even if you just want to kill someone, you have pushed the other person to this point, and you even want to deceive them.

What's even more outrageous is that in just two or three sentences, Lin Yuan actually scared people away...

Wang Zhanlin was simply shocked.

Brother, you are the Messenger of Seven Sins!

 Are there any Seven Sins as cowardly as you? !

However, they were shocked and greedy and wanted to escape. Naturally, neither he nor Lin Yuan would allow it.

Suddenly, two more figures suddenly appeared in front of Greedy. They were Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin!

Greedy's face turned cold. He obviously didn't expect that Pride and Gluttony would have helpers!

With his preconceived notions, Greed naturally and subconsciously regarded these two people as helpers sent by the Lord of Darkness to assist Arrogance in hunting him down!


 Greedy shouted loudly, and two thick masses of black mist suddenly compressed into fists and blasted towards Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin!



Wang Zhanlin and Lin Yuan took action at the same time. The former's sword was like thunder, and the sharp sword light suddenly chopped away the black fog in front of him!

Lin Yuan also did not hold back. Under the urging of the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl, the dazzling purple thunder also condensed into a giant thunder fist and blasted away with the black mist fist in front of him!


With a loud bang, the fists of black mist suddenly spread out and dissipated in the air.

However, Greed obviously has no intention of continuing to fight with a few people.

 His only thought now is to escape from here!

With his greedy heart, the black mist split apart instantly, splitting into hundreds or even thousands of strands, escaping in different directions!

 “Want to escape?”

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes, turned his hand and took out the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter.

 In this situation, there is absolutely no way he would let greed escape!

Seeing that Lin Yuan was about to take action, Wang Zhanlin's right hand was tightly grasped on the handle of the knife, ready to cooperate at any time.

 But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Greed.

The man looked displeased and asked calmly: "Greed, didn't I ask you to convey the will of the Lord God? What are you doing here?"

 “Lord Angelou?”

Greedy was startled for a moment, and then a ferocious look suddenly appeared in his eyes: "I don't want to betray the Lord God, but you want me to die!"

With the roar of greed, the black mist around him suddenly condensed into countless black mist flying swords, and rushed towards Angelou crazily!

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of him blankly and couldn't help scratching his head.

He originally thought that after Angelou showed up, he only needed to explain a few words to easily expose the scam he had set.

But Lin Yuan obviously didn't expect that the greedy desire to survive was so strong. Before Angelo had time to speak, this guy had already taken advantage of him... It was really reckless.

 After Greed attacked him, Angelou's face clearly showed a bit of anger.

 “I said...are you looking for death?”

In an instant, a demonic shadow like a huge sea monster suddenly appeared behind Angelou!

 The huge purple tentacles instantly swung towards the sword of black mist in front of them!

 “Peng!” “Peng!” “Peng!”…

With a series of muffled sounds, all the black mist swords shattered under Angelo's offensive, scattering black mist all over the sky!

 Until this moment, Greedy had truly realized the strength gap between the two.

His expression changed, he changed direction very decisively, and fled in a hurry!

 However, Angelou obviously did not intend to give him this opportunity.

“When you attacked me, didn’t you think about whether you could survive?”

Angelou sneered and manipulated a dark purple tentacle, suddenly piercing into the black mist in front of him: "I am responsible for selecting and arranging your reincarnated bodies. Do you really think... I will not know every step of the way?" Where is the weakness of a body?"

While Angelo was speaking, the tentacle that penetrated the black mist had already grabbed out a pitch-black heart!

 “Dong, dong, dong…”

Even after the heart was pulled out of the darkness, it was still beating powerfully.

However, Greedy's face became extremely frightened, and even his tone began to lose his voice slightly: "No, don't..."

 Because this ‘Heart of Black Mist’ is his true origin.

If the source is not hurt, even if the opponent cuts away the black mist, it will not help.

 But now, his only weakness is firmly in Angel's hands.

Angelou was obviously not prepared to pay attention to his plea. As a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, the dark purple tentacles he controlled suddenly tightened, and the majestic force crushed the greedy heart of the black mist in an instant!


 The heart burst and black blood splattered everywhere.

 The black fog that filled the sky quickly dispersed.

After Greed died, Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin looked at each other, and they both saw a dignified look in each other's eyes.

Although Lin Yuan effortlessly killed Greedy with the help of Angelo, what they are facing now is a ruthless character several times more powerful and ruthless than the Seven Sins!

 This point can already be seen from the opponent's understatement of instant kill greed.

 After killing Greed, Angelou once again set his sights on Arrogance: "Greedy's betrayal, does it have anything to do with you?"

He shook his head arrogantly and decisively: "Lord Angelou, I also noticed greed and betrayal, so I joined forces with Gluttony to hunt him down."

 “So that’s it.”

Angrew nodded, then turned around and said calmly: "Then come with me, the Lord God wants to see you."


He nodded arrogantly in response, but the blue crystal quietly condensed in front of him, forming an extremely sharp blue crystal spear!

The next second, the sound of breaking through the sky suddenly exploded!

This blue crystal spear, like a cannonball fired from a barrel, pierced and killed in the direction of Angelou, the sound was extremely terrifying!

However, the moment the spear came close, Angelou turned around suddenly and held the azure spear that was piercing him with his bare hands!

 (End of this chapter)

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