Chapter 389 The sleeping Gabriel!

 “Sleeping Gabriel?”

Lin Yuan frowned and subconsciously asked, "What's the meaning?"

"Of course."

Wang Zhanlin explained: "Because she spends most of her time sleeping in the freezer under the Holy Religion."


Lin Yuan was slightly startled. He obviously did not expect Wang Zhanlin to give such an explanation.

“Because she is not a human being, but a perfect life created by the Holy Religion in a certain way. She has absolute faith in God and is absolutely loyal to the Holy Religion.”

“She has no human emotions at all, and has little understanding of the world. In a sense, she is just a weapon created by the Holy Religion.”

Wang Zhanlin said calmly: "But the more perfect something looks, the easier it is to have flaws."

“Gabriel has strength comparable to that of the Supreme King, but he only has five years to live.”

"So, in order for Gabriel to play her due role, the Holy Cult used biological freezing technology to seal her in a freezer under the Holy Cult. She will not be frozen until she is needed to fight. released in it.”

 “It is precisely because of this that we call him ‘Sleeping Gabriel’.”

Lin Yuan couldn't help but frowned and said, "This is... too cruel to her."

"Yes, you are not the only one who feels that way. After all, Gabriel is not a real weapon, but a living life."

Wang Zhanlin sighed and said, "The holy religion's approach is indeed contrary to the spirit of humanism."

“However, behind these intertwined forces, there are more or less dirty things that cannot be seen in the light, even the Holy Religion, which symbolizes light, is no exception.”

“Even in comparison, the Holy Church has done well.”

“They created ‘Gabriel’ not just for the holy religion, but to maintain order in the Western world.”

Lin Yuan said silently: "Maybe."

For the sake of overall stability and order, a person who should have a normal life must be used as a weapon. Who can tell whether it is right or wrong?

“News about Gabriel is almost never spread to the outside world. It’s normal that you don’t know about it.”

Wang Zhanlin said: "Over the years, I have only seen her appear once. At that time, the Holy Religion awakened her from her frozen slumber, also to destroy an evil force that was trying to bring trouble to the world."

"I remember... I had just entered the realm of the Heavenly King for the first time at that time. After seeing Gabriel in combat with my own eyes, there were only four words left in my mind, and that was that I was ashamed of myself."

Having said this, Wang Zhanlin smiled mockingly: "I have never seen a being with such combat power at that time. She is really like an angel from the divine world coming to the world. Anyone she wants to kill. No one can do it." Escaped from her holy spear."

“Speaking of which, that was also the first time I saw the elegance of the Supreme Heavenly King. I really remember it fresh in my mind!”

 Wang Zhanlin's narration made Lin Yuan slightly dazed. Although he had previously known that there were many martial arts masters in the Western world, he obviously did not expect that the West also had peerless masters like Lin Longshou!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but ask: "Then her strength...compared with Lin Longshou, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Look at what you said. I haven't seen them compete. How could I know?"

Lin Yuan said disdainfully: "Can't you even feel it?"

The corner of Wang Zhanlin's mouth twitched: "If I can feel it just by feeling, then I'm not in the same state now. Don't talk about me. I'm talking as if you can feel it!"

 “I can feel it.”

Wang Zhanlin raised his eyebrows: "What can you feel?"

Lin Yuan replied seriously: "I can feel that I am better than you."

Wang Zhanlin: “…Get out of here!”

Just as the two were bickering, a three-party melee situation had already formed in the sky!

To be more precise, Lin Longshou and Gabriel teamed up to besiege Angelo!

 Although it can be said that there is almost no cooperation between the two, they are completely fighting on their own.

 But that’s enough!

 After all, the combat power that a Supreme King can unleash is terrifying enough.

But now, it is Lin Longshou and Gabriel, two top experts from the Eastern World and the Western World respectively, who are joining forces to face the enemy!

 Their common goal is to kill Angel!

 “The thorn of the gods!”

Gabriel gave a clear shout, and a brilliant silver light suddenly burst out from the silver gun in his hand!

The sacred silver spear, like a meteor piercing the sky, pierced in the direction of Angelou. The sharp tip of the spear shone with a cold and cold light!

 After Gabriel took action, Lin Longshou launched the attack without hesitation!

 I saw the great seal in front of him suddenly transformed into thousands of golden flying swords, like a rain of swords from the sky, shrouding in the direction of Angelou!

Being forced into desperation, Angelou had no choice but to control the phantom of the sea demon to block in front of him, hoping to defend against the almost aggressive attack of the two men.


Following a series of soft sounds, thousands of golden flying swords instantly sank into the body of the sea demon's shadow, exploding with thousands of feet of golden light!

However, it’s not quite over yet.

After Lin Longshou’s offensive came to an end, Gabriel’s sacred silver spear suddenly arrived with surprise!

A flash of silver light suddenly appeared, and the sacred silver spear that came out of Gabriel's hand suddenly pierced the chest of the sea demon's shadow!

After suffering heavy damage, the shadow of the sea demon quickly dimmed, and finally slowly dissipated into the void.

Although this was just an energy aggregate summoned by Angelou, after it was broken, the former still suffered a certain degree of backlash, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of purple blood.

"I really didn't expect... that there are people on your planet who can push me to this point and make me so embarrassed. You are proud enough."

Angelou looked around at the people around him, and a sneer appeared on his lips uncontrollably: "It's a pity... no matter how hard you try, this game will end here after all!"

"Next, I will let you feel for yourself the real horror!"

 (End of this chapter)

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