Chapter 390 Ocean Devil!

Just as Angelou finished his words, a group of faint purple mist suddenly emerged from his body and spread towards the surroundings.

 However, before the purple mist could expand, Angelou opened his mouth again and inhaled all the purple mist into his body again!

This swallowing and breathing seems to form a mysterious cycle.

Furthermore, as Angelou continued to puff out the purple mist, his body shape also continued to expand and expand, even to the point where it was almost larger than the Sea Demon Shadow!

At the same time, a series of dark purple tentacles also grew from under Angel's body, making Angel now look like the demon **** from the Cthulhu mythology came to the world!

Lin Longshou's face was slightly ugly. He obviously didn't expect that what Angelou had displayed before was not the limit of his strength!

 He could clearly feel that in the process of alienation, Angelou's momentum was constantly rising, and finally reached the extreme!

Such a terrifying momentum that makes one’s heart palpitate and fearful!

However, Gabriel's expression was still as calm as water, without any fluctuation or change.

Even Lin Longshou didn't know whether she had someone to rely on or whether she had lost her fear.

 He originally thought that with the help of Gabriel, he could easily defeat his opponent.

Now it seems that it is indeed a bit taken for granted.

However, this does not mean that Lin Longshou is afraid.

 In his eyes, no matter how strong Angel is, he will let him die here!

 “Suffer death!”

 After the alienation was completely completed, Angelo's roar also sounded!

 The lash of the sea!

Between the sky and the earth, several purple sea tornadoes condensed out of thin air, like long whips, heading towards Lin Longshou and Gabriel to strangle them!

Facing such an astonishing offensive, Lin Longshou and Gabriel had no choice but to choose passive defense.

The golden sky-suppressing seal suddenly turned into countless wafers like dragon scales, covering Lin Longshou's body layer by layer, protecting his entire body airtight!

Even under the whipping and strangulation of the seaspout, Lin Longshou's figure was still like a rock in the torrent, unmoving!

On the other side, Gabriel stared at the seaspout strangled towards her with the same calm expression, and said four words indifferently: "Innocent Shield!"

As the last syllable fell, a cross shining with holy silver suddenly appeared behind Gabriel!

Subsequently, an invisible wave of energy suddenly spread around, like an invisible barrier, blocking all the turbulent ocean currents from the barrier!

 Within the dirt-free shield, there is a dust-free land!

 Although both of them easily blocked Angel's attack, for the latter, this was just the beginning.

 “Curse the mist!”

Seeing that the seaspout he summoned did not have the desired effect, Angelou activated his own energy again!

Suddenly, the purple mist with the power of curse spread around, and within a few breaths, everyone was enveloped in it!

 Under the cursed mist, Lin Longshou obviously felt that his body functions were weakened and suppressed!

He secretly estimated that if he were to fight Angelo within the scope of the cursed mist, his combat effectiveness would be reduced by at least 20%!

Although 20% doesn't sound like much, in battles between strong men, the difference is often a matter of a hair's breadth.

Twenty percent of the strength can even determine the outcome of a battle due to the ebb and flow of one and the other!

Although Lin Longshou didn't know what the situation was like on Gabriel's side, she thought she should have been affected to a certain extent.

 Subsequently, before Lin Longshou had time to come up with a corresponding decision, Angelou made another move!

I saw him holding up the scepter in his hand and chanting a spell in a low voice quickly!

"Ocean Devil!" After the chanting of the spell was completed, countless water mist condensed and formed into a sea devil with horns and a hideous face!

These ocean demons are like evil ghosts crawling out of hell. After condensing into shape, they madly rush towards Lin Longshou and Gabriel!

Furthermore, these ocean demons are not just cannon fodder. They possess strength comparable to that of Heavenly King realm warriors!

Although these sea demons cannot threaten Lin Longshou and Gabriel based on their individual strength, if the number increases, it will be a big trouble for the two of them!

I have to say that Angelou’s methods are really numerous and treacherous!

 After Angelou summoned countless sea demons, Lin Yuan, Wang Zhanlin and others also joined the battle one after another.

Although their strength is not yet comparable to Angelou, it is more than enough to deal with these ocean demons who only have the strength of the junior kings in front of them.

 In this way, they can more or less share some of the pressure on Lin Longshou and Gabriel.

Just as they were engaged in a fierce battle, Gabriel's figure quietly approached Lin Longshou.

 She opened her mouth and said calmly: "Get ready, cover me."

Lin Longshou glanced at her in great surprise.

Although Gabriel only said six words, this was the first time she took the initiative to communicate with him.

 Before this, Gabriel was as dull and cold as a robot.

However, Lin Longshou also knew that now was not the time for him to think about these things.

 He turned his head and asked softly: "What do you want me to do?"

 Gabriel said calmly: "Cover me and send me to that guy. I'll kill him!"

Lin Longshou asked: "Can you do it?"

 “How will you know if you don’t try?”

 Gabriel raised his head, his cold and distant eyes falling on Angelou.

Hearing the other party's casual answer, Lin Longshou couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, I'll cover you!"

After getting Lin Longshou's affirmative answer, Gabriel didn't say anything, and his figure immediately turned into a stream of light, heading in the direction of Angelo!

Lin Longshou touched his nose helplessly, and then his speed suddenly exploded, keeping up with Gabriel's pace.

This woman is as cold and cold as a goddess in heaven, without any human touch at all.

However, since I promised to protect her, I will definitely do it!

 At this point, all Lin Longshou can do is to unconditionally believe that...Gabriel has the strength to kill Angel!

 (End of this chapter)

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